Why are most people so superficial when it comes to games?

Why are most people so superficial when it comes to games?

What does Hitomi Tanaka have to do with videogames?

her tits are saggy as fuck anyway

I hate those fucking stupid nail extensions with a burning passion.
It looks fucking dumb as fuck, i can't even get it to jav with when that shit is in.
Hitomi a shit, tits are way too saggy.
Anri okita on the other hand is perfect size with minimal saggyness, get good.

her tits are disgusting imo. too big

Can you fucking discuss the topic at hand instead?

Fuck you, Hitomi a shit

>her tits are saggy as fuck anyway
This. I don't want to be this cow's boyfriend because of her grotesque udders.

I wonder how people who do porn actually find a stable relationship. I'm guessing they don't.

OP didn't define in what way people are superficial. So it's left up to interpretation. Basically, he doesn't really have a topic, and only asked some vague bullshit, in order to shitpost about Hitomi Tanaka, or whatever else unrelated to video games might come from his picture.

>Sup Forums hates hitomi tanaka now
Why is this board so contrarian?

I need a new mattress, anyone want to recommend?

>post an image more interesting than the topic
>get replies discussing the image

>post an image appropriate for the topic
>don't get any replies

It's a lose-lose situation.

Picture is always more interesting then the topic.

I don't even know what he's trying to convey and he doesn't either. "When it comes to videogames" is there to avoid the thread getting pruned immediately. It's a thinly veiled thread and you need to lurk more

well she's not so young now

I don't think I could ever get past a porn star's past.


I could easily date a pornstar. Marriage though...

I think Hitomi is a doll, she seems really nice (and is a big fan of Jet Set Radio) but she has to realize when you become a pornstar, you're really hurting the chance of finding a nice guy to have a fulfilling relationship with. Just how things are.

There is no way she will ever find a soul mate because of being a pornstar. Who the hell wants to be with a woman who has had a million dicks on and in her?

Because Sup Forums doesn't play games, so the only thing they can rate them on is how they look

that feel when no gf

A cuck?

Louis Theroux did a couple of documentaries on that subject.

They don't, and it leads to a pretty high amount of substance abuse and depression in the business.

I can't imagine pornography is really good for your self-respect either, unless you completely lack shame, like Sasha Grey.

What? Before, Sup Forums used to call her ugly, because of her face. The only defense to her, was her body. But now her tits sag terribly, so there's nothing to defend anymore.

>pornstars believe they are worthy of respect
loving every laugh


if she settles for yours, that would mean you have a better dick than the millions before you

Big boobies are best boobies.

>love my heart not my tits
her tits are fucking gross

This is one of the cases when big is too big. Her tits are disgusting and so is her face. How did she even make it big in the first place ?

Yeah you are right but I honestly don't get the whole cuck thing in real life. It's better off a fantasy if they are into that shit.

or just a wider dick, since after a million dicks she'd have a meat hallway.

im sure she knows

shes just a basic bitch doing basic things

i find her face off putting

>Boob tape
>Clown make up and white trash tattoos

What the fuck happened.

I'm not surprised. Your sex life with your significant other has to be a joke.

Sasha grey is still fucked in the head though. They aren't stable people period.