There's no way this thing can be successful. Nintendo can't think that it'll even be half as successful as the wii. It lacks content already, and March is a bad window for a console to be released. What normie is going to want to play Zelda until the next must have comes out. It's a neat concept sure, but it fails in the most important parts. And that's what Nintendo doesn't want to realize. They literally want to be Apple!.
There's no way this thing can be successful. Nintendo can't think that it'll even be half as successful as the wii...
le soft launch
Thanks for sharing your highly valuable opinion. I'm sure that a multi-billion dollar company with over 5,000 employees haven't even considered the points you've made in your post.
Have you thought about going public with these earth-shattering revelations?
If this were a soft launch there wouldn't be 2 million units available for purchase, there would be 20 thousand.
Nintendo is just fucking up and rushing this thing out the door when it clearly isn't ready.
>Want to be Apple
Being Successful and killing their CEO?
They've already done the latter
>What normie is going to want to play Zelda until the next must have comes out.
next month?
just buy the game from gamestop and return in in under 7 days
Name 5 good games worth buying that launched with the PS4. Im waiting.
Ur mum
Name 10 PS4 games that aren't Bloodborne.
>There's no way this thing can be successful.
No shit.
It's only the cancerous Nintendrones and marketers on Sup Forums who have been talking it up. Everyone else is basically rubbernecking by this point.
People buy a ps4 for the ability to play modern games at a cheap price, very few care about the exclusives. People buy nintendo games for exclusives. A new mario and zelda(launch even) is enough for many to know that this is a console they're going to want to own. Some are interested in the punch game too.
Dont know a single person getting one at launch, and I know a lot of Nintendo drones, but they are all just getting BOTW on their Wii Us and waiting on the Switch
Nintendo fucked up big time
what fucking game?
just because your friends are poorfags, doesnt mean they represent all of the nintendo drones out there.
Uh, Uncharted, Horizon, Bloodbo-
Well since the Xbone is a piece of trash, the PS4 has every multiplat as well as Nioh. I mean, anyone with a brain has a PC, but you need a PS4 for the console multiplats.
Releasing the console early in the year by the time Christmas comes around there will be a lot more games and the Console will probably be on special. The early release gives Nintendo a chance to establish themselves before Christmas.
None, but the PS4 didn't release halfway into a console generation.
Irrelevant. Consoles dont have games at launch.
kek, its been 5 years pal.
See this is what makes the most sense. The #1 demographic that would buy the switch is the people who bought the Wii U (like I did), and the people who bought the WiiU know to be more cautious this time.
I bet it's very few people who will buy the switch who didn't buy a WiiU, and they're gonna get fucked, just like we did.
I guess Nintendo felt like it didn't alienate enough of its fans, so it's gonna go for a second round of pissing people off.
>Dont know a single person getting one at launch
Because its sold out everywhere. Retard
>price drop and redesign in a month
>early adopters become Switch ambassadors and get 6 games for a month and then they disappear
Get uTikDownloader and install via SD card
The Switch is competing with established consoles. The PS4 Slim is cheaper than the Switch and has a much larger library while being more powerful. You can only get away with having no games when you launch alongside your competitors.
I got the wiiU and was very very skeptical about the switch but I am getting it just to play Zelda portably. That's it really, I travel by plane and train a lot for my job so this thing was pretty much an instant buy for me regardless of its launch
>early adopters become Switch ambassadors and get 6 games for a month and then they disappear
>yfw Nintendo gives AAA Gamecube titles as ambassador gifts on the VC, with no other way to get them
>You can only get away with having no games when you launch alongside your competitors.
This is so retarded. there is 0 reason to buy a ps4 when the ps3 exist if the ps4 has no games.
Why do you care?
Why does anyone on this website care?
Do you people own stock or some shit?
If it's good it's good, and I'll get one. If it's not it's not, and I won't.
Why you gotta over-complicate this shit?
The PS4 has plenty of games. Not as much as the PS2, but the industry has declined as a whole.
The Switch is uncertain and launching halfway into a console generation after Nintendo unceremoniously abandoned their previous console because it wasn't doing well. It's launching with one relevant game, which is available on the previous system.
The PS4 has an established library, a cheaper price unless you want a Pro, and it's only going to get more games now.
>People thinking the Switch is in competition with the PS4 or Xbone
To normies the Switch is the second coming of the Game Boy, with open world meme games they love so much, nobody is looking at it as a Wii TU.
OP absolutely fucking destroyed holy shit
Normies see yet another gay Nintendo console for babies with shit babby games like Zelda and Mario. They nostalgia for the ones they played as a child but only autistic man children still fund nintendo's delusions.
I'm sure the switch will be pretty good after 3 or 4 years. I think the WiiU is pretty good from a software perspective (hardware is stupid).
I just don't know where Nintendo expects to find all these new buyers who didn't buy the WiiU. Do they even exist? I don't see how switch could do that much better than WiiU, but we'll see. Once again, I think the hardware fuckin sucks, but I'm hoping for some decent software at least. The entire 8th gen has been pretty shit so far from every company.
>I know more about what normies want than Nintendo does.
>I know more about Nintendos Target Demo than even they do.
The point is that when PS4 launched it had no game while the PS3 had an 'established library' so why would anyone buy a PS4 at launch?
>Being a savvy, responsible consumer = being poor
Nice logic faggot
>Implying people will give a shit about Switch in 3 years
Well, yeah. It's Nintendo. The guys who brought you the Wii U.
Because of mindless next-gen consumerism. And the knowledge they'd need it eventually, and wanting to get a head start I suppose. Remember, there's still tons of multiplats coming out long before you get exclusives. At least there is on non-Nintendo systems.
seeAnswer the question
By the time the Switch is actually relevent, meaning around the Holiday season, it's going to have at least as many worthwhile titles as the competition.
And if it doesn't, the ability to play what it DOES have in a portable form factor will make up for the rest of it.
I already did answer the question. I said that there were none, the PS4 launched with no games. Doesn't matter when it's the start of the generation.
>Argument is literally anecdotal evidence
Either kill yourself for being so retarded of fuck off underage moron.
If by Normies, you mean kids on video game message boards.
> Doesn't matter when it's the start of the generation.
This. Whatever game it gets, it will have something the other consoles can't have, the portability.
It's not like the Wii U, where at best you get Off-TV play or some tacked on gimmicks that use the Gamepad. The ability to take the games on the go is a game changer.
>I think the hardware fuckin sucks
The thing is literally half battery, it already throttles itself and it still barely reaches 3 hours. This is as good as handheld gaming is going to get at current battery tech levels.
You need one eventually to play 90% of the games that release. This coupled with mindless next-gen hype prompts people to buy new consoles with no games.
The Switch is weak hardware, won't get multiplats and is launching halfway into a generation. It doesn't have any of the factors that allow for a console to succeed early on even with no games.
>A portable system with an enhanced version of the greatest Mario Kart game off all time, bar none, with two players out of the box
>Open world games including Skyrim
>No identity crisis like the Wii U
>Sleek design doesn't look like a toy
This is the most normie friendly Nintendo since the Game Boy.
Hey I agree; it's an amazing handheld. It's not an amazing console though.
>mfw we're all gonna get our Switches on 3/3 and have a great time playing Zelda while Sonyponies are desperately trying to tell us to stop having fun
They'll be emulating it at 4K.
>moving the goal post
Okay. At least you admit that the switch lineup is fine.
The switch lineup is fantastic by the standards of a console launching alongside its competitors at the start of a console generation. But that isn't the case.
Youve already said that people buy a console based on the promise of games to come. Otherwise people would have bought a ps3 instead of a ps4.
Well hey, sounds like PS4 owners will finally have something good to play
thats is, switch doesnt compete with anything
its an inferior home console compared to ps4 or even pc
its also an inferior handheld compared even to the 3ds, in terms of what people want from handhelds.
The key difference is that the PS4 will get 90% of the games that release. Unless you want to play on PC and miss many games, you outright need a PS4 or Xbone in order to have access to most games.
The Switch will get Nintendo first party games and not much else. It lacks the essential status, appealing only to people who want Nintendo first party games and are willing to drop hundreds of dollars for a machine that does nothing but that.
>if I asked people what they wanted they would have said faster horses
Nintendo knows what people want in a handheld
The Switch has a worse launch lineup than the PS4 tho
>Fuck load of 3rd parties
That's 2 AAA games and 1 shovelware
>Switch 1,2
>Virtually no 3rd parties
That's 2 shovelware games.
Stay mad Nintenbabbies.
well, fun is a buzzword so..
Having 90% of games that release dont mean shit when 90% of the games worth buying are nintendo exclusives
This is the same company that gave us a 240p resolution handheld in the current decade with a 3D gimmick that no one asked for or used.
That's the way you feel, but most people would rather play Ubisoft trash than Nintendo games.
Nice try fucko.
1 2 Switch
Snipper Clips
I Am Setsuna
Little Inferno
World of Goo
Shovel Knight
Tell that to the BotW hype
>Leaving out BOTW on the launch list
If people didnt like 3d they would buy the 2ds. the 3d on the 3ds is the only worth while 3d to date a decade later.
>normies are eating this shit up because Nintendo actually advertised it
>Sup Forums shits on it
Yep, its going to be a massive success.
The 2DS is ugly as sin and awkward to use. It was also explicitly marketed as a child's toy.
>This is the same company that gave us a 240p resolution handheld in the current decade with a 3D gimmick that no one asked for or used
>A 240p resolution handheld with a 3D gimmick is outselling the PS4
detachable controls that waste the battery life through constant wireless connection as well as being susceptable to radio interference
a shitty overheating SoC that needs a fucking radiator and fan, taking up precious space and again wasting battery life
a handheld that doesnt fit anywhere except a backpack, with unprotected screen and thumbsticks sticking out.
playing games that are meant to be played in long immersive sessions on a shaky 10 minutes bus ride.
yes nintendo truly knows what people want
Well, why would someone want to buy it anyways?
>I'm sure that a multi-billion dollar company with over 5,000 employees haven't even considered the points you've made in your post.
You could have said the same thing before the Wii U launch. We all know how successful that was, right?
those shoes look pretty run down
waow all of these games that i already played
also on wiiu and pc
Yeah, the 3DS is complete garbage. But it has a pretty good exclusive library and dominates the medium of handheld gaming, so it's going to sell regardless.
We all would have gladly ported the 3DS library to the Vita if we could, except for the games that actually need two screens.
>a console launches with minimal content
amazing revelation
Wow yeah I remember the great time I had with Bomberman R and Snipper Clips back when those launched. Fucking nostalgia.
>year 2017
>his dad doesn't work at nintendo
did you just assume his dad's job? he could be trans-occupational for all you know.
>tfw I can just pick up a Wii U copy of Zelda instead of dropping $350-$450
I'll think about picking up a Switch when the new mario comes out. Maybe it'll be cheaper or have more games.
Eurofag here.
My idea was pretty simple, l preordered the switch at a fucking gamestop. 5€ and that's it. Now l'm keeping informed on the launch. Next week I will go to the fuckinggamestop™ and pick up the switch and zelda OR swapping my preorder money on a zelda for wiiu. Is that so hard?
Also, knowing nintendo and the inevitable switch 2.0 is gonna come out for Christmas 2018, l will just give my switch back and pickup the new version for a discount.
Just buy a pc and emulate zelda my guy
>WiiU hardware sold over 13 million
>WiiU software sold over 96million
>Nintendo has made more PROFIT with WiiU than sony has with ps4
yeah.. you have no fuckign clue how business works. It's not a blockbuster system but it pulled them plenty of money and sold decently.
Here's a simple point I think a lot of you are missing out on:
Normies would shit themselves at the idea of a portable version of Skyrim. Doesn't matter how fucking ancient the game is at this point, or that fucking everyone has played it, they'll still buy it, simply because of the portable AAA gaming experience.
Still think Ninty didn't learn anything from the launch of the Wii U though. At least the Switch is interesting on the hardware front, and it's cool to see how the Wii Remote concept evolved into the Joycons.
why not just get it on the wii u?
Normie here, my most current console is the xbox360
I almost bought a 3ds last christmas, but decided to wait on the.Switch instead.
All you PC/PS4 elitists can suck my dick, the switch is gonna sell really well because people like me are genuinely interested by it
Name one reason why some normie should by a Switch.
Correction then: Zelda, for people who skipped on the Wii U, like a friend of mine.
then just buy a wii U and zelda. It's much cheaper
Nobody bought a Wii U and it's never getting another game
it's literally getting zelda
>detachable controls that waste the battery life through constant wireless connection as well as being susceptable to radio interference
Okay, but with that you get 2 player on the go with one console. Also the hand on the antenna thing MIGHT be US problem only from a bad batch, anyway a rumor said it will be patched. I'm not saing it will, if you fear just wait two days before buying.
>a shitty overheating SoC that needs a fucking radiator and fan, taking up precious space and again wasting battery life
It was confirmed that fan works only in desktop mode. Yes waste space, but you cannot have a fan on the dock without a hole in the case of the console.
>a handheld that doesnt fit anywhere except a backpack, with unprotected screen and thumbsticks sticking out.
If you really want, you can remove the joycons, the screen is big as a vita. Super risky in my opinion. Except rare cases I didn't never had a portable console in my pocket, I have the phone in one the wallet in the other. Also skinny jeans and big legs don't help, but that's another story.
>playing games that are meant to be played in long immersive sessions on a shaky 10 minutes bus ride.
Come on, you know that depends on the game. Zelda is for long sessions, but a grindy rpg like disgaea, bomberman and smt are perfect for a portable.
>yes nintendo truly knows what people want
Debatable. N is the biggest and better company for portable ever, since the gameboy. I hated the wii library but loved the wiiu's even if the console itself was a mess