Your thoughts so far ?
Will you buy it ?
Your thoughts so far ?
Will you buy it ?
Did Konami just sell the unfinished assets from MGSV to ubisoft?
This looks like a shill thread
I'm sick of falling for ubisoft's lies but i'll probably still pick it up on a sale for co-op and because im a fucking sucker for tacticool shit
Boring world and poor optimization but I could see myself buying it for 10€ to play it with friends
no, its shit
waiting for CPY RELEASE :)
Fuck no
it's shit
>will you buy it?
no, because there are enough other games that are not shit to keep me occupied
Is the beta free to try?
will buy when half price or so. mindless 3rd person collectathons with tacticool beards are my thing.
the game itself is mediocre, but I have a weak spot for 3rd person shooters
Wildlands with a controller vs no controller:
Sync Fire controls are really confusing in co-op. They leave the same system as the single player in. While playing co-op I thought when Enage was used it would cause all the players to fire. I guess you are just supposed to do it normally with a countdown. This can be problematic do to lag.
Why do they put weapons on the helicopters. The controls are bad enough as it is but, there is no targeting reticle.
Outside of that it is an Ubisoft game. I am not touching it until it goes on sale with all the content.
Pretty decent so far. A bit laggy here and there.
But the car driving is utterly shit.
If they release it like that I will be very disappointed.
Might pick it up on a sale later on
>29gb download
I liked the beta, but I'm afraid it's going to be boring
>will you buy it
I'll wait like I did on Division. Bought that when Amazon moving them for 13 dollars.
I had fun, but it's not 60 dollars worth of fun.
It's actually incredibly fun. I played for about 5 hours with a full group of people.
I wouldn't pay 60 dollars for it though, it's more of a 30-40 dollar game.
Why is the camera so bad into this shit heap, it's like the camera movement runs at a lower framerate than the game itself
not an argument
The beta is fun but gets boring after a few hours.
Pre ordered the super super digital edition
I see the problems people have with the game but my friends and I are having too much fun.
I give this game a 4.5/10
Vehicle control is a mess.
Piloting is garbage.
Bullet speed and bullet drop is shit
Vehicle weapon are a great WTF.
MANY BUGS (pic related)
Designed for a console...
Was expecting A mix of Arma3 MGSV and GtaV.
Will not buy. Thanks the beta !
HYPE Train is always the worst.
>friends and I bought For Honor
>it's become a rage generator
>friends won't even download a free beta for fuck around and have fun in because they hate Ubisoft now
They're right to hate them, but fuck I just want to play with my buddies.
I think I'm waiting for a sale. There's just too much driving till you get get to Ghost Recon stuff.
They're absolutely right, I'd be really happy to learn Ubisoft went under.
But you know how it is, man. It scratches an itch and it gets my friends and boyfriend hanging out.
>don't even have a controller
>go to settings
>controller is on for some reason
>turn it off
>gain 30 fps
Bravo Ubisoft, the most taxing setting isn't even in the graphics menu.
I'm playing on Xbone, seems like it'd be a decent 30$ buy later this summer when my friends and I are bored and looking for a cheap co-op experience.
Also, turn off or set the voice audio to 10-15%, the dialog is Army of Two-tier stupid.
Im in the same boat. Ill play zelda and then ffxv if it doesnt get cracked right away. Im so glad ubi does these betas.
I was so hyped for this game and then i played it and it was just meh.
ah that doesnt help my framerate at all. it runs fine for me, but wanted to see if that did anything.
I think it only works for those who have the controller drivers installed or the 360/bone controller driver.
>tfw getting the sniper rifle (with suppressor) and going full stealth on the cartel camps
I know the stealth is buggy but this shit is satisfying
they're just trying to give you the full console experience if you choose to play with a controller
kept you waiting huh
I wish I could ditch my AI squad-mates. And most players in pub don't seem to care at all about stealth
Nah. Was hoping for 4 player MGSV but we got open world Future Soldier. Not that bad, just not worth sticking with. Might buy when heavily discounted.
Playing this made me realize how much I hate open world games
>driving feels more like sliding
>helicopter is equally retarded
>on foot controls feel clunky at best, especially with the cover system
>game is still easy as fuck on extreme
>you can snipe from a mile away with the pistol
>you don't need anything but the pistol really
>open world couldn't feel any deader, even Tpp had more going on
>civilians barely respond to anything
>enemy AI is barebones
>"stealth" mechanics are broken
>horribly optimized for pc
>runs like shit on Ps4 all the same
>animations and graphical fidelity are just bad
Great concept and all but absolute dogshit execution. When will this company die already?
k go
on my 3rd character starting again
love it.
>on my 3rd character starting again
>love it.
What. Why? How old are you? Have you ever played a ghost recon game?
What system are you playing on? Is it because you are playing with friends?
I have so many questions.
I'll buy it. Had a ton of fun with a friend in the beta.
robin williams + jackie chan did it.
i was about to say something nice but lol fags
jk lol out of ammo
until my balls make more ehhhheheheheheh
Proof that you can simply throw in guns and objectives and imbecile consumers will keep buying these brain dead, garbage games.
will pick it up if it goes to like 45 on g2a, its mindless fun when rocking with a full squad, even if it doesnt feel tactical at all its just feels like one of those fuck around games you play with buds
Screen cap this post.
We can laugh at it for literal eternity, I think.
lol ur a virgum rnt u
>Starter area is garbage
>Go west to the 5-skull zone
>Giant bases that give you lots of options to stealth and assault
>Huge mine to explore
I was iffy about it but once I started exploring west the game just got better and better. Helps that I have friends that are into it as well and enjoy doing stealth shit. Gameplay is still jank but the last few hours I was having a blast.
>Your thoughts so far ?
I didn't really liked it. Feels unfinished and unpolished. Driving is way too retarded.
Movement mechanics are even more retarded.
>Will you buy it ?
I will wait until it will be released. Then probably wait until they release some DLC/Expansion and then I shall take another look at it.
Try your other left.
Infinite money.
Sleep tight, puppy dog.
Don't let the bed bugs bite.
its because youre a faggot
Might be good after a few months of patches. Getting 55-60FPS at 1440p and putting many settings below Ultra is fucking ridiculous with the rig I have.
>doesn't like the game
>will still buy it
Seriously though, why buy something you don't even fully enjoy? You'll end up playing it for a few hours and then never touch it again because of it's many flaws.
So you are underage and don't know any better. Check.
user, I never said I will buy it. I merely stated that along the passage of time I shall return a glimpse at it. What is wrong with that?
it's "free" real estate.
*wiggles dick*
i'm a pervert
My bad. I have pent up anger when it comes to this game.
Did you know that in Canada, milk comes in bags?
How the fuck did they figure that out.
woman joke.
horrible game even for ubi standards
controls, AI and animations are terrible and dont get me started on all the casual shit
You should take up drinking instead.
It's so bad. The controls aren't good, the gunplay is fucking atrocious, the gameplay is just clearing outposts but you can't really be creative about it because your tools are generic as fuck. It doesn't feel good enough to be taken seriously, and it doesn't give you enough to fuck around with to be mindless fun. It's just the worst part of Ubisoft games, but that's the entire game.
I start from the top and work my way down. That's how I learn new things.
Did you know, you meme loving fuck?
Pervert! PERVERT!
can't say no if your body is frozen, lol
oh my
Have some respect you little shit, I'm a veteran.
See you later.
Ask your mom.
Was expecting it to be a more casualized Arma instead it's just some arcade non-sense 3rd person GTA shooter with no immersion whatsoever. At least the character maker, though limited, was still fun.
I'll buy it when it's dirt cheap like i always do with ubi and ea games.
Huh, that's interesting. I thought my computer was finally starting to show its age so I turned the graphics down, but I guess I'll check this to make doubly sure.
If I can get it for $10 sure. Anything more than that is daylight robbery.
>Tooling around on a dirtbike
>Launch off a cliff by accident
>Oh shit
>See a road coming up, maybe I can land safely
>Bike stops, I go fucking flying
>Clear the road
>Clear the road 20 feet below/next to it
>Fucking die
>Little while later I'm about to hop down a cliff that couldn't be more than 10 feet tall
>Accidentally hit spacebar for the "parachute" prompt
>Bellyflop onto the ground 10 feet below and die
This game is the funniest fucking shit I swear to god
its fun and has its moments but it also feels like a very unpolished game
might get it if its cheap but to me, warframe and payday 2 are still dominating the coop genre big time with the amount of customization and missions avilable. destiny might be good too but thats console only so idk
Is it possible to play as a solo waifu-operator, using no AI buddies to silently and lethally take out cartel bases?
if so day 1 buy
>Payday 2
The amount of shit taste in one post
lol I agree except warframe is great solo
I was playing with a friend and web didnt really have fun until he said hela started Johnny Cash and muted the games music.
Honestly, it made the game so much more enjoyable.
>There's just too much driving till you get get to Ghost Recon stuff.
Pretty much Ubisoft in a nutshell these days, they can't help but tacking on a gigantic boring drive between everything in their games, I'm not even sure how they allowed Siege to be released.
Dude it's not even worth it to play it without friends. Mostly it doesn't worth to play it at all.
>Your thoughts so far ?
Becomes quickly boring, shit driving, shit AI and crap tons of bugs.
>Will you buy it ?
Hell no.
>But the game is more fun in coop!
Cleaning your laundries is probably more fun with friends too.
It's so unpolished we encounter game breaking bugs in like every 30 minutes minimum.
The game completely freezes for me every five minutes and it takes a good 5 seconds for it to unfreeze
play arma 3 is you want a good military game.
It basically won't even run on my 660 (which is logical but sad).
>playing jewbisoft games
>playine them on PC
you normalfaggots never learn do you? enjoying no mans sky and evolve eh? LMAO
I'm running it on a 660 at 1080p with most settings on high bro...
I'll get framrate dips sometimes but it's totally playable.
That said, for the requirements this game isn't very visually impressive.
>Gun/gear customization is the best part of the game. The fact that your shit accrues wear and tear as you use it is fucking brilliant.
>Driving is super floaty.
>Flying is terrible. WTF Ubisoft why would you make helicopters control differently from drones?
>AI is fucking dogshit, friendly, neutral, and enemy
>The ballistics are bad too. Fucking guns feel like slingshots.
>It's kind of crazy how empty the world feels.
>It's a huge resource hog and doesn't look that great for the system requirements it has.
I have it due to Nvidia's 1070/1080 promotion. I choose it over For Honor and I have no regrets.
Get a decent internet connection. 350mbps is 19 euros a month.
And frankly I don't see any of these issues getting corrected in the next two weeks.
It's an ok game to fuck around in. Wouldn't pay full price though. It's a bit of a cross between The Division and the Mercenaries games.
>Open world future soldier
I wish. The animations were god tier.
Jesus fuck, this is such an apt description.
>I'm running it on a 660 at 1080p with most settings on high bro...
Sureee. MY friend runs it on medium/high on a GTX 980 so.
Yeah, sure. Wish I had friends as autistic as me for tacticool stuff.
It's fine, looks and plays decent enough. Not going to buy it, solo it's quite boring, probably wouldn't even buy, if I had friends to play with. Just doesn't seem like there's much variety, challenge or grind.
how is that even possible?
I'll do what I do with most multiplayer ubi games, wait tull they're 25 bucks to buy it and play it with friends.
what are you doing and what are you gaining for this?