that's because team reddit was too busy making shitty sci-fi references and jacking off to rick and morty
Other urls found in this thread:
This and the game in general created the best OC Sup Forums has ever had.
Prove me wrong.
The event that killed Sup Forums? Yes. I remember.
midair november 2017
prepare ur butts
hahaha yeah dude Sup Forums our secret club sure is look haha xD
I like those textures.
I remember coming into the stream as Sup Forums got 2-0d and thinking Sup Forums is full of shitters so that's expected.
That comeback knocked my socks off. the sweetest victory we'll ever know. and that's kind of sad
One more br monkey cant make it any worse.
I still have this bookmarked for some reason
Literally happened years before Rick and Morty was made you autismo.
>ur a shazbot lindsay
Literally the best meme of that era
BR with 140 ping was the MVP
That doesn't even make sense from an ironic shitposting perspective. Why would a secret club arrange a gaming event with someone outside of the "secret" club?
>reddit has never won even a single match against Sup Forums on wargame
Are they even trying?
I got to enjoy both the warframe and shazbowl victories.
Tribes Ascend was so much fun for the short while hi-rez let it be,
21st night of september
Completely BTFO
What was the warframe victory? I thought it was a PvE game
I miss "When I'm X" videos
I miss tribes so much.
Warbros was #1 in every single event the game had.
>not posting virgin company
I miss playing Tribes with Sup Forums. Hopefully one day we will get another gotta go fast shooter.
what was that stupid ass song that was playing on the Sup Forums page right after?
all I remember is a video of a tanned vegeta looking guy
Oh, so you don't remember
Man, early Tribes: Ascend was the fucking best.
Anything out there that compares to it now that it's dead and raped in the corner?
Go to bed user. It's late for you.
Best song
As far as I am aware there is nothing or at least nothing alive. The big market for multiplayer games is mobas and shooters along the lines of Overwatch. Unfortunately all we can do is wait and hope for some company to take a risk and that it pays off.
>reddit demanded a BF3 match and then made it one big fucking parody of themselves
There should be such a thing as
>It-It-It was just a warm up!
literally kill yourself
>ban half of the team from the server
>"we totally won guys"
didn't they rage quit
>kicked Sup Forumsirgins before the match even started for swearing in chat
>not even slurs like fag and nigger, they literally just said fuck and shit
>reddit still declared victory when our depleted squad said fuck it and quit instead of going along with the farce
should I buy into the closed beta? does anyone play it?
I guess you missed this?
is there video of the actual game or no?
is this it?
here's the whole thing
Idk it's not even in Alpha yet, it's in pre-alpha with like 30-40 players I think. Closed Beta will probably have quite a few more players by then, I only backed it for Early Access Open Beta though cuz i'm poor.
Rematch when ? Game could be :
>Rocket League
>Rainbow 6 siege
>Battlefront 2 with mods
>Halo : Combat evolved/ Halo 2
>Mountain Blade
>/vg/ split
>"Sup Forums culture" shitstorm
>dubs banned
>non-stop dark souls posting
>tons of Sup Forums shitposting from the olympics and Sup Forums on big brother that spilled out over the whole site
2012 was such an all over the place year. what a fucking mess but at the same time a lot of it was really fun.
I'm not sure there are enough old school twitch gamers on Sup Forums for this. I would hope there are, but there are a lot of fucking kids here now.
>Rocket League
Pretty sure Sup Forums would get their assholes rinsed. Would require better teamwork or skill than the fucks who play that shit religiously.
A team of DEUS VULT screaming retards. Easily a Sup Forumsictory.
>Rainbow 6 siege
I feel this would be an even match. Would need a competent team, or at the very least a bunch of opportunistic bastards.
>Battlefront 2 with mods
Considering Sup Forums regularly used to DL and play Battlefront 2 in spontaneous threads, I feel confident it'd be an easy win.
>Halo : Combat evolved/ Halo 2
CE CTF Blood Gulch or get fucked.
>Mountain Blade
God, no.
Sup Forums would be too busy jerking off over Tracer and Widowmaker, and spouting memes.
>God, no.
Why not? I know for a fact that there are some M&B Gregors on Sup Forums.
How do I actually watch this match? I've seen this image a bunch of times but never seen a video.
>Rocket League
Considering most people on Sup Forums are Prospect shitters and people on Reddit are autistic assholes who spend 10 hours a day training, Sup Forums would get their ass kicked
>Considering Sup Forums regularly used to DL and play Battlefront 2 in spontaneous threads, I feel confident it'd be an easy win.
What about Polis Masawith clones
Best year. I loved when Tribes was popular.
Sup Forums has a few rocket league autists