
Defend this.

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Missing the holiday season was a huge fucking mistake

if they're continually selling out then they must be moving enough units to turn a profit

what's the problem

ffs it's a linux distro on a little board similar to a raspberry pi, it probably cost nothing to develop relative to their bigger consoles/software

>People bought this from scalpers

Bought one (retail price) for my boss here on campus because she said she was looking for one for a while

God she has a huge ass

Where is it restocked??

This. Fucking this.
That would have been the raddest fucking present for my nephews, introduce them to the old ways to get them off their iphones for five seconds. But nope.
Introducing them to Nintendo is probably a mistake anyway.

NY Store

They really wouldn't have given a fuck about it.

It gets restocked at the Nintendo NY store like twice a week and sells out within hours

my dad gave in to a scalper and got one for my 10 year old brother. He also get a iPhone SE or whatever the small one is. My brother is a little pansy who watches food network and refuses to learn how to ride a bike because he is scared so youre right just never give them anything video game related

i wouldn't mind getting one just to mod this with all the roms i could care to play.

I still play NES games after 30 years, i am fine with paying for an emulator box.

>refuses to ride a bike
Nigga what the fuck is wrong with your parents?

unless if the fucking spoiled brat lives in a nigger neighborhood, there's no reason for him not to learn to ride it.

Possibly but compared to some of the garbage I see them play on their phones, the Classic would have been cool.
Eh, good point. I don't want them to grow up as filthy casuls but I also don't want them to end up on here shitposting. They're millennials though so they're probably fucked either way.

Why won't they sell it to places like walmart? Does Pretendo not want to make money?

Aww poor baby lol fuckin pussy

Nintendo can't achieve orgasm unless they create artificial shortages for the junk they use to fleece their sheeple consumer base.
See: Amiibos

they do stock at walmart and such

the thing is when they bother to, because they only stocked their the one time they first launched.

I don't understand why you called that poster a pussy. I am confused user.

Actually, the plural is just "amiibo."

I was just answering his question about where they're restocked, I don't even want one

who the fuck gives a shit it's not like octopuses or octopi, it's just plastic crapola.

>My brother is a little pansy who watches food network

Yeah, he's gay.

And if it wasn't restocked then you'd be complaining about a shortage. Fuck off.

bait takes all forms.

ya never know when a bait gets the hook but obviously this time that guy was just a faggot.

>I still play NES games after 30 years, i am fine with paying for an emulator box.

Just get a Raspberri Pi with Retropi already on it, or install it yourself. Already better than the NES Mini.

Or get a cheap Wii from a pawn store for $30 and mod it.

Exactly what I was thinking. Broanon, does he like movies about gladiators?

>He actually buys from scalpers

Loves them. Why do you ask?

They horrible thing is.. you're right, and I fall right into it.

Just a few hours ago I bought the 8-bit Link and OoT Link amiibos because they were the last ones at my local Walmart, and they were $10 instead of $13. I'm a fucking sheep.

Literally so many times where I wanted to buy a Pretendo product and end up not doing it because Pretendo fucked it up somehow.

>Want to buy New 3ds
Shortages everywhere. Can't find any. Scalpers rape prices.
>Retro Nintendo
Shortages everywhere. Can't find any. Scalpers rape prices.
>Buy Zelda game for wii
Have to buy a stupid remote for shitty mechanics.
>Go to buy regular DS for Mega Man Legends revamp.
Game gets cancelled. No point to buy DS for the one game I actually wanted.
>Nintendo makes cool and interesting DLC that I would like to play
Have to buy stupid Amiibo. Can't just buy DLC or earn it ingame. Need the stupid fucking statue that I don't want.
Oh and Scalpers buy and rape prices.

I both love and hate Nintendo.

i use a laptop with a fake xbox controller to play roms on my television. the only reason left i want a mini is because it simply looks like an NES.

those is good recommendations however, won't disregard them.

Actually, the plural is just "amiibo"

I'd shitpost you for it but people like you keep a steady stream of Zelda machines coming for people like me, who buy N systems years after launch and just play all the good first-party shit for super cheap.
I don't like the company Nintendo but most Mario and Zelda games are topnotch vidya.

It's not like Mega Man Legends getting cancelled had anything to do with Nintendo

Kek, I got the reference. I'm not even the guy with the autistic little bro, just shitposting.

Did you fuck?

You gonna elaborate there, chief?

Kek. I was just looking for an excuse to use that reference.

>Fans petition Crapcom
>Crapcom says "not enough fans want it"
>Get shit tons of signatures
>Crapcom still says no
>Shitendo does nothing
>Sits back and twiddles dicks together.

They could have done something. The fact that they sat back and said NOTHING means a lot.

Or you could've made a better present:

Then again you sound like a little bitch

He's on Sup Forums, girls don't fuck beta orbiters that buy them shit. She gave that to her son then went and fucked Chad, her kid's little league coach.

Are you gonna blow into her cartridge slot?

You sound like you're real fun at parties, user.

Nerdy white chick that runs the tutoring center at my college (where I work as a tutor). Whenever she talks about her personal life to me she sounds insanely lonely: no boyfriend or close by family members (or even just regular friends to hang out with from the sound of it). I'm in my final year and I've known her for all four I've been here, but I feel like only now I'm really getting to know her.

And yeah, she's thin but has a huge ass. It's only moderately wide but it sticks out pretty far.

>Sup Forums once again fails to realize that not everything is marketed to them

Not everybody is a fucking turbo nerd who wants to build a gaming PC or make a Raspberry Pi

Some people just want a tiny NES, even if they're being ripped off

Fucks sake guys


was itching for one at holiday time. no chance. tracker sends me text in early feb, i grab one by some miracle. started playing punch out and looking to exit and the reset button doesn't work. besides having to turn the thing on and off to switch games it's also their fucking way of creating a save point.


You're welcome.

Though to be fair, I'm only a sucker for Zelda stuff. There is no way I would ever pay $13 for some McDonald's toys for any other Nintendo series but LoZ.

PCucks ruin everything with their autism.
Worse than Nintendrones, Nyggers, and Microshits combined.

Just ask her out already

>Whenever she talks about her personal life to me she sounds insanely lonely: no boyfriend or close by family members (or even just regular friends to hang out with from the sound of it)
Dude, she's broadcasting that she wants your penor in her butt.
Get her number you colossal fucking autismo.

Amiibo literally unlock no good DLC
Especially not during Wave 1-3 of the Smash amiibo, which was the only time they were scalped

>buy tools and spend hours and hours making this
>or just buy the NES classic for like ~2 hours of wages

>Fucks sake guys

We have autism, dont blame us.

She's like 17 years older than me (in her late 30s).

Said like a true little bitch

I can see how the Nintendo Mini is a nice gift but something like a raspberrypi emulationstation is better.
>More games
>You can put the thing in any case you want to, make custom shit
>putting some effort into a (christmas) gift instead of just buying shit

who the fuck gives a shit it's not like octopuses or octopi, it's just plastic crapola.

My friends have turned into such obnoxious cunts with that stupid shit

>Didn't get a gaming PC until a couple years ago
>Had every console under the sun though, no fanboy shit here
>Friends all of a sudden sell all of their consoles because "lel emulation"
>Don't get me wrong I turned my Wii into an emulator box before I got my PC but I still like the classic shit, I keep my Wii plugged into an old CRT
>They cannot possibly comprehend why someone might enjoy using the original console or something close enough to it, shit all over one of my other friends for buying one of those retro boxes that plays four or five different consoles

I just got off my PS4, I'm going to go watch some dumb shit on YouTube while I play my 3DS, I'm getting a Switch next week, and none of you fuckers can stop me

My ex was 36 and I was 21, didn't stop me from lesbianating her.

Us idorts right?


It's easy.

Also a lot of people hack the NES mini anyways

Hmm, she's probably well into her nesting phase then. Those eggs don't last forever. But it's not like you're getting laid by your own peer group.
>tfw Y chromosome master gender

>tfw successful and productive enough to afford my hobbies
Feels good.

Because i'm a keyboard player.

Why do you make it sound like setting up retropie is hard?

Because while you or I don't give a shit, the average knuckle dragging ape of a consumer refuses to do anything harder than plugging something in.

I was a manager at a Best Buy for about four years and I had to fucking quit because I could not deal with how genuinely retarded the average fucking moron is.

>Dumbass brings in computer
>It has a virus
>We clean it and give it back
>Brings it back next day
>Same virus
>Clean it and give it back
>Refuse service and send her out the door

That shit fucking happened on a daily goddamn basis of people of all ages

>It's a "college student fucked up his laptop trying to download books of a shady website" episode

you're a retard.

>waaaahhhh he's not an elitist cunt and just uses whatever the he wants and plays everything

you're a faggot

Idiots did. I got mine fairly easily for retail price. I just had to wait for like 2 weeks.

That may be true but if you're visiting Sup Forums, you should be a bit better at PC stuff than braindead consumers

>that brownish PS1


>being this asshurt

Oxygenation and being from a thrift store

Do you not see the SFC or SNES

I HAVE a raspberry pi, user. I even have one of those gay little Pitendo cases on it. I'm just saying Nintendo is clearly marketing the fucking thing to normies and Sup Forums is once again shitting their pants over something retarded.

>Annoyed by PEE CEE MUSTARD RAYS faggots is being asshurt

The same reason the bottom of the SNES and Super Famicom are brownish yellow.

I like it. Its more convenient than dealing with all my old NES cartridges.

It's small so I can take it places and uses a phone charger for power.

The controller cable is too fucking short though and I had to waste money on an extension.

>still commenting

Post pics

I'm only shitting my pants because of anons who are upset about the shortage


You're just keeping my lonely ass company at this point

Let's all just shit together then, fuck it

>buying an emulator in a box with controllers one feet long, that doesnt even use your own old controllers/games

all the idiots who bought this shit should kill themselves right away


hahaha good one

i live in a top 3 metropolitan area and unless you're waiting in line from 5am you aren't getting one

Nintendo should discontinue them and release a 30 NES classic game cartridge + wireless NES controller combo on the Switch.

quickly ask her on a date before you get zoned.

It was the best selling video game console in the US in January (it only didn't sell even more because it sold out everywhere) so I guess a lot of idiots need to suicide

>It was the best selling video game console in the US in January (it only didn't sell even more because it sold out everywhere) so I guess a lot of idiots need to suicide

yeah, put them along with the Michael Bay audience, the Justin Bieber fans and the PewdiePie subscriptors please. We have millions of those. The earth is hungry. Its heart throbs and demands cleansing. The earth is also thirsty.

>Buying this cucked little NES
>Not playing the games on the original carts on the original system
>thinking even 25 percent of the games featured arent shit games that you will only play once

Where was it restocked?

Nintendo NY Store

kek. that's not even a restock then. who the fuck lives in ny

>who the fuck lives in ny

Not your small town redneck ass, that's for sure.

>small town
neither son

Ay Pauli, shut ya fuckin' mouf. Ya guido fuck

>ANYBODY bought these horrible pieces of shit