This is Sup Forums
Gay, right-wing, arrogant, intelligent and fat
the fags seriously need to leave.
I am not gay, i dont follow a particular political ideology, i have average intelligence, i am not arrogant and i am not fat
replace intelligent with autistic. Also, most of us are skinnyfat or auschwitz-mode, not fat.
>Just arrived from reddit: the post.
i think you have me confused with someone else
>this kills the Sup Forums
i was ok with them at first but it's just getting annoying now. especially the furfaggots.
-nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
I'm a gay conservative and proud.
>right wing
isnt Sup Forums mostly leftie faggots?
nah they're just pussies that hate Sup Forums
I'm only 3/5 of those things, OP. Care to guess which?
i'm bihet, more left than not, arrogant, skinny and a dumbass
your move fag
can you delete this please?
I don't know what's cringier. That image or the fact you thought it would be funny to post
please don't use ritsu for shitposting
how accurate is this?
>On 01/04/2016 in response to the statement "Stop downloading all that cee pee Milo, you're just asking for it" being posted by another user on YIANNOPOULOS' Facebook page, YIANNOPOULOS wrote "WELL TELL 7 YEAR OLD BOYS TO STOP SUCKING DICK SO SEXY." YIANNOPOULOS claimed this post was a joke.
all gays have pedophile tendencies. People talk about this like this is something new.
>mtf tranny
>play on pc
>don't really enjoy indie games
>drink water and tea
>don't identify with the cliche liberal and don't like conservatives
>don't really care about country but it could be worse
>use windows 7
>like 2D and 3D girls
I don't even know what 'wing' I am. I'm pro-gun, pro-abortion, pro socialism, anti censorship, anti globalism, and anti-skub.
Sup Forums = niggers + jews = niggerjews
>pro socialism
>anti globalism
Goyim, I...
How does this have anything to do with video games?
Why are the two things at odds? I think we should be working on robots that do our jobs and give everyone a living wage, but that doesn't mean I think borders should go away and we should stop having little cells of humans organized into states that experiment in different methods of living.
sounds refreshing
>I think we should be working on robots that do our jobs and give everyone a living wage
You're falling for the socialists memes. Robots aren't taking over the workforce anytime soon, maybe some day but even then new jobs may form. Socialists use this meme to sucker people into being socialists.
Why are we all such beta whites?
Sup Forums is bond burger?
No, I'm straight, left wing, humble and neither particulary smart nor particulary fat.
You know driving jobs are going away in the next 5 years and it's a 100% certain thing, yes? There is zero point to paying a truck driver who has to sleep 8-10 hours and makes crashes and has all kinds of fuckups.