What was his problem?
What was his problem?
What's his name, again?
He got played like a damn fiddle
>gets an arm and a leg cut off by Russians
>seems to have gone blind
>his and Boss' paramilitary group is wiped out
He had a reason to be upset.
He was the only one that stuck to his principles but constantly got his shit fucked up because of it.
Nobody deserved Miller, but they needed him
Every word was like butter dripping into my ears.
I want Kaz to tell me about hamburgers for the rest of my life.
You feel it too, don't you?
Kaz "Mother Base for the master race" Miller
dude cipher lmao
>yfw Eli murders him in his home
Traitor shit got what he deserved.
Kaz "dark skins get broken shins" Miller
Kazuhira "see a nigger pull the trigger" Miller
Nah that was Ocelot.
go suck huey's dick
Too many niggers, not enough bullets.
So how much shit was cut from the game?
Kingdom of the Flies due to time restraints and Battle Gear as a buddy because it was too difficult to balance around.
People often cite Chico as being cut content but everything points to him being decided against during the concept stage. That's everything.
There was supposedly another map, though I'm not sure how much content was supposed to be on it since it was mostly just facing off against Liquid and the Metal Gear.
Kaz did nothing wrong.
Too perfect.
I really like his characterization in PW and MGSV but it's hard to figure out what exactly he does between MGSV and when he first meets Snake, whenever that is.
>that line of dialogue where Kaz accepts Venom as the true representation of the core concept of Big Boss, creating the most significant character moment for him in the entire story
>It's relegated to a basic bit of radio chatter when you're sitting in the ACC
Weren't you also supposed to be able to go back to the Omega black site in TPP?
Also, not necessarily cut content, but why was so much important dialog delivered via cassette tape instead of cutscene?
Paz was an angel of peace.
>Kaz consider Venom to be the true Big Boss
>Was actually undercover during MG1
>Went on to help Solid in MG2 because to him Big Boss is dead and see the real Big Boss like the hypocrite that he is
>Weren't you also supposed to be able to go back to the Omega black site in TPP?
Going by comments Kojima made prior to its release, apparently so. No further signs of it exist though, and nothing indicates what might have happened there.
>Also, not necessarily cut content, but why was so much important dialog delivered via cassette tape instead of cutscene?
That's the way they decided to tell the story. There's not much more that can be said, you can spend all day asking "why did they do it this way and not that way" but in the end this is how they wanted it/did it.
And I guess while there are certain tapes that would work fine as cutscenes, the format also allows recordings of conversations that Venom wouldn't necessarily have had any way to stand witness to.
It took me a few playthroughs to realize it, but the real Big Boss is a fucking cunt.
Venom was infinitely better. Venon deserved infinitely better.
>it's a wtf i hate big boss now episode
>tfw no Venom+Kaz bromance/revenge porno game
>Venom was infinitely better.
He still goes through with being Big Boss Jr. and plays along with Big Boss's plans until the very end at Outer Heaven. He's not that great.
That's basically what MGSV was.
>It took me a few playthroughs to realize it, but the real Big Boss is a fucking cunt.
We've known Big Boss turns out to be a cunt since 1987.
You're right, but he does it because Big Boss spins it as some great work and Venom believes it's the next step of the soldier's utopia.
Then the timeskip happens, and by the time Venom realizes what Big Boss really is and that he's become the demon that represents the truth of the man himself, he's in too deep to stop.
Yeah, but I was surprised to finally realize that MGSV actually did it in a way that tied in. MGS3 and PW definitely built up a cult of hero worship around him within the fanbase that made it difficult to see him for what he became in V.
>but he does it because Big Boss spins it as some great work and Venom believes it's the next step of the soldier's utopia.
We don't really know why he does it exactly. It's clear he stays pretty loyal, but whether it's because he agrees with Big Boss's ideals or simply out of being obsequious is hard to say. It's not really justifiable in either case though.
>he's in too deep to stop
That's not what I took from it. It's possible, but the fact the demon disappears when he punches the mirror strikes me as a statement of resolution more than anything, given the sequence seems somewhat metaphorical and where he's at when he dies. But in that sense it doesn't really matter: either way he keeps on trucking like the little Big Boss Jr. he is.
Quiet being a bigger outcast and loser than Huey was, of course, not his problem since Venom never cared about Quiet.
>MGS3 and PW definitely built up a cult of hero worship around him
That was the entire point.
>That's not what I took from it. It's possible, but the fact the demon disappears when he punches the mirror strikes me as a statement of resolution more than anything, given the sequence seems somewhat metaphorical and where he's at when he dies. But in that sense it doesn't really matter: either way he keeps on trucking like the little Big Boss Jr. he is.
See, I interpreted it as far from a resolution. He sees the image of the demon which is used to represent his guilt and disgust with his actions through the game, and destroys the mirror in anger when confronted with it; you then see the "clean" Venom literally walk off into fog and nothingness to be forgotten as anything but the monstrous Big Boss who died at Outer Heaven.
>seems to have gone blind
That's one thing that still weirds me out. His eyes are white like a blind person's, but he hobbles around Motherbase just fine and even goes on to train Solid Snake in CQC.
Which means he managed to perfectly map out the entire Motherbase and learn how to teach CQC to kids by nothing more than pure, concentrated mad.
>MGS3 and PW definitely built up a cult of hero worship around him
I think Kojima was aware of it:
>Snake: The war criminal, reinvented as a hero.
>Otacon: Big Boss's exploits as a Cold War secret agent back in the 60s have made him a legend.
>Snake: The less people know about the truth, the more they can fantasize.
It's hard not to interpret this in a way that isn't a little meta.
Kaz did nothing wrong.
Oh, I'm very aware it was the point. I'm saying it worked so well that a lot of people, including myself for a time, didn't realize it.
Sorry, meant for
>and even goes on to train Solid Snake in CQC.
Nope. Big Boss did.
It's still a little odd for a drill instructor and survival expert to be employed so crippled, though. Not that he couldn't still be a great source of knowledge. I know I never would have been able to beat Metal Gear 2 if not for Miller occasionally reminding me to wait a half hour after eating before playing games and to never give up and stuff.
Honestly I just look at Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket and ask myself if Kaz could have done his job.
Even with one arm, one leg and impaired sight, I reckon he could have.
my man Miller was a bit bitter.
please dont