How much do trophies/achievements matter to you? In /ps4g/ they care about them a lot but does it really matter? I kind of feel like a shitty player for not having any platinums.
How much do trophies/achievements matter to you? In /ps4g/ they care about them a lot but does it really matter...
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I only care about them if they have an effect on the game itself, like in binding of isaac or enter the gungeon.
If it's a game I really like, I'll probably get it
I'm playing through Nioh right now, and that's been a cool enough game that I might make the attempt at some point. It's not my first priority, though
do PS4 games have online trophies required for platinum too?
if so, that's bullshit
Achievements are a scam and a hoax. You never actually achieve anything. The only thing they're good for is collecting meta data on a game's audience. Companies use this internally, then probably sell it to third parties. It's invasive of the consumer, it's an invasion of privacy. But Sup Forums doesn't care, hell Sup Forums doesn't even see it that way; some Sup Forumstards are so fucking stupid, they LIKE achievements!
A lot require massive hours of multiplayer and leveling up.
Couldn't give a shit about trophies or achievements, didn't bother me when Microsoft brought them in but I can see why people are fans so everyone can see how far you've gotten. Can 100% a game etc..
Finished uncharted and only got 1 trophy, and won't be putting the game back in again.
some of them do. like reach level 55 in multiplayer in Black Flag. Fuck that shit.
yeah fuck, not buying a PS4 then
it's not about showing off, but my completionist autism kicking in
but I don't want to pay extra money for something I hate with passion
all online trophies are tedious as fuck and require you to coƶperate with retards who need the rules explained to them over and over again or impatient assholes who stab you in the back once they get their trophy
I very mildly cared about xbox gamerscore. I didn't give a shit about achievements or 100%'ing a game, I just liked that there was always a number next to my username that went up sometimes, like a show of how much shit I've played casually.
I give zero shits about playstation trophies. I get that they wanted to do like an EXP/level thing but I prefer the simplicity of achievements and gamerscore, although frankly I never actually cared that much about it.
That's not a new thing though? I thought this shit happened with 360 and PS3 games too.
Does anyone else care about trophies but not enough to collect them all?
I just really like the thought of having something to show for all the time I spent on video games, which is why I mostly play on ps3/4 even though I have a capable pc.
But I'd rather play a new game than replay one until I have 100% on it, unless I really like it.
>tfw 200 hours in battleborn
>platinum incoming
we're doing it boys
I don't look through achievements/trophies ever, but if I get one and don't know why I check to see what it is
I love trophies. About a year ago I lost my PSN account with near 100 platinums and it was depressing as fuck.
My new account has 20 right now and I'm 2 trophies away from re7's platinum.
But if you just want a platinum for the sake of getting one, just play the Sly Cooper trilogy on ps3. All 3 are very easy, but not so easy that it's pathetic to have it on your list.
yeah but now you have to pay for that awful experience due to paid online
Both Xbox and PS3/4 have online achievements/trophies, it just depends on the game. It's really annoying since they always require a ridiculous amount of grinding to get and with the 360/PS4 you have to pay for the privilege to grind for them as well. Doesn't help that some have absurd requirements like for Killzone 2 you have to be in the top 1% for the week or month, I can't recall, Assassin's Creed games have crazy ones that require 50+ hours of grinding, and so on.
They don't mean anything as most games use them for measuring progress at best and random fetch quests at worst.
I have 42 currently
They are fun to get but not that it really matters it's just something to do while playing the game
If I woke up and my trophies were gone it would not effect me one bit
It's fun to try and platinum a game if I really like it. People that do them for every game they play have brain problems.
This. I had a friend that would buy bargain bin shit just to platinum it, real autism.
I do like to unlock achievements in my games. Fuck autistic tasks and mp achievements though.
I do after I beat the game. Gives me something to do and in some cases it's useful to see what I haven't done yet.
That's crazy, good job user.
A few of my 100%ed games.
>those sneaky skylanders games
>Actually 100% Brotherhood
How long did it take you? I'm at like 40 something hours and I'm not even max level let alone half that Variety list. I assume you boosted at least for the Abstergo Exployee of the Month along with all those insane co-op ones, right?
I actually find the Skylanders games to be fun and remind me of videogames back when I was a kid.
Yup I had to boost some of those goddamn mp achievements. I really can't recall how long it took though since I had fun doing the sp ones,
Simply amazing. Hope you get that platinum soon user !
>tfw my rarest platinum right now is fucking Knack of all things
End my life
Wew fair enough. I played Skylanders at a nephews place once, I oddly see where you're coming from.
I've never cared about them at all since their introduction and actually find them and the notification annoying. I'm glad there is the option now to shut that all off.
I have had friends that obsessively try to 100% everything, even shitty games, and I don't get that since it just looks like a chore.
I just don't get all the hype behind stuff like this. I've never felt particularly inclined to 100% a game. What's the appeal?
I bought the first one to see what the fuck that game was and tried it with a friend. It was comfy as fuck, we ended up playing so much we finished the first game in one setting.
Props man, I couldn't stand it anymore and just dropped it with the co-op stuff and EotM pretty much being the only things left, then Revelations with its stupid kill system where going for a stun from the front counts as a kill for the enemy kept me from enjoying the later installments' online. Getting to 50 or 55 in BF didn't help matters either.
>Fastest platinum is now The Order 1886.
Don't worry, I understand how it feels. I still don't understand how they managed to get it to be that short, I was barely even trying.
Finishing off the checklist is nice and knowing you did everything in the game is even better. It's not for everyone and a lot of people would rather switch off which is completely understandable, but even if it's a pain in the ass at times it's nice to look back and know you finished it wholly. Gives you a minor sense of accomplishment even if it's nothing important.
For me it's incentive to play again and sometimes the requirements aren't absolutely bullshit like "stare at the ground for 500 hours online"
I only care about them if I like the game and they're not too tedious to get. Also /ps4g/ doesn't really care about them, it's just one shitposter.
Don't know about other consoles, but Ps trophies are exactly the same as Steam achievements in many ways, and they're always the same requirements.
On the PS4 they actually introduced a function to disable the trophy function. I use that to keep my autism attacks at bay
Can steam achievements still be cheated without consequences ?
If I really enjoy the game it gives me an excuse to get more out of it.
If I don't like the game I don't give a shit.
As someone who's just shy of 800,000 gamerscore, it's just gotten to the point where it helps me weed out my backlog. Once I've got all the achievements I can feel good about getting rid of a game knowing I got everything it had to offer.
Trophies don't matter too much to me anymore. I beat the game I'm playing and move on.My rule of thumb is 5%-40% if I'm just beating the
Anyways when it starts to feel like a Job to get trophies/achievements it's time to stop and just enjoy the game.
>My rule of thumb is 5%-40% if I'm just beating the game. If I enjoy the game 70%-100%.
>Grind for ages in the same game because MUH PLATINUM
I don't even have time for that shit.
If the platinum trophy wouldn't look like shit and show up in the bottom right corner with a black background on the game I probably would care
achievements is the more modern version of the playing for score homolords.
Honestly, you're pretty bad if you can't perfect even one game.
I get them for games I like
Only multiplayer games have online trophies
They're addictive but ultimately worthless.
I autistically hunt down the Platinum for games I really, really love.
Even if it means six fucking playthroughs and 20 hours of grinding levels
Even if it means doing the Plats all over again because the PS4 port won't share the Trophy list
Other than that
I usually don't care that much
I play for the game, not for trophies.
130 Platinums and counting.
I just enjoy collecting trophies.
From what site is this?
PSN Profiles
this only happen when you have no game to play
Pretty sure you can as long as it's not a VAC enabled game.
I like it when they guide you to find things you would have missed otherwise like the bloodborne ones.
Thinking about platting Yakuza 0.
Probably not going to but I might go through it on hard
The scene is a competitve, stick your Wii if you can't dedicate the time and money kid.
>gamers these days don't 100% their games
>what's the appeal lol
Damn we've fallen far.
Still amazed there's no Xbox equivalent. TrueAchievements is nice but it feels clunkier in terms of presentation, really wish the PSNProfiles team would do that side as well. Playfire is also recommended at times but that site is even clunkier and its updates are so random. PSNProfiles just has this nice clean design and they just tell you how long it took and makes it look nice.
Amon is usually the best part of a Yakuza run so do it if you can.
Let me put this way: I turned off trophy notifications so it would stop telling me when I got them.
>OW plat
Why you boosting though mate? There is NO way to get all trophies for OW, especially that lucio and zen one, without boosting.
1 year ago I had no platniums. One day it just clicked and I started finishing games. I am proud all all of those plays (except the order 1886 but it was $5)
Miku project x
The order
Miku F
Shantae half genie
Final Fantasy 15
100 nonplat:
Sonic Adv 2
KH 0.2
Miku FT
87% on miku F2nd but fuck that. That is the worst platnium ever.
>forgets to include image
Faggot detected
If I try to go for something a bit tougher in a game I do like that it's recorded rather than just lost the moment I delete the game/save file.
>Plats X
>Complaining about plating F2
I do not compute. F2 is waaaay easier.
Don't care, might skim over the list to find fun things to do but that's it. I also like most other people never look at others achievements.
They're neat, and if I'm close to platinum on a game naturally then I'll probably spend the extra time to get it, since I clearly like the game enough to get that far.
Fuck trophy whores though. There is nothing impressive about buying and completing children's games to get a number up.
not one bit. unless it offered ingame rewards i couldnt care less.
I never gave a shit about achievements or trophies. I also never 100% a game if it's a chore to do it.
If i have enjoyed the game a lot and still want to play more i use them as targets to reach.
i think i have.. 11? or 12.
I always 100% any game I play. Moreover, I tend not to buy any game that is nearly impossible to 100% [dead online, etc.] or takes an immense amount of grinding.
However, I don't buy games JUST to farm trophies because that's a bit ridiculous.
yeah you got me
Doesn't really matter to me. I just do them for fun. If a trophy is too hard for me or just too damn tedious and boring, I won't do it and move on.
>Only multiplayer games have online trophies
I just played Tomb Raider recently and they have several online trophies. I did all the single player trophies and just stopped there.
im working on DMC4
Oh man its torture for me
s rank on all mission in normal hard and dante must die
Some devs have them protected and can't be unlocked,others can be unlocked as you please as long you're not playing in a VAC protected server
Be aware that people looses is shit if you unlock them all together or have bogus times with low hours
Payday 2 mods and devs will ban you
Sniper Elite 3/4 devs and community players will ban you
I suspect the same for Dead by Daylight devs/mods and for a bunch of many others too
Rate my rarest platinums.
Not as much as they used to.
I only get every achievement in a game if I really liked it and it isn't a pain in the ass to do it.
Catherine and wipeout platinums are impressive
I have a problem
It's literally impossible to get the WipEout one now. The multiplayer is dead.
>2x Senic Racing Transformed
achievements/trophies are just a cheap way for the devs to make their games seem longer without actually making any unlockable content.
if you basically 100% a game. whatever that means depends on the game. you'd still have do stupid shit to get achievements.
but if people want to use their time on those great for them.
Which games have the easiest platinum? I only have six of them.
What if it's some FPS that's 6-8 hours long. You're inevitably going to come up with your own "challenges" outside of the game, so why not have a system that can do that built in
If they're grindy I don't give a shit.
Beat FFXV but had to level up 3 of the dude's skills for plat. Too lazy, and my time is worth more than that.
yes because "challenges" like kill 500 dudes with specific gun are fun.
but like i said if people enjoy doing that then it's just good for them. for me it just seems pointless busywork and the reward is pop up and bling sound.
Depends on the game. Multiplayer games or games with a stupid amount of grinding I don't really bother with getting them and just play them normally. Single player games I highly enjoyed and has achievements that don't demand grinding forever I'll at the least attempt on a second playthrough at the earliest; the first playthrough I always take my time and go at my own pace.
They do not really matter to me but i enjoy trophy collecting greatly.
I'm soon hitting the 250 platinum milestone.
my rarest trophies
If you care enough about a game to 100% then do it. Why would you do it for someone other than yourself though?
I mostly get Platinum for games I like because then I know I have no reason to ever replay them
>regret PSN name
>only have a trophy rating of 10
>don't want to make a new account
Why the fuck can't I just pay for a new name? Stupid Sony.
Their database is based around names instead of IDs because japan
I care because it's just an extension of what I was doing with games my entire life:
>Trying to 100% or the closest thing possible in the game that I like
My last one was NioH.
I just get them if I think I'll enjoy myself getting them, not if I think they're bullshit. Some would consider what I don't mind doing "bullshit", but all that matters is that I won't do what I think is bullshit.
I see trophies as just another aspect of 100%ing a game, personally. I liked 100%ing stuff as a kid and I like it now, so having a common way to track and compare it across games is neat.
I'm quite close to the plat in Gravity Rush 2 and I Am Setsuna. Additionally I just started San Andreas, but I've done normal playthroughs of that multiple times on other platforms so I think I'll go for the plat in that too.
Do you want "you can get the plat in sub 3 hours but the game is dumb" easy or do you want "you can get the plat in a normal playthrough with just a bit of side stuff in 10 - 15 hours and the game is decent" easy?
Because those are very different things.