>no dedicated servers
>always online to play
>season pass
>2 hour campaign
>5 maps
>"MOBA" based
Defend this shit
>no dedicated servers
>always online to play
>season pass
>2 hour campaign
>5 maps
>"MOBA" based
Defend this shit
>most fighting games use p2p
>it's literally a multiplayer focused game
>for content you can unlock by just playing
>multiplayer focused game
>fights held at various unique locations on each map, different weather. Free maps added with new characters
>what are 1v1 /2v2
> see above
If youre gonna criticize shit actually criticize shit that matters, like class balance, game mechanics, map design. Christ at least put some effort into your shit post
can't. traded in my copy.
>most fighting games use p2p
FH is not a fighting game dumbass
>it's literally a multiplayer focused game
Multiplayer focused = requires always online. Got it
>for content you can unlock by just playing
>multiplayer focused game
5 maps. On a multiplayer focused game. 5 FUCKING MAPS. FIVE.
>1v1 /2v2
Makes no goddamn sense to have killstreaks
>class balance, game mechanics,
AHAHAA don't even get me fucking started
>not a fighting game
>fighting with swords and shit
How is it not a fighting game faggot.
It's fun, engaging, and rewarding to play.
There. Defended.
Don't forget the hellspawn of a community it's already cultivating
>combines the E-sports crown
>anyone dumb enough to preorder Ubisoft games these days
>Moba fans
>the legendary cesspool that is the Dark Souls "Competitive" crowd
it's like a cauldron of pure shit left to boil occasionally being stirred by streamers or Ubisoft's own servers completely shitting the bed, speaking of GOING ON HOUR 8 OF UNPLAYABLE BECAUSE SOMEONE FORGOT TO PLUG THE MODEM IN
it feels like the devs made a fun concept and did everything in their power to make it as unfun as humanly possible
So fighting with guns and shit makes FPSs fighting games too?
Dipshit, fighting games and online combat games are vastly different
Idk, it's a fun game I think, I haven't experience any of the issues other are having such as the bad servers and the "unbalanced" gameplay. True those issues may exist, but I haven't had them so it hasn't left a bad taste in my mouth. Pretty fun game, and it has a character that fits my playstyle, so it's rewarding to win with. Not GOTY material at all, but a fun pickup and play multiplayer game.
1o1 butthurt faggots detected ITT mothafucka
I would've been shitting on this game too but I decided to play it. It's actually pretty good. Hopefully the shitty servers get fixed though. Also the in game store is indefensible.
>So fighting with guns and shit makes FPSs fighting games too?
No? It makes them shooting games.
>shooting with guns = shooting games
>fighting with swords/other melee weapons/appendages = fighting games
For the first week I really enjoyed it. Then faggots realized there's no penalty for leaving, so anytime someone is losing they'll quit, which crashes the game 1/4 of the time. Also the pay2win mechanic is overwhelmingly apparent now that autists have rank 5 gear that gives them huge advantages over people not paying for boosts.
In short, FH had a lot of potential totally ruined by Ubisoft's stupidity and greed.
It's fun to piss people off in this piece of shit broken Ubisoft cash grab. That's pretty much
Shitter friendly. That's the appeal.
You are one stupid motherfucker
Prove me wrong.
What the fuck do you call Street Fighter and Tekken?
Battle games? Punching games?
Fucking idiot, stop posting
Fighting games, duh.
>other melee weapons/appendages
All maps I can name off the top of my head:
The shard
High tower
High fort
River fort
Citadel gate
The bridge map or whatever
That's 9, and I feel like I'm missing some
This. The game is good and I hate Ubishits. There are problems though, I hope they balance out overpowered defence. Like, take stamina for dodging and blocking or something.
The season pass thing is what killed it for me. Fuck that noise.
Also, most fighting games nowadays make defence meter. If you block too
much, the game punishes you for it somehow. For example, makes damage on you higher, or longer hitstun. Or chip damage could be higher.
>There are problems though, I hope they balance out overpowered defence.
kek you don't know a shit
You'll never be a game designer
>defend this shit
I can't
beta was fun for about an hour though, when I couldn't see all the flaws
And soul calibur is...?
(Asides from dead)
>cash shop + $60
>p2p with 8 man games
>unfinished, imbalanced characters
>completely half-assed single player
it could have been a great game
fuck current year
It's a great game. It has a cool design that doesn't use RNG (duels) but the players just mess this game up. There's no problem in losing a match, but these faggots keep doing the most stupid shit to win. After a couple of fights with these idiots you just end up tired of playing it.
Of course you can have a lot of fun with some duels and other modes but those were more hard to find than the usual 'defensive stance', cheapshootting and overall always 2v1.
The cherry over the top is that they not only do all these faggotry but take pride mixed with roleplaying and meme pushing (knights), playing with or against these morons is not worth it.
>soul calibur
nigga, you just prove the point that FH is fighting game
Well, maybe I should've used this money on a fucking gym membership instead of a fucking GOD DAMN FUCKING SHITTY VIDEO GAME!
looks like the hype is starting to crumble . . .
>everything is easier to react to than anything in a single player game
kek you don't know a shit
You'll never be a game designer
>Defend this shit
You don't need to, the devs are going to continue shilling the game on Sup Forums and do all the defending it would ever ask for.
I've been having a lot of fun with the game. I switched to Lawbringer from Conqueror though, because this guy's playstyle is a blast in comparison. Conq is great but his lack of options makes him kinda boring after a while.
I really enjoy For Honor's combat, particularly in 1v1, but I'm kinda hoping for a slight LB speed buff and please somebody do something about Nobushi's fucking kick I had that shit track me out of a dodge once.
Why these threads are made? Why lose time of your day just to shit into something you probably dont even play OR want to?
If there are no dedicated servers, how are the servers down? Checkmate.
why is everyone saying that defense is op when it's all about spamming fast zone attack / top lights as warden/pk/orochi ?
Well beside the warlord issue.
There are 11 fucking maps, you ape.
I'm actually pretty impressed with how popular this game is.
Its doing very well for itself, If ubishit keeps on delivering more stuff for this game it will have a very solid future.
You are not optimizing your damage. After most parries you can get a free GB which can't be teched. Any GB can be followed up with a side heavy. Side heavy can be followed up with shove then a GB, Long arm or a light attack mix up. If you are near a wall GB then throw into wall for a free top heavy which does more damage and dizzy, which you can follow up with shove mix up or LA.
If you manage to parry a light attack you can also get a free blind justice.
Nice, I never thought of that. Thanks for the heads up. My default is to usually parry into light and then GB, which I know can be teched but usually they don't.
I've improved with LB from where I was though, I originally couldn't make him work worth shit but recently I've been manipulating my enemies' stamina, because if you throw them down onto their asses it initiates panic mode and they're basically done. You have the complete advantage and they fail to stop anything you're doing, and with GB/parries/shove/long arm their stamina drains super quick.
btw, servers are green again, unless if it hasnt reached your area yet m80
After years of hating Ubisoft for their questionable decisions, For Honor has been the first game I've really enjoyed from them since then
>play the shittiest mode possible
>wow this sucks
Stop entering dominion matches you fucking cowards.
>warden spams instant light overhead into shouldercharge
Is knight the fucking reddit faction or something? I see that fucking meme spewed all over the place now
Eat shit. You probably play Orochi or Nobushi like a little fag ass who needs gimmicks to win so I hope every Warden you meet eats you alive.