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Twisted Metal Black was the only good Twisted Metal, all who think otherwise are shitters.
God damn, TM2 was the best.
Whos your top 3
Sweet tooth
Yellow jacket
Big wheels black guy
4was the best desu
new twisted metal, when???
>Not being able to knock down the Eiffel Tower and take combat to the rooftops.
How's it feel to be wrong?
christ, TM:B was literal kino
I.... never... loved you
>tfw I legitimately liked 3, despite it's endings being shit
Wasn't any less fun than the first two, yet it catches shit. Never understood why.
Mr. Grim, Sweet Tooth, Axel I guess.
So how'd you guys feel about this boss fight? I thought it was really fun. The missile control parts were a little weird, but I really enjoyed it. It was a real "Oh shit" moment for me.
Best to play as?
Storyline wise?
Sweet Tooth
Though I have a special place in my heart for blacks ending.
I think I managed to use grasshoppers jump to get onto the roofs without a broken tower ONCE somehow. Though like that other user, I used to think her speical was just the jump and not a charge.
Yellow Jacket (fun car, dat ending)
Mr. Grimm
>blacks ending
>shows up to rapekill calypso
>Bomb Blows up
For Black:
Sweet Tooth
For 2:
For 3:
It was neat, but I remember it dragging on a little too long.
The final boss, on the other hand, was 10/10
Dollface's story shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did. Honestly I think it was just how creepy the voice actress sounded.
Charlie Kane (Yellowjacket) also gets a great story.
Yeah I dont get it either but watching it now I find him going "CALYYYYYPSOOOOOO WHERE DID YOU GOOOOOO?" in his ridiculous voice really fucking funny.
>There were people who worshiped Sweet Tooth like a god so they built that crazy thing..
It was goddamn chaos. The perfect way to end the campaign. The race past all the traps and shit was the toughest part though.
whos wrote these anyway?
Crazy 8
Mr. Grimm
Yellow Jacket
In general:
>sweet tooth is cured
>if he kills again the fire will start again
>first thing he does is kill the guy that gave him the cure
Didnt even drink the cure either.
Head on was best twisted metal
>It took him all of 10 seconds to decide.
>getting 10/10 zoomy missles
>bonus damage
>that *DUN*
2 should get a HD remake with online matchmaking and shit.
The other games range from shit to mediocre.
Honestly, that seems like too much time.Ten seconds implies that he considered giving up murder for even a moment.
Sweet, a chance to post this.
You're at the club when this guy slams your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
Activate shield before he gets me too.
Push him off his ivory tower
Borrow her car and taser his ass.
Is there any reason to play any game that isn't 2 or Black?
So why is Minion the sub boss? He sends Calypso to hell if he wins, but otherwise seems to work for him.
Despite people shitting on 3 & 4, they're actually pretty good as far as twisted metal games go, but the stories are pretty meh tier.
3 isn't terrible in terms of gameplay (at least from what I played). It's only real flaw is the characters and story.
Can't speak for the others sadly.
I'm playing Twisted Metal 2012 and I can't find one single car I like. Half of these guys' specials are just chain guns. What?
>people pretending like head on wasn't the best psp game and a great twisted metal title
He was champion of TM1, then got dethroned. He rises up again in TM2 so try and get his revenge on calypso for stealing his powers after his defeat in TM1
He doesn't work for Calypso. He shows up in level 4 because he entered the competition to get to Calypso.
This was great thanks for sharing user
Is there a vehicular combat game where you can do mad drifts while shooting each other? Mario Kart battle mode doesn't count.
3 had awful physics, to the point where you spent more time upside down than upside right.
This. But the PS2 version is the superior version.
>The company is stationed in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The team is largely composed of original members of SingleTrac who made the first two Twisted Metal games.[2]
>During E3 2010 Scott and Jaffe announced the new Twisted Metal game that their team was working on at Eat Sleep Play. The announcement can be read over at the PlayStation Blog.
>Since Jaffe's resignation in 2012, Eat Sleep Play has moved into mobile game development. In partnership with Zynga the companies have released Running With Friends, Looney Tunes Dash!, and most recently Ice Age Arctic Blast.
>Left Right Up
>Drive behind him and place a remote bomb
Nothin personel Slam.
You don't want to get into a freeze burst fight with Mr. Slam.
4 had some pretty shit physics too, but it was still a fun game. 4
Is also brutally hard, like way harder than black.
Also I can't think of a solid strategy for Minion in black, all I do is run around and hope to get lucky in breaking his shields.
David Jaffe is fun to listen to when he isn't being crazy.
Fuck, wrong video.
>a literal twisted metal ending where everyone loses
Oh the ironing
>no one bought Twisted Metal PS3
>new Twisted Metal never
>Sony will put that money toward cinematic walking simulator #514 instead
I've only played Twisted Metal on PS3.
Would I like any of the other Twisted Metal games?
Why did they release a Twisted Metal game on the PS1 five months after Black came out?
Because their reasoning is that the grown-up kids will get the PS2 and give their younger siblings the PS1.
Same reason they released a kid-friendly version of Rollcage on PS1 in August 3, 2002.
Sure, unless you're the kind of faggot that can't enjoy games that don't look cutting edge.
TM2, Black, and Head-On are the highlights of the series.
Twisted Metal 3 endings>Twisted Metal Black endings
>Play-D'oh Calypso
Was the PS3 Twisted Metal any good? No one anywhere seems to talk about it.
It's a shame, Black was such an amazing game.
It's fine. The gameplay itself is incredibly solid, the story is like it or hate it, and the missions that make up the story have the weirdest difficulty curve ever and get repetitive. The multiplayer would have been fantastic if online didn't suck so much.
Blacks ending a were edgy as hell, it did kinda remind me of TM2 though, like with how Calypso would sometimes end up getting fucked instead of the driver.
Remember when Mr. Grimm was a pirate?
That twisted metal never happened.
Shadow's end in TM2 is best ending in the series.
How the hell do you fuck up so bad you go from a Ghost Rider homage to this?
I can't believe it never even occurred to me that Mr.Grimm was a Ghost Rider homage. It's so fucking obvious too.
Quick! The last vehicle you used in a video game is what you have to drive in the next twisted metal tournament! How fucked are you?
I think the question is how fucked are *they*.
That game wasn't bad, but they for sure ruined Mr. Grimm for some reason.
Also Sup Forums doesn't care about car combat sadly.
It's not a huge genre, not 10 billions TM clones out there these days, most of them were around on the PS1 and never went on to make sequels on other consoles.
The PS1 is popular here, you figure some V8 fans would pop up.
God TM2 was so fucking awesome
>kid friendly version of Rollcage
Fucking what? I'm looking into this.
>not left right down when he thinks hes sneaking up behind you into a 180 missile shot
>the Comet car from Gat out of Hell for the achievement of getting it into the Ultor building before it self destructs
Fucked right out of the gate since it will explode on it's own.
I only played the first V8 and didn't think it was as good as TM2.
Nobody seems to have played Critical Depth or Rogue Trip either.
Been trying to find a working rom of rogue trip for ages.
Sweet Tooth
I haven't played it for.. oh god, it's almost been 20 years what the fuck.
Anyway it's a fun game and it's obvious it was made by the original TM team just from it's feel. The stages are kind of blah though if I remember right.
Yeah, I remember having tons of fun playing as the UFO.
Oh, and the first stage's music is from the Mighty Mighty Boss Tones, which tells you how different in tone the game is from how 989 treated Twisted Metal.
Crazy 8
If a new TM game will come out (which I hope will occur in the near future), I wish they returned to the old formula of every vehicle has their own driver, improve the appearance and design of every car, and has better maps.
TM on the PS3 was pretty good gameplay wise but what made me disappointed about it is that there's only 3 stories available in story mode (which wasn't bad but still), Lot of cars look and feels the same (even their specials is guilty on this one), and there's not that many maps (I like that it's big but making us play only segments of it on some stages in story mode feels cheap).