>This has been made by a company with hundred
of employees with financial support from one of
the largest publishers
This has been made by a company with hundred
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck just happened with greentext.
Is that so surprising? The fact that it is so huge and worked on by so many people means that there's more opportunity for things to break. It's like like half the employees are developers and the other half are QA.
>0.02$ has been added to your bank account.
It's been fucking up all day. I think gookmoot is trying to take greentext from us.
remember that batman beyond episode that had the villain wearing the suit that let him pass through solid matter? at the end of the episode he lost control of it and ended up passing through the floor uncontrollably and ultimately ended up headed straight towards the earth's mantel/core.
explain what I am looking at like I am a 20yo with no post-secondary education.
Remember it ? It's literally the only episode I've seen. And I still think about it to this day.
I wasn't defending Bioware or EA. It's just common sense. Do you expect there to be more errors made in measuring when building a piece of furniture, or when building a house?
That's what happens when your company is nothing but upjumped interns and racist diversity hires.
top tier nightmare fuel in my opinion. remember when he was falling through the floors of the parking garage, screaming for help all the way?
This, criticise the inevitably shit gameplay and writing instead of harmless bugs.
wtf i hate asari now
Fucking christ I can't NOT see an Ogre when I look at this.
Hope it sells like absolute hot garbage.
It's like they're trying to convince people that this will be beautiful
I cant find it on youtube. help
told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential
Oh yeah. It's a fucking nightmare for sure. And poor Terry racing down trying to save him too. Both sides give me nightmares. Both falling through the world into the core and trying desperately to save someone who can't be saved.
So, it's Mass Effect combined with the worst aspects of Inquisition.
That's pretty spooky man
Wait what
Negro is doing nothing. Just like in real life.
found it "sneak peek"
Bashin nu bioware games is like a beating autistic child with down syndrome
Yeah but most people on Sup Forums are also autistic so it's not like we're picking on someone not our own size so to speak.
Why has not anybody posted Smudboy yet.
He is like top anti bioware channel on YT
>user can't even greentext
Because nobody cares about Smudboy.
He is my classmate
man that fucking show fucked up deaths
yeah i do
Don't worry, everyone is robots.
nobody cares about you either
>Sup Forums can't handle women looking realistic
No wonder you guys are virgin Trump voters.
>putting yourself down like that
Reminder: we won
>it's a 'Sup Forums spergs over a 2 second clip' episode again
I believe that she will win!
There's a reason I'm gay. Not my fault that men are more attractive.
It isn't realistic. It's autism in computer form.
thats a man, baby
Reminder that Sup Forums said that DAI's Sera would be repulsive and she wasn't.
Too late for that. Most of us would rather nitpick useless details than discuss something in context.
reminder: everyone lost
>nu-bioware has mtf companions
Fuck this gay world.
She had down syndrome instead.
why were all of the non-starting companions in Inquisition so fucking awful? without exception.
Gameplay looks okay actually and while wrinting is gonna be awful we've got nothing to shit on until they release the game
I miss Mass Effect 1
I don't see the problem with this one. Definitely looks better than the stiff romance animations from the original trilogy.
>she wasn't.
Really user?
it would have been worse with hillary. maybe now people will wake up and we can have good government in 50 years, i mean it took 50 years to get to trump/Hillery from JFK so i assume thats how long it will take to fix it
maybe now when some one says "i didnt vote" or "who cares about politics?" people will slap him up instead of suck his dick
the best apart about this is that planet is supposed to be scorching hot and there's a heat meter that goes up so you have to take cover in the shade lik that one mission in ME2 and the squadmates are apparently not affected by this and don't even wear helmets
If it's autism in computer form, why doesn't Sup Forums (autism central) like it?
So has the female turian character been confirmed to be a romance yet?
I genuinely don't care about anything else. It's going to be a dumpster fire of a game, but at least there could be more female turian porn that comes out of it. If that's what we can take away from the game, then I'm happy.
This are some delicious looking thighs
>that awful console POV
remember the potential?
remember how amazing you thought the series could be? how things could only go up from here.
how a choice in the first game could change the final game?
Same but I find the male aliens more attractive desu.
Liam could be a bro but never my intended bf.
I disagree. Dorian was okay and Cole was interesting to have around to have him commenting on the thoughts of other characters and such. It was like having a Malkavian with you.
>the best apart about this is that planet is supposed to be scorching hot and there's a heat meter that goes up so you have to take cover in the shade
That is actually pretty neat but
>and the squadmates are apparently not affected by this and don't even wear helmets
Is fucking terrible, squadmates should always be subject to the same restrictions the player suffer, otherwise you're pretty much saying "we can't code a good AI for shit"
That episode has given me a phobia on it. I always skip that episode when I rewatch the show because of it
it hasn't gone anywhere, user.
reading this thread makes me want to replay it, too.
dorian was not okay. cole was an autistic man child who was annoying to have around
dont be so lewd
Remember that episode when Terry straight up crushes two goons under a concrete tube at the venom patch factory?
How do you go from this?
To this?
Asari are not your sexual playthings, virgin.
Played it recently.
Twenty hours of prefab bunkers and plain topography. The collective meat of the game would have added up to about 10 hours without it.
Mass effect 2 was an improvement.
That's not how that works. I'm confused as to how you think that's how that works.
To this?
They're literally sexual playthings: the race
>It's a guy sitting way above the thread on his pedestal greentext attempt
The problem is that it is incredibly stiff, though.
To this?
It always tickles me when anyone that posts Liara is posting ME3 Liara and not her crap models from ME1 and ME2 Base Game.
remember when terry let his first bad guy drown?
The only things that ME2 did better than ME1 were Vanguards, Legion and Tali romance.
>That little hint of armpit
*deep breath
Need to sniff rising
To this?
To this?
how did we go from "cant show spiderman jumping ontop of a roof because it may scare birds" level censorship to THAT in like 3 years?
How about that splicer episode where he was injecting the villain with animal dna turning him in to a monster then letting him die in an explosion
i still dont understand how bioware is so fucking bad with with making this game look passable. even horizon looks mostly ok from promotional footage and only start getting irksome when looking at actual gameplay.
i dont even think it's an sjw thing since it extends past character models to animations and bugtesting. it just reeks of mass incompetance.
that being said, thisu
i want weird pseudo-avian romance please
He may take our freedom but he will never take our memes
fucking saved
Warp detonations were neat, and the guns actually felt different to one another unlike ME1 where every gun of a given class felt exactly the same as every other gun in its class.
People always talk about how lame it was to lose weapon customization but ME2 has better weapon variety regardless of that.