Mom walks by

>mom walks by

is that RE4? when does that happen?

lol lasers dont work tat way
i thought chinese were smart

finish the game you nigger

Don't be a parasite.

I finished it when it came out on Wii, the only memories I have are the beginning of the game in the village and the escape on the jet ski

This actually happened during the krauser knife fight
>spend majority of the game shooting people in the head and gutting them when they fall over
>literally watch leon get his sternum and trachea pierced with a knife when I fucked up during the button mash sequence
>right at the end before krauser fucking runs away from HIS stupid knife fight he or Leon uses the word "shit"
>mom says "wow user I don't want you playing a game with that kind of language"

>Maybe if I keep this machine sitting around I can figure out a way to make it not work even though I killed the only man who knew this secret

Saddler wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer

>no way fag

I finished it several times on the Wii too, and those are the exact same things I remember. That and Asshley. It's like the rest of the game doesn't exist.

Near the end when they have to remove the plaga from their bodies.

what happens if you accidentaly those ballistics?

>Mom walks in.

is that FF14?

>Dad sits down

Do girls fart?

No, user. It's Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness.
>Dad sits down
>Son, we need to talk...

>"Yeah Dad?"
>"Isn't there a nude patch for that?"
>we high five each other as we bboth jack off to the character

>Son, I need you to email this to me

>tfw first time playing far cry 3
>first time drinking that hallucinogenic with citra
>dad comes in, thinks the game looks cool
>finish the scene, him sitting next to me watching
It was an awkward moment

>...are you playing those shit games again?

> dad walks in

>Then you wake up from your fantasy.
This happens. And...
>I'm concerned about you, user. You look like a creep, and you're not even watching real girls
>Mom looks at you two and then at the screen
>She looks away and gets out of the room.

why does that man have a mustache drawn on his face

>"Shut the fuck up Dad you faggot. I'd rather stare at a girl's ass while playing the game than a dude's. You wouldn't understand."

Yes, and it's more noisy and smells worse than boy's.

You're pretty hardcore, user.

That's disgusting

>Dismemberment is AOK
>But cursing is not
Are you American by chance?

It's the same.

Becomes loud and smelly if they shave.
But if you also shave down there, yours will also become rancid.

So.. yeah. Same.

if you shave your butthole it makes your farts smell worse!? What. How?

no more asshair filter


>Mom walks in when cutscene with Eva on full display, accidently skip it in fumbling
>Big boss is now missing an eye



Okay there was a good pic about it, but just Google it.

Shaving your ass / genitals have other crap:
> It will be sweaty down there. In summer, hot weather, it may not be comfy. Prepare for wet underwear.
> It will be itchy as fuck as it grows (back).
> Ass-part, the smell/noise. It will sound like a dying walrus and you will be able to kill people with the smell.

On the other hand:
both: drying after shower takes much less
ass: it's much easier to wipe.
for females: vagina smell disappears, it's no more.

(gf shared the last one, she can be way too "straightforward" sometimes.)

>muh gf!!!!!!'
end your life nigger

Why do these fucknuggets even keep a machine to remove plagas around? Or build one in the first place?

It's literally the opposite of what they want to do.

Here is the pic

> inb4 not being gay in 2017

> "mom" walks in


It's not even good without sound just link it from /gif/.

>working on a Sunday

I recall there being a document that implies that it was part of research to test how well the plagas integrates and to make it harder to remove them.


>you're starting to suspect mom is doing it on purpose

>boss is now plaing a fancy dress party
>you have to come as a cheerleader or else you are fired for looking at this shit at work



this never happened to any of you lol



why was he smiling at the end

>dad sits down
>its the "why don't you have a girlfriend are you gay its ok if you are your dad supports you" talk again

>mom walks by room while door is open
>fucking a whore with the volume way up


For the grove!

>mum walks in
>i'm pretending to be reading some article
>meanwhile 50 tabs are open all with suggestive titles
>mums face when

He saw something he liked apparently.


who the fuck is this fluid druid

mummy where are your clothes?

>playing vidya and browsing Sup Forums when younger
>mom walks in to make bed or some shit
>had left a nude pic on laptop screen, wasn't even browsing a porn thread just what I happened to leave the screen on
>noticed after she left, had been in room for a good ten mins

I still cringe to this

> The average Sup Forums game critics

why her tho? why is it always her?

are there no other nekid white womin in aprons to post?

I absolutely do not understand this reference.

she's literally perfect

>tfw no mercy mommy

True dat.

It just is. Thats the way it is user.

You're welcome to post em if you got em

>It'll be ready in a minute, honey!

Jesus christ that fucking reaction, kek.

no way hag

>Oops! I spilled some broth down my apron, would you wipe it up for me, baby?

It's because of the blacked filter


