I loved REmake and I love other survival horror games like SH1-4 but how the fuck do I make myself enjoy Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3?
I just can't get into them for some reason. I don't feel they are frightening, nor that challenging. Just occasionally frustrating, and usually boring.
Aaron Garcia
the first step is appreciating claire
Charles Baker
What do I do after that?
Oliver Jenkins
Aaron Stewart
get her bonus outfit desu.
Jayden Morgan
Tell us about your most recent RE1-3 playthrough and note what made you disinterested in playing any further.
Angel Long
I still need more advice on how to enjoy it mechanically and not just how to make it get my dick hard.
Brody Kelly
play the games
if you liked Remake, they are similar, just with worse graphics
Camden Fisher
I know it isn't a graphical issue because SH1 avoids this completely, but in RE1 and 2 I have to walk around pressed against every single wall and object pounding the use button to every find ammo, most of it just plain doesn't appear until you press the button. It would be okay as the characters turn their heads towards items, but if there's anything to examine in the room or even dead zombies he prioritizes staring at those so you are helpless to find any ammo then, although key items avoid this.
The game goes between boring and frustrating. 20 minutes of running around just picking up items, then 2 minutes of shooting something until it falls or being ambushed by 7 or 8 zombies at once as happened to me after getting the zombie key, causing me to lose 15 minutes of boring progress.
I love other survival horror games but these just get on my nerves. There are so many minor quirks that just make me furious and while I want to appreciate the game I feel unable to because SH1 did it so much better with the same graphical limitations just by pure design and atmosphere. I would trudge through the boring and frustrating gameplay if it meant I could enjoy a good story or atmosphere but it's just not interesting in any way.
REmake is awesome though because it nails atmosphere. Not quite scary but very interesting. I don't feel that with these games.
Christopher Nguyen
Not OP but we're in a similar boat:
RE2 drew me in by its remarkable sound design but I've only beaten Leon A. I think I made the V-JOLT in RE1 but completed REmake numerous times. I've barely touched RE3 and I like Nemesis being a stalker enemy and exploring Raccoon Coty proper like what 2 promised but it hasn't quite clicked for me. With RE3 I always feel like I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time then Nemesis comes in before I can get my bearings straight and clearly remember which door has a square knob for a crank and which has a hexagon shape.
Kayden Fisher
OP here, I know that feel. I love a challenge in games but I don't really feel the games are hard, there's just moments that are extremely frustrating or unfair, otherwise it's very boring and peaceful for the most part.
For example I got the diamond key and opened a door, it was a small room with at least 7 zombies in it and I couldn't help but be attacked by at least one before I left the room, but even if I went back with a shotgun or pistol I wouldn't have the chance to kill them with the amount of ammo I had. I would be able to but then I'd have no shotgun ammo left for bosses or lickers.
Jason Diaz
Colton Nelson
Help please
Connor Peterson
Yeah, I love the moment when I can start running through the game really quick knowing all the puzzle item locations and dodging unnecessary enemies.
Regarding your case with being swamped by enemies, I've noticed aiming the shotgun up can kill multiple enemies with headshots if they're close enough together. The room you're talking about sounds like the one with some zombies feasting on a guy and a few more in one dead end hallway with another hallway to the right and a locked drawer. It's one of the best examples for the shotgun's power and spread since you can take out the whole room in just 2 or 3 shotgun shots since they're so tightly packed together. There's even a nice surprise in the drawer IIRC, and some ammo in the dead end hallway with a broken door that would lead back to the two statues you push to get one of the red gemstones.
Nicholas Phillips
That sounds good, I will keep pushing through to get that then and try the shotgun this time.
Just frustrating to have to try replay so much unless I waste ink ribbons for safety, and from my experience in survival horror I just save shotguns for the bosses, not that situation.
I will try it out, thanks man. I am sure I'll get into it if I keep going.
Camden Thompson
Well, I'm currently playing RE2 for the first time after finishing the HD version of 1 and I'm loving it. Once you get used to the tank controls it's one of the best games in the series, at least for me. I'm playing the gamecube version on dolphin, since PS1 emulators are horrible garbage.
I don't get it, man, if you enjoyed REmake, how can you hate 2 and 3? They have the same basic gameplay.
Jacob Ramirez
I don't hate them but something about the design of the minor mechanics is so frustrating to me. Unless I pound the use button on every inch of everything finding extra ammo is near impossible.
Luis Bell
Yeah I have moments where when a room goes so perfectly I get tempted to spend another ink ribbon. I've had those moments too when I test my luck and pay for it but it's a labor of love that got me to stick with 2 over the other classics. Best of luck user. The second floor of the foyer has a shortcut ladder too once you make it.
Julian Price
I know that feel.
Frustrating my dude
William Campbell
You can always abuse save states when played with emulators.
Jordan Parker
Well, you're supposed to conserve ammo. RE2 is an asshole in the sense that it gives you a ton of ammo at first and then starves you for the rest of the game.
Evan James
Too much like cheating. I know that's the point, but what I'm saying is there are certain rooms that where I really can't do anything but use all my ammo, and then later I'll have to accept damage in certain hallways because of that.
Samuel Brooks
Well, don't try to kill every single enemy, and don't save your game every 5 minutes. You have to learn how to avoid, there are just a bunch of enemies you need to kill. One of the best things about those games is when you're able to open your way through all the zombies and creatures, without the need of waste ammo. Trust me, it may be frustating, but once you get better, the satisfaction of overcome all that shit is priceless.
Brody Perry
Don't threads like these belong on /vr/?
Love the older games but I've played them into the ground at this point. I wish they'd release an Outbreak HD though.
Carson Clark
Kinda same here. Played RE2 long ago but didn't get far.
Beat it recently and to my surprise enjoyed every moment of it.
Sure glad i did Claire A>Leon B, Leon's upgraded weapons are way better than a shitty crossbow. That super shotty is the best weapon, maybe even in the series. That sound, zombies gibbing hard and it even pushes you back, a real cannon.
Thomas Green
There is a semi-regular RE thread in /vr/, yes, but guess what - video games are allowed in Sup Forums, no matter how old they are.