Comes out in 2 days

>comes out in 2 days
>no threads

what went so unbelievably wrong

Other urls found in this thread:

Didn't fucking tell anyone their game was coming out.

>people tired of InXile's fuck ups
>game delayed so long people have forgotten about it
>Sup Forums doesn't seem all that interested in it outside a few crpg old guard

I think it will get a bit of discussion once it comes out and we can finally make an informed decision on whether it's shit, just don't expect any hype. InXile fucked up too badly for that.

>consistent delays (this game was funded only like a year after the original Pillars of Eternity ffs)
>little to no marketing
>stretch goals they had to renege on
>that whole debacle with the achievements showing various cut content
>Obsidian has actually been marketing their game/campaign for Pillars of Eternity 2 which may have drawn some attention away

Gee, I fucking wonder.

>console garbage
I wonder why

Cant wait for it to come out so I can refund it like KF2.
Beta version was shit, story was shit, npcs were shit, and the combat system was shit.
Game does not deserve to be in the same league of Planescape Torment.

I donated to it way back when but it missed its window, missed its time. No marketing, cutting back on promised features, other isometric RPG's came out first. Played Numenera with Monte Cooke, saw the setting was actually kinda shit.

Wait, it's on consoles?

It's coming out today according to Steam, anyone know what time?

It's coming out at the worst possible time. I love a good crpg but the new Zelda looks like a far better use of my time.

Yes, they brought in a publisher to bring it to console.

Well, I say "they", but actually it's not clear whether they approached the publisher or the publisher approached them.

It's 30 hours long, no replayability, boring combats but good writing (not Planescape level though). Screencap this.

Obsidian came and showed them how to actually make a crpg, so even thought these guys have abalone they're seen as second rate

>cRPG has boring combat


>from the morons that brought you wasteland 2 comes a crpg delayed so it could launch on consoles

No forced SJW memes so no free daily advertising on Sup Forums.

Aren't the Shadowrun games on tablets? Who cares if this game's on consoles, it's turn-based.

Hey you fucks, you know there's a difference between porting something to consoles and consolization?

Name ONE flaw that Torment's pc version is gonna have because it's getting console ports.

I'm cool with that

Games made with consoles in mind always have issues. It's inherent in the process of making a game on both simultaneously. I haven't played the game and so I don't know what will be gimped but something will be. Most likely the UI and controls.

Good writing, my ass. Read at this:

- “Suddenly, a grotesque noise rings through your shared worlds, like a bell if bells could rot”

What the fuck does that mean?
Who wrote this shit?

That sounds like a ton of shit from Planescape.

But fucking ROTTING bells

took a long time before people would even talk about PoE here

This one will be a slow burner just like the original torment. Pray its good.

It's a disgusting bell like sound, but how can something have the qualities of a bell tole and sound so organic? i think it makes sense, and it's not out of place. you're trying to pick on it is probably all there is about this.

GOTY's final update hit so now there is no need to care about any other videogames ever again.


I'm just afraid it would suck.

Inxlie don't need consoles in mind to make shitty UIs

That sounds like somebody played Sunless Sea, saw all the retarded "THIS GAME HAS WORDS, IT HAS THE BEST WORDS" articles written about it, and decided they wanted a piece of that action.

if it sucks then oh well. if its good then thats great. dont fret.

Seriously, what the fak is this?

It's like the writer sat in the bathtub while writing, and farted the whole time, and tried to recreate it in the game.

I need your advice Sup Forums which RPG should I play next? I own them all and haven't touched any of them yet.

Pillars of Eternity

Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition


Pls help

Divine Divinity,
Divinity: Original Sin

Tyranny is pretty short. People here hate that game, but its probably worth checking out for yourself. PoE is great, but it's pretty long. BG is classic but I bet it plays like ASS, some may say play that first so you don't go backwards to it.

I don't own those and I'm not trying to waste 30 minutes pirating them right now.

BGEE if you've never played BG before, PoE if you have.

>Divine Divinity
The only reason I played that to the end was that I was annoyed that the Fighter class doesn't get pants and kept trying to upgrade armour to get them.

I got those pants. Took a while.

Baldur's Gate. One of the best games ever made.

>implying v discussion means a game will be good

Yeah, that's always worked well in the past.

Originally bought this when I chose the option to get ToN and Wasteland 2. Game could suck, but they have such a clusterfuck of lore, I'm just looking forward to the setting and concepts.

I'm cautiously optimistic so far.

Yes, I hate that too

Never played BG before but I like the D&D setting in general, guess I'll go with that. Thanks Sup Forums, enjoy the rest of your evening.

I'm very boring, I usually play a human fighter in most D&D related games.

Have a corgi.

But user, fighter is the best class.

I cast sword.

I wish in PoE II you will be able to climb houses, at least with Rouge / Ranger characters, I miss that from TRPGs.

>spells rogue "rouge"
>talks about a CRPG not having jap tactical rpg shit that would add nothing

you're a fucking retard, go away

Zelda happened

Sorry, misspelled,
didn't mean "T" as in tactical, I meant "T" as in Tabletop.

You are probably wrong. Some of the Early Access people claim that the first chapter can take you 15 hours.

Any Thread that is currently not about Zelda or Horizon gets drowned.

From my rpg experience first chapter is often at least half of the game and then it rushes the last chapters in a few hours.

Besides it's going to be the only polished chapter since it's the one in EA

>BG is classic but I bet it plays like ASS
it plays not much different to PoE. at all.
You can do anything you can think of and the GM can adjudicate in P&P, and you miss CLIMBING?

I really like Rogue characters, but there are many other things too, problem is recreating it in CRPGs.
Realms of Arkania And Darklands were probably the closest thing to Tabletop RPGs, where you have a sense of freedom.

I hope Bard's Tale IV will be good.

I'm sure it will be, user. After all, Brian Fargo took an all expenses paid trip to Ireland for "Research" when the Kickstarter ended. I'm sure that'll be put to use.

Tyranny is short because it's reactive and has to be played three times to see through major decisions. That's not accounting for small things like individual reputation changes. It is otherwise a pretty forgettable game outside of its C&C, though.

>dat feel when hunter background gets you a lot of options when dealing with beastmen in that one small part of the game

Game also has a nice theme.

>BG is classic but I bet it plays like ASS, some may say play that first so you don't go backwards to it.

Not really. Love or hate relationship with BG1 comes from whether you enjoy or can't stand low level AD&D when someone sneezing violently in your general vicinity can mean death.

People got burned with Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity being complete and utter shit so now they're no longer interested in these nostalgia-milking cash grabs. I didn't even pirate Tyranny and I sure as fuck won't touch this either unless it gets some amazingly positive consumer reactions.

>what went so unbelievably wrong

calling it the spiritual successor to PST while being a terribly broken consolized game with tons of stretch goal features secretly never included

>Some of the Early Access people claim that the first chapter can take you 15 hours

it took me six hours if steam stats are correct

>People got burned with Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity being complete and utter shit so now they're no longer interested in these nostalgia-milking cash grabs.


this, basically.

though underrail turned out okay

Pillars of Eternity is pretty great post-patch and with The White March though.

>try hard special snowflake races and stat system
>horrible xp system that is more about clicking dialog options than actually playing the game

apparently it´s one giant sjw party full of "strong wyman", trannies and leftwing proganda about how terrible and pathetic white men are.

why would anybody want to play or talk about a game like that?

Making a certain someone get on his knees for you felt pretty good.


Because I'm really hoping that's not true

The setting itself.

/tg/ here, you fags have no idea what you're getting into.


pure cancer

OMG, that reasoning in the middle paragraph

>hurr durr
>our world is big but has no communication
>therefore a variety of genders, gender roles, sexual orientations, relationships exist

Strange that, say, 2000 years ago the world was as big as it is today and also had no easy communication and travel. And still there were only "traditional" genders and roles and no gender fluid bullshit.

I seriously hope that this game will bomb now.

>literally Nu Men Era

Shut it down.


ughhh so triggered by this in MY video games

I hope to god Trump is as bad as the media is falsely portraying he is. These people need to be removed from existence.

Christ, no.

>literally saying nanny nanny boo boo its our world and we can make it the we want to cisscum!

Fucking disgusting. This is practically satire its getting so ridiculous at this point. If they want to do this kind of subversive shit on the down-low, be my guest but at least do me the fucking courtesy of not throwing this shit in my face.

Where the heck is this from?

nothing gives me shivers down my spine like another playthrough of Baldurs Gate.

PoE is good, but is too small in comparison. And it's a different climate that doesn't compare to BG. Any town in BG is much more climatic than what you get in PoE.

Tyranny is a scam that doesn't have third act and the second one is linear as fuck. I was severely disappointed, especially after the first act which is amazing, but the rest of the game doesn't even get close to it's quality.

sjw garbage, watch the villain be a authoritarian white guy

This is literally copy pasted from their website

"You play the game as the Last Castoff, a shell created by the Changing God in which to house his consciousness. This means that you will play a predefined character. Because the Changing God has been fluid in his choices of gender, race, and even humanity through his life, you'll choose between a male and female body at the start of the game"

So basically you play a trans/tranny god.

>you play a trans/tranny god

Slaanesh wasn't a tranny it was a hermaphrodite for the purposes of nasty kill fucking.

>Subtext implies that it's The Jew and the media manipulating the world at large to limit mankind's potential and stuck with breeding pairs like an animal

Most redpilled CRPG ever made, I don't know how Thomas "Zyklon" Beekers gets away with it.

Is it going to be on GOG?


Good I'll pirate it first to see if its acceptable. I've heard bad things about the games development.

Wise choice

>tfw no Divinity 3
I still need to finish the second one though. Maybe someday.

They spent time and resources porting it to consoles and in doing so missed deadlines and more importantly promised content.

I wouldn't give a flying fuck if they gave the options to "I don't care" or "fuck off" or any negative comment on the speech parts about these subjects but it seems like the whole thing will be a big unavailable circlejerk and the main theme of the game and worse, your only options would be "that's pretty great" or "oh OK, that's nice of you" about these.

Every thread I've seen so far about it has been terrible, so I'm glad there have been so few.

Because no one told me that it's coming out in 2 days.
How's it looking?

Because Sup Forums is wayyy too much bothered creating threads about peebee

> fluid in his choices of gender, race, and even humanity
>choices of humanity
what in the fuck is this supposed to mean

2 real

If they really wanted to bring tumblr "genders" into this they could have easily said/made the god "genderless" like our actual worlds deities from various religions/views.

Are you saying, if you had power to switch bodies, you wouldn't try female at least once? Your shit's gay man.

>and in doing so missed deadlines and more importantly promised content.

Source: my ass

The game was in development for PC looong before the console port was announced. It's much more likely that the console versions will get their own slapped-on interface rather than having a one-size-fits-all UI.

Except for the fact that, you know, the alpha used to have an acceptable PC UI before the console version was announced and the UI swapped for a consolized abomination.