>Getting a strong urge to buy Battleborn before it's completely dead because Beatrix is fucking awesome.
Send help.
>Getting a strong urge to buy Battleborn before it's completely dead because Beatrix is fucking awesome.
Send help.
Nobody? I need help. I'm wearing down.
I've got a credit card attached to my Steam account.
Just stop, Randy
This is pathetic
Its gonna cost ya
There are some neat designs in Battleborn, most are shit but some are neat.
>because Beatrix is fucking awesome
I think you need to get your eyes checked if you think that looks good
>Beatrix is fucking awesome.
Would you say she's 'badass?'
This is what counts as a 'good' design?
randy please
Too late OP game has been completely dead since launch.
Or should I say Randy?!!!!
>before it's completely dead
It's dead in the water.
Just listen to her lines. That should stop you from wanting to play.
That's fucking Hot Topic Mercy
>that old lady face
I mean c'mon, nurses are supposed to be hot/sexy, not an old hag, is like they are not even trying anymore..
son, you need therapy.
its a dead game, let it go.
it was doomed before it was ever released to fail and fall short.
I don't believe you user.
I'll play if you do, however.
Let's play a game, Sup Forums. Look at this design. Look really closely. Now tell me, what role does this hero fill?
Here's the answer: A fucking sniper.
Fuck off Randy
It only costs like $5, do it and hate yourself
But why
why are you so mean to Randy
all he wanted to do was whittle reindeer