Is KT officially the kings of female characters now?
Is KT officially the kings of female characters now?
I don't stand behind the archaic idea of having characters be "female" or "male", but Bioware seems to be the only dev currently even making an effort in making "female" characters realistic.
My boys at Omega Force know how to make quality waifus + husbandos for the ladies. It's preferable for them to be lowkey so we don't get any fags trying to fuck it up.
They are the best for giving the world Marie Rose.
Why don't companies like Bioware outsource their modeling to them? I guarantee you it would make Mass Effect/Dragon Age sell tons more
>Zelda instead of Cia
The fuck are you doing?
Bioware doesn't want their woman to be attractive.
I get what you're saying but your the first and second parts of you sentence seem like they don't belong.
I think Bioware is conciously making characters to be much less physically appealing and average so to speak- I like improbable, gorgeous women in fighting roles but it's not fashionable in some circles.
Though in some cases I think some of Bioware's designs intersect between the aforementioned idea and incompetence. It doesn't help that their stuff does not look good in motion.
Western devs make their female characters ugly on purpose so ((((critics)))) may give them good ratings for being inclusive to hambeasts.
>I think Bioware is conciously making female characters to be much less physically appealing and average so to speak
I dont remember who's on the top left and middle
Amen to that, brother
Fatal Frame and Toukiden chicks
top left is fatal frame
That would be skyrim modders
here's to (you)
Who's the top middle one? She's getting me hard.
Fatal Frame and Toukiden.
She's the titsqueen.
Why dont they just make porn already
the uncensored version of Fatal Frame 5
Here's your (You)
Bioware uses models as references. They're just really bad at art and animation and have a track record that supports this. They can't into Frostbyte either.
Outsourcing art is a fucking nightmare if it's for anything but small assets. Artists don't play the game and have to be strong armed into doing so more often than not. So they check-in their shit without testing it and now you have a pillar in the middle of a walkway or stairs facing the wrong way, probably winging it off some old build. You as a designer can't test your level on the latest build until they fix their fuck-up especially since they're clearly not following the design sheet. This is a typical issue that only dies down temporarily when a producer gets on their asses for a week or so. And this is within the same building with people you can talk person. Now imagine dealing with artists many miles away at a different studio.
Did they only censor the bonus outfits or was there something major in the storyline itself, like in #FE?
What does Sup Forums think of Nyotengu?
Good thing that video games aren't real life
The girls in Nioh are pretty damn good too, even if it was only published by KT
I want to fuck Tecmo Koei.
Interesting design, boring playstyle.
That and mediocre games
One of the girls was a gravure idol or some shit so there was a storyline reason for her to be in skimpy clothing.
>even if it was only published by KT
It's by Team Ninja, DOA's devs.
Of course they know about good looking gals.
Stop being misogynist you cis scum
Aren't half of these ω-force?
I really wish Tecmo and Koei had remained separate. I used to enjoy the occasional musou game and now they're full of Tecmo waifubait women, final fantasy fuckboys, ridiculous anime weapons and characters. It's not like the series used to be completely free of that shit but it's really gotten out of hand.
They got wonderful and not Koei can make games with good gameplay and girls like Nioh.
They actually make them Asian too.
how in the fuck is her fighting style boring? she has probably one of the more interesting concepts because of how DOA works
Eh, I don't see why a gravure model would walk around like that in private so I guess I don't care too much about that.
She's just a reskin of Tengu and hasn't really been updated to reflect that it's a modern game.
but what does that have to do with her fighting style? she replaces a character and gets some new moves but in general her fighting style is on the more interesting style as she employs tactics unique to only her
What was censored in #FE?
I know like 2 outfits got censored, but clothing I don't care about
I haven't played it myself but apparently they changed the aesthetics and the concept of a gravure themed dungeon.
I think it's a boring style, subjectively so but boring nonetheless.
This girl looks Japanese, my only gripe with her is that she looks 2017 Japanese. Her hairstyle, lip gloss, and makeup are all in line with whats hot in Japan now. She doesn't look like she belongs in a feudal setting period.
Wow what a cherry picked picture. Put Lara from Tomb raider next to Kasumi and see how well your argument hold up.
Welcome to entertainment. You wouldn't want to watch medieval films and have the hotties look actually medieval hot.
>zero porn of her
Lara is a relic of the 90's and one they can't suddenly "unsexy" because it would go against the core of Lara being a hot babe on an adventure. Also Japanese publisher that probably didn't mind her looking sexy.
I actually would. And there are ways to make her period accurate and attractive. One of the things I always enjoy is accuracy. For example in Korean historical drams the characters always look so out of place because all the women have modern hairstyles, are coated in makeup and the latest plastic surgeries. Meanwhile when the NHK does historic dramas they usually hit some level of historical accuracy in terms of hairstyles of the times, people with a bit of dirt on their faces etc. And the girls often still manage to look cute.
It can be done right, just throwing in a "hot girl" by todays standards is just lazy.
That argument goes against other things said in this thread. Many of the western games that now feature ugly models once had attractive characters like mass effect for example. Crystal Dynamic 100% could have made her more "realistic" if they wanted to, there weren't bound by anything. Yet they chose not to. In fact suppose your argument was true, then that's almost even better isn't it? That they stuck to 90's pre-"sjw" mentality despite the current climate.
Just curious, how do you know how people in feudal japan look like? The best thing you can base on is drawings but those are far from photorealistic.
Of course they are realistic if you can only aim for ungly women or you're ugly yourself
>people with a bit of dirt on their faces etc.
>they have dirt on their faces so it's realistic
You fucking baka.
Jesus user, we have more than enough documentation from art, literature and other sources like historical texts to tell what kinda hair and make-up people had in periods much older than just fueda Japan. We know what styles were popular in ancient Greece, we know what makeup women wore in the Heian period. Do you think history is just some opaque shroud we can't see through?
I was saying in comparison. Like if some-one is a peasant working the fields I dont expect that they'll have perfect hair and make-up. Yet often times in K-dramas thats exactly the case.
>What was censored in #FE?
I'll tell you a secret, love. Nobody wants to see ugly people, especially in entertainment. That's why black people are so uncommon in movies. It's just not worth it because let's say you make it realistic, right? Well, you have one season of realism and then it's cancelled because nobody watched it.
>Nobody wants to see ugly people,
Except ugly peoples.
>to prove KT's superiority in waifumaking, at least from DW
>you choose butterface mcsecondworstfaction to represent
Christ, jinfags, worse than hitler. Next time have the fucking decency to post Xingcai or Wang yi instead
fucking sima zhao i swear
I never said ugly. I said historically accurate dress, make-up and hairstyles while still looking cute. I believe that that is entirely possible.
I duuno, at least average people. Like I hate when I'm watching a CW show and everyone, even the dads, looks like theyre a clothing model for a sears catalog. One of the reasons the movie Alien is my favorite was because the cast were space truckers and they looked the part. These kinda movies get made today and everyone looks like they just stepped off the runway no mater what their role is.
I know what they looked like historically, baka-head. But most of them wouldn't look like if they looked realistic. There's a reason why the make-up industry make so much dough, women look ugly without make-up.
>I believe that that is entirely possible.
You're very naive
I don't understand what you're trying to communicate to me.
Because it's redundant.
When they sell luxury who do they use? They use the prettiest girls they can find and spend billions on ads. Movies and series is the same thing, it's a very costly business. No movie or series is going to be feature ugly people in general. Even the "ugly" people are usually average.
he's trying to say that he wishes he was beautiful and is mad that women have a viable option in the "appearance" department
How so?
Are the lewds good?
I don't think thats interesting at all. See this post:
I find this face, although symmetrical, proportionate, and seemingly "flawless" to be incredibly boring.
Not only do they make top quality Female models but even their male designs look better than 90% of other Japanese/Western work. And thank goodness they don't look like sissy boys from Final Fantasy.
>all DOA girls have the same bodies, with the exception of the blonde pedobait
Yeah props for them actually making men and not pussy KPOP shit like SE.
The DW male designs have a style that reminds of me the wuxia comic series The Storm Riders.
Lara was a ultra swag lady with sexy attitude. Now is a cute, with not so good self esteem girl and also people make fun of her because is the daughter of a historian who believed a charlatan, while old Laura's father was basically Indiana Jones and her was considered the best Relic Hunter of the world. So they could change the sexyness if they wanted. And actually they did. Like i said, old Lara was "hot sexy", new Lara is more "cute sexy". Also, Yennefer or Ciri.
>Weird shaped nose
>Lower lip is way to big
People think that is beauty...
>Nobody wants to see ugly people, especially in entertainment. That's why black people are so uncommon in movies.
Ah, so black people are ugly? LEL.
>so black people are ugly?
Why did you post burnt bread to try to prove your point?
>Ah, so black people are ugly? LEL.
Quick question; why does Japanese love black people skin tone so much? I mean I have never seen a brown Japanese girl UNLESS she was a hafu.
KT is officially the King of PC Ports.
I don't get it, tans are quite popular in japan
You what? Heres the thing, ALL Japanese people have the potential to be as brown as most light skinned black people. Its in their genes but most women avoid the sun to prevent it from happening. However look at Japanese female athletes or girls from the countryside in the summer and you will see brown people. Dark brown people.
>that pic
They are unarguably the best in that regard.
Too bad their games fucking sucks holy shit. It's like they wanted me to exclusively fap to their games.
Not until mothmangirl is in the fucking game
>not best girl Lingqi
It's like you want Lu Bu to kill you
Hottest DOA, period.
SE = Japan
The devs have no say in the matter.
I really do not believe that SE polices what goes into the games they acquired from edios.
I just get the urge to protect her from refugees.
Post some brown 100% Japanese girls. I need to see this with my own eyes.
A K B A R ' D
Who is upper middle titty monster?
>the archaic idea of having characters be "female" or "male"
*tips thick rimmed glasses*