Have you ever been beaten by a girl, Sup Forums?

Have you ever been beaten by a girl, Sup Forums?

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>can only hit one button at a time because paws

lol fucking delusional gmr grrrrrrl cats

Not on anything but team games, no.

it always ends differently
>tch, nothing personal user but I'm pretty much an expert at this game
>beat her super easily and actually have to limit myself to not embarrass her too much
>check her steam profile on my phone
>she has over 500 hours
>I've never played it before
every time

I think I got beaten on mario kart once.

I was immediately castrated by the village elder.

she won because she's using the good controller

I like The Gamercat too.

Excuse me are you trying to be funny?

>it's not an edit

I beat fuckboys from Sup Forums all the time. gg 2ez

I want to cum inside female gamer cat

Yes, but she made me pay extra for it.

Trying too hard, my friend.

Haha, video game cats.

That's cringe.


that's not even how cats have sex
it's much more terrifying
fucking stupid cats
pieces of shit

Only girl (male). They are bullies that try to act cute.

>you're such a nice guy I wish I could find a guy like you
>i'm a guy like me
>teehee :^)

I let one win at wrestling when I was 12
>it was all a part of my plan


In person, like couch coop? Nah
I've probably gotten beaten in online games by some girls though

These cats act more like humans under the cat shape.

>asuras wrath is the example of a good game

Somehow I don't think this cartoon strip is for me

cats have barbed penises so yeah, cat sex is almost always rape.
My cat makes horrible yells when she's raped, I can hear it from my bed, it usually doesn't go one for too long.

You just let other cats rape your cat? Doesn't that at the very least start to get annoying?

It's the edit dingus

the original is her pulling out assassin's creed and him acting like it qualifies as a good game for hardcore gamers and as if it's a game girls aren't sluts over

He gets off on it

Please don't fuck cats.

My girlfriend is pretty good at video games.

>he lets other cats rape his cat like a cuck
>not pleasuring your cat yourself

´Wait, but in the lore the cats make their owner buy shit or stole their credit cards for games. Why are they in the game store? Are they stealing?

>His cat gets raped and he's fine with it
Absolutely disgusting

Anyone else hate women?

>being a white knight
she literally walks around naked, totally asking for it

Lore also states that no human can ever understand them and they are seemingly normal housecats to the owners perspective.

>implying I don't live in South Africa

It's about getting the right one user.


>Cat walks around the house naked, rubbing her vulva on furniture and being pleasured by other cats
>Faggot of her owner doesn't give it to her

Yes, but I had to pay.

I got a cigarette burn once

I'm 8 inches erect, I'm pretty sure I'd kill her.

kek wtf



literally Sup Forums

Do cats actually get off on that or am i being rused?

Name literally LITERALLY one 3D woman

Samus Aran

Try it on your cat
But remember to use your hands instead
They will love it so much they end up hugging the hands that do it

I seriously fucking hate trophies


What the hell? Is this actually a thing or is it this specific cat having been trained to do that?

I kind of agree, but trophy hunting is entertaining on its own if they're not completely unattainable

my gf but i'm not sharing

The last time I beat I woman I said I wanted to fuck her in the ass because I thought it might feel good and she agreed with me.

Whoops, sounds like I broke something.


literally stroking my dick right now, hurry up retard

lust is a sin when it causes the human race to die out



ahahahahaha use a condom

Only my mom

>female women who are human

Also why are his nipples erect?

Used to play comp Pokemon. There were a bunch of good girls who played in my region. I was happy there were some good female players who took the game seriously, and hoped it inspired more.


Your gf is a used up roastie whore who will cheat on you if she's not already

A girl, no.
By my mother? Yes.
She kicks ass at tekken, and I've never beaten her in it.

>not giving your cat the right do die from pleasure

Valentines day is "Am I the only one who doesnt buy anything for her gf on Valentine's day xD" day every fucjing year

Yes please tell me how it's a jewish american ploy to sell candy, never heard it 50 billion times yet

they know

>everyone on Sup Forums is 8 inches minimum
I f*cking love this meme xD

I'd have to know any girls for that to happen.

Not meming, I'm legit 8.
Doesn't matter though, it's covered in follicle bumps and I'll die a virgin.

yes many times, mostly in competitive games.

but i dont let it get to me.

Good, kill yourself

go to ur local bath house and u won't ;0]

I actually had this said to me once
>I really wish I had a guy like you
>"That is possibly the most retarded statement I've ever heard"
She never spoke to me again :^)

the correct answer is
>"yeah I know what you mean, I could use someone sweet like you"
then go from there.
You can't make her do all the work you autist.

>correct answer
Where were you 6 years ago????

Why not just sock her in the face and drag her back to your basement? much less work



literally me


shouldn't you be in prison?

I kind of just want to stick a toothpick into the holes in his teeth and see his reaction

eh, a couple of times. An ex in High School that owned Tekken 2 and could be beat me at least half the time.
Other than that game, any wins were me pulling punches or both of us being terrible.

>autism toy

And then you put them infront of something that requires skill and they fail at it.

well, that was fun lol.

going back to sleep.

Thank god this fuck is locked away

>you're such a nice guy, I wish I could find a guy like you
>yeah I know what you mean, I could use someone sweet like you

That's where that ends. You want to know what "I wish I could find someone like you" means? It means "Yeah but holy shit you face is a contraceptive, I'll take someone else please".

And I like 3D women. The only time this isn't applicable is if you are taken, and then these girls are gone the moment you're available again.

>It means "Yeah but holy shit you face is a contraceptive, I'll take someone else please".
no it doesn't, not necessarily anyway.
It can also mean "yeah I'm single and I could be interested".
That's why you lead it further with "yeah, I am also single and could be interested in someone fitting your description".
Then you evaluate her reaction.
If you see a smile, a smile with teeth, then you push further.
If it's an embarrassed smile without teeth, the kind of smile where it looks like she regrets she said anything, you drop it.
This is about as specific as I can explain this, even autists like you guys who can't read emotions should be able to follow this.

1 year down, 39 to go!

someone spoonfeed me, what's this guy's story
I've been seeing him posted for years but don't actually know who he is

>suddenly the girl is good at games


I lost grand finals of a Nidhogg tournament at a local vidya convention to a girl
My shame was streamed to the whole world

Does anyone else get really mad watching a girl play a game? They arent use to it so they dont get the subtle clues like green light on door means unlocked, red means locked.

Did you follow her home afterwards and strangle her to death?

That's for after I avenge my loss in this years tournament

I haven't been beaten by a man either. I am a Gaming God.
I am a slightly above average in gaming, but don't have a life


he is already inside his house

I got beaten in smash once by a girl (boy)

>female I hung out with is obsessed with Zelda, as most gurl gaymers be.
>Tell her to try out Dark Souls. 'it's just like Zelda'
>She pisses her pants at the Asylum Demon.

And if course she quit immediately after dying.

Never even played a Zelda, personally. They must be hand hold-y as fuck.
