ITT: We post characters who should be in MVCI
ITT: We post characters who should be in MVCI
He'd fit in perfectly if the game allowed for big characters.
Nemesis vs Jack
who would win
Nemesis would never be prepared to be run over by a chainsaw-shear wielding, car stealing hillbilly.
If he doesn't make it in, no buy.
I doubt jack could meaningfully injure Nemesis.
It would be a favorable draw for Nemesis in the sense that Nemesis could not kill jack, but could wreck him easily enough to keep him out of the way.
fucking this
it speaks for itself
Didn't they say the only reason he wasn't in UMVC3 was due to uncertainties with his moveset?
Agree on all of these.
Hes gonna take you for a ride
>implying it wouldn't be the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl
go fuck yourself m80
only on the condition he say "Groovy!" before any super.
don't pretend you don't want it
I think big is an understatement here, since Gore is supposed to be roughly the size of a train engine and would take up half or more of the screen at any given time
They'd definitely have to downsize it, but isn't Sentinel supposed to be like 20 feet tall too?
please put my idol in
he will never come back after sfv and they killed his playstyle, please give him this
I want him to show up in RE8.
There was obviously something fishy going on with him, and I doubt he died in that island destroying explosion.
If they could have giant characters in Tatsuoko vs Capcom, they could do it in this
user you and I both know the edgy fagolas are just going to want Akuma back and if you have either him or Akuma putting the other in is kind of redundant. I feel your pain.
They could definitely do it. Hell, in TvC each side had a giant character.
>he has red eyes like the Ganados, but they can sometimes be blue
give us answers capcom
It would be a hunter or a nyanta. Not even the good hunters, it would be GS hunter.
I still hold out hope seeing as MvCI is 2v2 and seems a little less crazy than mvc3 and mvc2, it lends itself to someone more grounded
who am I kidding
Remember when tournaments got butthurt about the giants and tried to get them banned? Of course none of it mattered since the game was dropped the instant Marvel 3 came out.
Good times...
This This This
This is too good. Actually makes me sad it will never happen.
>will never SLAM JAM Ryu or Cap into the earth
Feels bad, man.
pretty much impossible, but is moveset could be really interesting if its a mixtures of all the skills the arisen had in dragon's dogma
They already said they'll never add a Hunta to a fighting game.
HH is the fanciest they can use but id say lance is the most iconic
Nemesis would defeat Jack easily, but Jack could just continue to fuck with him. So I guess Jack would eventually kill him.
It would be a fighter arisen that summons ranger/warrior/sorcerer pawns. His meter is a powerup that turns him into mystic knight
Jack easy
Jack demonstrates often his incredible durability to weaponry of all sorts, meanwhile if you unload into bitch ass nemesis he goes down like the chump he is
also chainsaw scissors
Onimusha's Samanosuke but dead ip
There were multiple clones of him. That's why if you killed one, he never reappeared at that spot again, but you could find him elsewhere
and he always calls you stranger because you're meeting each new clone for the first time
that could be cool too
If he and Jack were in, they'd probably form an intense rivalry about how to kill someone.
Is UMVC3 on sunday or saturday for EVO? Whichever it is i really hope they do some super special hype announcement or reveal sometime before top 8 or after grand finals.
Is there a single Resident Evil character more powerful than Andre? Not only can he create impenetrable invisible walls at will but he can also kick down locked doors rather than waste hours searching for a key.
The hook.
You mean the pipe
Yeah, my bad.
Fucking this
He could probably act as a replacement for Redfield.
How's Chris 3.0 gonna kill Lucas, Sup Forums?
he's going to solve a set of riddles in a battle of the minds