Friends gifts you a game on your birthday

>friends gifts you a game on your birthday
>it's bad rats

Other urls found in this thread:

>i didnt le do my le homework XDD

Sup Forums has no limits

>>friends gifts you a game

>ask friends to not gift me anything
>they gift you anyway
>can't refuse them or they'll hate you

I hate Steam Gifts.

>Gift a friend a game on his birthday
>It's Pajama Sam
Yeah, I'm that guy

>friends gifts you a game on your birthday
>it's bad rats
>add to inventory
>wait a month
>ask when his birthday is (we're not that close)
>wait until his birthday
>gift bad rats back

>tfw "friends" on steam never gift me anything on birthday because it's few days after xmas


>trying out demo of game that's on sale to see if it works on craptop before buying
>it does
>exit game
>friend has already gifted it to me


why does Sup Forums have such terrible taste in anime?

You're a cool guy and a good friend.

>it's my birthday
>get message on Steam

you guys are alright.

Don't go to hell tomorrow

>not that close
>he knows when your birthday is
I think you're just a shitty friend

Because japanese joker.

>Gift a friend a game on steam
>Every single fucking time, I do the full "The, Nutella" thing, including changing my profile image to that pic of the joker
>It's gotten to the point that while I'm in the middle of gifting something one of my friends will notice the change and message me to ask who's getting a gift
It's probably my most autistic habit but it makes me grin every single time I click that "buckle up" option

>don't tell anyone it's my birthday
>never have to feel bad that nobody says "happy birthday" or buys me anything

It's the safe way out.

You know facebook exists right. I don't use it much but he does.

Add me up, fags
add me up losers

>have no friends
>never have to feel bad that nobody says "happy birthday" or buys me anything

Because it's full of nu-weebs fresh from reddit and tumblr who want to fit in with "le waifu culture xd stupid normies"

This bitch the new Umaru spam?
Because she looks like a fucking whore and is probably an unlikeable bitch.


My daughter is VERY evil and bad person.

I don't see a problem here.
Are you one of those ungrateful spoiled brats?

She is neither.

add me up loser

>284 friends
into the trash bin you go

You know you can decline gifts right

add me up loser


Multiple shows are being "spammed" this season. Not that you'd know when your anime knowledge begins and ends with Umaru.

>friend tells you he will send you a gift in a minute
>he deletes and blocks you

You'd be ungrateful too if someone gave you the video game equivalent of a plastic turd.
Just because it's a gag gift doesn't make it funny.

>his custom URL isn't a single lowercase word

instead you clowns have to settle for cutenaimegirl420 and epicmeme44gamer

Suck it, turbo nerd.

So she is the new donte spam, pure edge and with fedora tipping.

It was supposed to be Gabriel but nobody likes Gabriel so she became the memegirl instead.
Which isn't bad because she's better than them.

>Bad Rats is a bad game
neo-Sup Forums is out in full force, I see.

Even better than Donte, Donte is a mere half demon pig, my daughter is the future Queen of Hell!

add me up loser

>declining free shit

tomoko bf, pls go and stay go

>Forget my bro's birthday because we're all busy in our own lives
>Feel terrible that facebook had to remind me
>Go on steam and message budy, happy b-day, what's up? etc
>What game do you want faggot?
>He's not working a job as well paying as mine and overall is not able to spend as much money on non essentials as me.
>"hehe funny man. No big don't worry about it"
>See he's playing some weeb game (I'm no judge, different strokes for different folks.)
>Look it up on steam, there is a new one out from the same dev
>Ask him about it on chat, stutters a bit saying "yea it looks awesome, but you know, bills haha"
>Buy it for him + all DLC (Like $50 for everything)
>Also ask him how his PC's running (he was using bargain bin tier stuff from C2D office models and a hand me down GT440)
>Dig through my closet, find my old 650w power supply, my now retired r9 290.
>Gift him the game over steam and while he is still falling over himself having received the game, tell him I'm coming over and we're going out
>Pick him up, go to microcenter, drop $50 for a decent case and chipped $70 in towards an i3/H97 build. Buddy used the $70 he was given for B-day money from all family members
>Then we get shit faced on his favorite beer and eat pizza as we build his new PC

We've been buddies for about 17 years now. I know he's always helping his sick mom financially and is managing to pay for 95% of a house's expenses. Jon is my brother from another mother. He's got a great job now and is doing great.

but, it's shit?

but, it's free.

Woha dood, like, tl;dr


>Friend gifts you a game on your birthday
>it's some incredibly shit meme game from a few years ago like Castleminer Z or something
>you both play it together and have a grand time, a hilarious and fun filled afternoon, that you'll both remember fondly

I gave my friend Shenzhen I/O for his birthday, I don't think he played it.

>friend gives you bad rats on your birthday
>gives you major/minor on christmas
>bad rats show new years
>farmhan fables on valentines day

thank you shitposter friend

>the only gift you want is a friend

How do I make friends

I don't know I'm still working on it but nothing's working. I'm probably not someone anyone wants to be around.

If gay furries who are incredibly toxic people can find friends so can you
Keep at it

.t gay furry

drop steam accounts and lets try, shall we?

thats because furries can attract furries and congregate and attract each other easily because they are a close-knit community. im just some dude who hasn't had a single friend my entire life and none of the social skills that having parents would have given me to make them. feels hopeless sometimes t b h

you mean v?

>never got added by a gay furry back when steam friends threads were still acceptable
>never got to experience what everyone complained about

It's not something I should be sad about but I still am.

Clearly the solution is to become a gay furry then.

I didn't even get added because of that, I got added because he was impressed by how hard I kicked his ass in Chivalry

It's kinda funny to watch him rant about pointless shit honestly

>private profile

fucking fag

Be outgoing. Talk to people and make an effort. Show an interest, find common ground. Ask them questions about something that interests them, and be genuinely interested. Don't just talk at them, actually listen, respond, build off of what they said, but don't dominate the conversation yourself, unless they push for more out of you.

At the same time, don't be pushy or clingy, don't force it. If you're trying to hard, it's offputting, and it doesn't make good conversation or good connections. Don't just ask questions to ask questions, find something you're genuinely interested in and don't be overbearing.

Be polite and respectful. You won't agree on everyone with everything, and if you're waiting for someone like that you're never going to make friends. Focus on what you have in common, and be kind and above all, respectful. Once you have more of a rapport you can broach more controversial topics between you.

Respect, and showing a sympathetic interest. These are the keys to making friends.

If this sounds stupid or pointless or just not like something you want to do, then sorry, you're just not the type of person who's good at making friends. It's unfortunate, but that's just how life works. That's what friendship is like, and maybe what you want isn't really friends, but something else. But I don't know you, and can't help you with that. Only you can.

>adding people from Sup Forums

i laughed
killing myself atm

Hey, some of my current best friends are from Sup Forums.
No I don't think there's any correlation between them being from Sup Forums and them being complete homosexuals.

how do i become a furry?

I think you're already well on your way

they show you their boy pussy?

yep ive been doing exactly this and learning as i go. feels like walking around in the dark and sometimes my brain shuts down and i absolutely cannot think of any sort of responses to anything someone says until after the conversation is over. my biggest issue is i just am not able to read people at all and so i often mistake people for joking when they're not, or being mad when they're not, etc. shits tough and it doesnt feel like my social skill muscle has grown that much other than have more confidence in my approach


but fursuits are fucking weird and i don't know any good porn artists

No. Thankfully.


this 2bh

>sometimes my brain shuts down and i absolutely cannot think of any sort of responses to anything someone says until after the conversation is over
Don't worry, this is a common problem, and happens to everyone. Some people more than others, but always a lot more than other people realize.

As for having trouble reading people, it's unfortunate, but also not that uncommon, and it does come with practice, just slowly. It can go slow, but that's not necessarily your fault. The problem is, there's not much feedback. It can be hard for you to know if you've read something wrong, especially because you might not pick up on the social ques that you're misreading the previous social ques. It makes it really hard to gauge how you're doing, and so the learning is very slow, but the better you get at it, the faster you'll improve at it, so that's good!

In the meantime, something I've found, honesty is always a good idea. Just be real with people. Be open about how you have trouble making friends, and especially that you have trouble thinking of things to say to continue the conversation even if you want to, or have trouble picking up on ques. People will normally be pretty understanding about it, and it's a good way to break the ice and develop a better understanding and bond with people.

Good. Fursuits are for shitters.
You're not a shitter, are you?

Just have a look at the gay threads on and see if there's anything you like. If you've found something reverse image search it and take a look at who the artist is. Rinse and repeat.

i am able to tell just slightly what emotion someone is putting behind their words, but its not a gut instinct feeling like what others would have, more of a guess. the way ive been trying to tackle my bad social skills is just to throw different things at the board and see what sticks, keep the good and lose the bad. ive tried that last approach before on quite a few people and although it makes them more comfortable is just ended up labeling me as that guy that is awkward around people and as such no one wanted to be around me. instead ive been open about how i really feel about certain shit and usually which works better imo

>have to leave the game running in the background so they think that you are playing it
>they check my achievements

>Birthday recently
>2 friends I know irl and 1 over steam gifts me
>Salt and sanctuary
>Blood and bacon
>25$ RP on league
Good feeling c:

>tfw you just give away keys on Sup Forums so people will actually play them or if they won't i won't even know

Did you suck his dick too faggot?

nah, v is better trust me i have been on both.

>>it's my birthday
>no one cares


Anyone who likes anime has terrible taste in anime

>tfw no one knows or cares that you exist

How do you fucks not have online friends?

I joined in a few communities and people are constantly coming to me to do things, people give me gifts and we do stuff all the time.

I have to ration my time to talk to the people I actually enjoy. And you guys are struggling?


>ITT Ungrateful douches

>tfw would rather be dead
my sides
>someone tries to talk to you
>don't know what to say
just like that

kill you'reselves

I'd kill for a birthday like that.

>Hello user!

>What have you been up to lately? Did you hear about (X happening in shared interest).

>proceed to talk about the happening and other fun stuff

How is that so hard.

I always try to avoid telling people my birthday. Usually on my birthday I'll try to get someone else something, the few people that do find out my birthday usually don't remember anyway.

>How is that so hard
it just is, i don't want to pretend something interests me

>friend gifts you a game on your birthday
>it's one you wanted and bought yourself 2 months ago because fuck waiting