Would you?

Would you?

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34-data-003.paheal.net/_images/aa1c836da49affabc031429b2a92f881/1775705 - Darkest_Dungeon Gnightrocks Vestal plague_doctor.png
rule34-data-011.paheal.net/_images/43d586c61641824800716b0050e975c2/1777920 - Darkest_Dungeon Gnightrocks Vestal plague_doctor.png


Is that a rhetorical question?


I didn't even realize it was a she until like 10 hours into the game

but to answer your question, yes I would

the mask stays on.

The mask should be burried half way up your ass.


Get that shit out of here.

is it weird to imagine the vapours are pheromones?

Touch her and I'll report your black ass to the internet police! She's pure

>visible eyes
shit drawing

No, nein, nyet

A powerful blow!

I like that show.

I don't see any hair at all, but eyes need to go

>I don't see any hair at all
You might be going blind

>Meme Doctor
>not Hellion

Oh, shit, I think I see it now. Thought her mask got slashed and that was a nasty scar or some shit.

If it were my first plague doctor? Fuck yes. That loyal murder machine did everything I ever asked and more. Three motherfucking virtues in a row? Fuck yes.

She was perfect, until the accident.




You are overstepping the mark

>half way
casuals get out REEEEEEEEE


Success so clearly in view... or is it merely a trick of the light?


God tier - Plague Doctor

Great tier - Grave Robber

Good tier - Hellion

Decent tier - Vestal

Shit tier - Arbalest

Antiquarian tier - Antiquarian

>nasty obese Plague Doctor porn
>but it's in the game's artstyle

Switch Good with Great and I 100% agree

You cant just say that and then not post it user


At a certain point, what will happen to the tide?

rule34-data-003.paheal.net/_images/aa1c836da49affabc031429b2a92f881/1775705 - Darkest_Dungeon Gnightrocks Vestal plague_doctor.png
rule34-data-011.paheal.net/_images/43d586c61641824800716b0050e975c2/1777920 - Darkest_Dungeon Gnightrocks Vestal plague_doctor.png

This isn't garden variety "thicc", you know


You're forgetting one.

It will most likely alter its trajectory.


These links does not work you fuck

Is game good? Worth 13$?

The fuck?

>that second pic


It pivots?





for sure
I heard there's some large content patch upcoming, and I'm not sure if it's free or payed DLC, so you should check that out first

Christ these are bad

I just came buckets, thanks user.

You don't want them to
Trust me

But what if BBW is my fetish

Holy shit, fuck off normalfags.

Try, for your sake, to find something
No human looks at those links and comes out the same, BBW fetish or not.




no, you fuck off autist. this is MY site now and me and my friends like it here, but we dont like you. so do what you did in high school and fuck off to your vidio games so i dont have to see you or read the words you type. fagget

>hating people because they're "normal"
What a special snowflake you are user! Is your safe space not to your liking?

I want white girl with a gun in my team instead of black with crossbow.
But I didn't back it on bumstarter. What do.

Would you?

You don't belong here. Leave.

Plague Doctor is not for lewds

You have the Grave Robber and the Hellion for that



You are like little baby

wtf the plague doctor was a woman?
shouldn't have named my level 6 plague doctor Charlie



If my surroundings look like anything from the game then yes, up until we get to civilization and I can get the fuck out of there. If I'm in a completely normal are but they're heading anywhere creepy then fuck no. Under any other circumstances yes.

No :^)


The guy provides a mediafire link which also apparently gives her assets, but this stuff is apparently broken after the latest update so might need to wait.

I still would.

Plague Doctor is not for large boobies

I have no fucking idea what's going on in this picture because the art is so fucking awful

As long as they're not obsessed with killing, absolutely.

Nah, it's basically a glorified mobile game trying to trick people into thinking it's something greater with the notmignola artstyle and sickdark aesthetics

>plague doctor and the other girl are making
>religious zealot is fuming
>barbarian girl is loving it

I need more


Don't know man, I'd be scared of her ass falling off

If she held me down yes.

Every PC game has mods boi

No it doesn't its all viruses. don't download I work for Microsoft antivirus department


Darkest Dungeon has lewd mods?

What a slut

Its not that bad, and they cant really go for more than that in a roguelike game.

If anything the game is too much rng based, perhaps the radiant update will fix things and make the game truly wortwhile.

>dat hint of muff


Wrong, YOU dont belong here, we a re the mass majority. Have you not noticed lol?

Fuck off to 4x2chan already.

Its funny that the lore in the game itself says those pigs can only reproduce by capturing females from the lands around the manor, just like in my japanese doujins.

No, dominative women shatter my fragile masculinity.

>game is getting some kind of big update 'soon'
How soon is soon? I got it a while ago and put off playing it, then there was a whole series of updates in the space of a few weeks. Was thinking of finally getting around to it safe in the assumption that they'd finished all the big updates but apparently not?

>darkest dungeon

do the artists that draw these things all have really bad balance? maybe something wrong with their legs? or are they just really short?

> the radiant update will fix things
Pro tip: it is out for what, 3 weeks already?
Since I bought the game on the related 50% sale, anyway.

Normies will never be welcome here.
Have fun with your idiot opinions.

The big radiant update is out already. There's a DLC coming in April

Look at how shamelessly Hellion is flaunting her junk.
Truly the behaviour of a barbaric woman.

Is it going to be good DLC?

Thanks user, now I have to put more hours to this game