Host fucking when?
Risk of Rain Thread
you guys wanna take a noob with you?
Legit haven't beaten the game but if I have i've forgotten.
Started playing again after 2 years this morning and havne't been able to stop
I most favorited but this is the one i always go back to.
Glass + Spite + Glowing Meteorite = Fun times.
Whenever a host is ready, sure. I can't port forward successfully for some reason.
This might not work, but try anyway
can't connect
We take any and everyone, wanting to play and accepting our rules are the only pre-requisite.
Sorry but i don't think this port works, you need a TCP/UDP port open, 11100 and 12345 are the most used here.
first online game, no idea what I'm doing.
I guess avoid broken items that cause lags and avoid ladders after teleport
what are the rules?
Open again.
I'll bump ot
Open again.
Re-hosting, get in there.
I hate being a SEA monkey. I can never seem to join the games.
Disconnected from host.
Crashed and it's time for me to eat, i'll host again soon.
Thanks for playing.
It was fun, user. Thanks
Worth playing on vita or more a PC thing?
PC for sure.
Host when?
Fuck this image. I always confuse it with Mad Cat in a catalog
How do I Han-D on a non-command playthrough? I can survive well with it but not kill well (unless stacked with attack speed boosters, but they're hard to get randomly). Seems like the worst character to me. People said Miner and Hand-D are equally bad but I can do much better with Miner
What other artifacts you using? Generally, use Overclock if you intend to basic attack, or start your attack before things walk into range. Use your drones to soften targets before punching.
Knowing how to dodge and abuse level design is the way to go with every characters.
>What other artifacts you using?
I'm trying to do a "pure" clear with him, so no artifacts. I have only ~15 hours of playtime, but so far he seems rather weak compared to say, Acrid. I have two clears, one with Commando, the other with Acrid
Put your modem in bridge mode. Your router is open, but your modem is closed.
Still on ?
I'm gonna give up on this. I'm on a Cisco router and I can't find any bridge options.
Guys how do i get the game completed thing to 100 percent?
I am only legendary spark and 2 monster logs away from completing everything but damn thing is at 55%
All unlockables in achiev screen is done too
Got 100+ hrs on this thing (90 from steam online and a few dozen from lan parties) but still bothers the shit out of me
Your modem, from your isp.
From memory, I think HAN-D was one of the easier clears in vanilla. Just remember to use a Drone whenever your health is low, and focus more on not getting hit rather than dealing damage. When you're jumping down onto a platform with enemies, prime a Hammer attack to finish just as you land.
More generally (and for any character), stay on the move, Focus on staying alive, even if that means running around and having enemies spawn all over the map. Once the timer is up you can switch focus to killing, and since no platform is overloaded on enemies, you can still get right onto it and last quite a while.
I really have to stress the importance of Drone management for HAN-D in vanilla. Make sure you use them. Keep 5 Drones on hand for emergency healing and/or tricky spots, and use the rest liberally. After gaining a few levels, your drones will be healing you for significant amounts of health.
HAN-D has powerful basic attacks, learning to use them properly is a necessary skill. Patience and timing are important, you need to strike at the right moment to land punches. Note that some smaller enemies are stunlocked by his basic attacks.
Thread cannot die just yet unless someone hosts
Have you considered speedrunning risk of rain
Room when
In normal ROR gameplay (no artifacts), Han-D is such trash.
>Slow as shit
>basic attack (Hurt) slow as fuck and has long recovery time
>Forced reassembly has slow startup time and doesn't even stun enemies, leading to you getting hit constantly when using it
>overclock doesn't do nearly enough to compensate for slowness
>drones don't replenish over time, making the ability useless if you run out during a boss fight
>no dodge move/invincibility
>in normal gameplay (solo, no artifacts), you practically need to get a stockpile of drones to have any chance what so ever against the final boss, normal abilities and speed are too trash to trade blows
>reliant on killing groups of enemies which isn't an option late game
>knockback pushes enemies out of punching range
>even with shit like glass enabled he still sucks compared to other characters since his tankiness is reduced to nothing and his slow speed gets him killed instantly
>his greater HP regen rate is almost completely fucking useless after the first 10 minutes.
It would be so fucking easy to fix him. Letting drones recharge, giving his hammer normal stun, letting overclock give him some invincibility frames and a longer speed boost, and practically all the problems would be solved, but no. He will always be shit.
Enforcer sucks too but at least he has some interesting mechanics.
You again? I told you to get fucking gud the last time, no offense.
>slow as shit
That's the point of this character, he hits hard but slow. Play some rhythm games to get a better timing.
>hammer leads to enemies hitting you when they fall
We're talking about the melee attack with the best range in the game. Seriously, this is basic knowledge, everyone knows you don't use the hammer on the enemy attack range. Do you know how far the hammer can hit?
>no dodge move/invincibility
You want all of the characters to have the same mechanics?
>having problems with bosses
Concentrate on BOTH the boss and the mobs to gain more drones.
>knockback pushes enemies out of punching range
This is just straight not true, specially at base speed. Once you got attack speed? Holy shit, jump forward while you attack, this is again basic as fuck.
>after the first 10 min
After the first 10 you're supposed to have some items.
Seriously, the most important thing with Han-D is, as another guy said, drone management.
When I was a noob I used to spam the drones mindlessly whenever my HP bar went down.
Once I learnt to not use them so lightly (and some timing for god's sake) he became my third best character for both vanilla and glass.
And from what I've seen watching other guys doing well with Han-D, if you run out of drones it's your own fault and nothing else.
>the first 10 minutes.
>taking longer than 10 minutes to beat the game
early morning host edition
Its still up get in here
still open only 5/10
i'm still waiting for that terraria from last night. i get all the mods and shit together and the thread shits itself down page 10
HOST WHEN?!?!?!?!
Final now
Open soon
Which one is the best class and why is it Acrid?
Welp, thanks for hosting jago
Open wan
host is back for one more game (then important errands for the day)
get in here boys
ayy lmao
get in boyos
That's not sniper
get in boys
back up for at least one more game
any host besides ?
Yeah. Join port 12345
I'd play, but I only have a client from years ago, anyone's got a link for the latest client?