Ghost recon wildlands

my friend has been shilling for this game and i've never played it, and i don't want to waste my money if it turns out trash

so can you tell me what are the issues with this game?

Its the most boring open world game I've ever played.

Buggy, clunky, empty grindfest.

Go get 'em, cowboy.

download the free open beta and try it out lol?

its nothing special. Feels like Farcry mixed with a stealthy tom clancy game

watered down mgs 5 with multiplayer


A more limited GTA online

its just boring in every way

It's not bad, but it gets pretty boring and repetitive. Feels a lot like the division with a shitty driving added in.

I feel like it's almost a good game but just isn't quite there. Maybe full game will be different than beta since beta is just one area. They really could have done something better with the ghost recon series instead of going for multi-player shit.

Everything except the character design and gun configuring is shite.

>typical Ubishit voice acting that sounds like it was done through a text to speech bot
>terrible driving and flying
>bland generic missions
>performance is iffy at best
>typical Ubishit open world game only the problems are twice as bad since the map is bigger than ever with nothing extra to fill it
>limited wildlife in a game with varying biomes
>generic bad guys
>AI is so brain dead that you can almost stealth run missions with an unsuppressed LMG
>teammate Ai is also terrible
>Ubisoft game so the beta is basically a glorified demo, rather than a stage of development to find and weed out major bugs
Only worth getting if you can get it for $15. God damnit I just wanted my Sicario vidya game.

Did some massive changes to GTAo happen or are you autistic?

Did you just compare an rpg-like game to an action-stealth game?

Division headshots do nothing except show numbers. At least ubicuck noticed and made Wildlands instakill headshots.

try out the open beta but dont expect anything its really bad

I forgot to mention that it seems like they made it so that the AI can only detect sounds from about 5 feet away since that was the only way they could get an easy "working" stealth system into the game, I've had cases where shots will whizz past an enemies head and he won't even realise, similarly with if you shoot his buddy 10 feet away, he won't notice.

>I too play on arcade mode
turn up the difficulty

That was the second to last difficulty I did it all on and I wasn't downed fucking once.

Another point is you get penalised for killing civillians, but its hard not to kill them when they kangaroo into the fucking road for no reason.

>typical Ubishit open world game only the problems are twice as bad since the map is bigger than ever with nothing extra to fill it
At least helicopters are plentiful, so traveling is not as painful as usually

But with the awful flying it makes it still painful, and paying for a painful/bland as fuck experience is silly.

Try playing arma instead of ubishit.

Sadly Ubisoft decided to make Just Cause 2 with sicarios instead of MGSV

>Its the most boring open world game I've ever played.
This. I played for 4 hours with some mates when the beta started and haven't been back since.
If I'm not playing it when it's free I sure as fuck won't be buying it.