Torment: Tides of Numenera

It releases in 2 days.
>no reviews
>kickstarter backers were fucked by dev in the ass
what are you expecting? I was hyped when it was announced, now I think it's gonna fucking suck.


playing on xbone coz i can. even though i have a decent pc with 4790k and 290x. 16gb. nigga.

All the older people who are actually the target audience got pissed off about them making it for consoles.

No other group cares about the game at all

edge mag gave it an 8

wait they ported it to consoles? why would they waste their time like that

Same reason why Siege of Dragonspear failed. Why do these faggots think it's a good idea to piss off the only people who care about this greybeard shit?

>>kickstarter backers were fucked by dev in the ass
How so?
I backed it, but barely payed attention to the development.

>cutting content that you reached the stretch goals for and not planning on telling anyone

Did they really do that?

>console version for dem shekels
>wasted time and money of their backers
>muh nostalgia
>plays and looks nothing like planescape torment
>horrible graphics and visual design
>pissed off very limited fanbase or rpg codex autists

>Some of our players and community members recently pointed out that they noticed that some features had changed from what we initially detailed. The one that has come up the most is the companion roster. The early access version doesn't feature the companion list we initially had our sights on. This is true: for the release version, there will be six. While we laid the groundwork for more, while building the game we realized that we had to make a tradeoff between companions with depth, or a larger amount. We chose to focus on the added richness and personality that you expect with a smaller group. The game’s scope increased considerably over what we originally set out to build, and we underestimated the amount of time and iteration it would take to make our companions as reactive and branching as they needed to be.

>Some of you have been asking about the Oasis, an area we talked about during the campaign as our second major city. Though we fully intended that the Oasis would be our second city, story changes, plus our growing fascination with the Bloom, turned that location into our second major hub instead. In fact, the Bloom and surrounding areas are much larger than we originally discussed building for the Oasis. This didn't adversely affect the length of the game – we’re still delivering a second major hub, and we feel this was the right move for the game creatively. It meant we could focus on a setting that felt darker and more distinctly Torment, and it improved the pacing immeasurably.

Someone give me the FULL RUNDOWN on what they did to piss off their PC fans (like what did they cut in order to make it a console game, or whatever)

So, hollow promises aside. Will the game actually be worth playing? I really did love Planescape Torment, so I want this to be good.

is this a direct sequel to Planescape or just a "spiritual successor"




The setting is SJW garbage.

>people tired of InXile's fuck ups
>consistent delays (this game was funded only like a year after the original Pillars of Eternity ffs)
>little to no marketing
>stretch goals they had to renege on
>that whole debacle with the achievements showing various cut content
>Obsidian has actually been marketing their game/campaign for Pillars of Eternity 2 which may have drawn some attention away

Sup Forums isn't "too young" for this game OP, you just have god awful taste in vidya. This game is a fucking spit in the face at Planetscape: Torment, not a spiritual successor.

This game deserves to crash and burn for its developer's incompetence. Not giving them a single god damn cent.

Also, stop remaking the god damn thread. There are like three different ones up right now and all of them only have a few replies. Just fucking consolidate to one god damn thread.

>In January 2013, inXile's CEO Brian Fargo announced that the spiritual successor to Planescape: Torment was in pre-production and
>took them FOUR years to make on mediocre console crap
>divinity original sin devs managed to make an enhanced version on both console and pc
>already making original sin 2

It really sucks when useless developers pull off things like that. Makes me feel bad for the people that were looking forward to the things that were left out.

fargo is rly becoming a human meme.
i ofc respect him for fallouts. wastelands 2 was fine, but nowhere close, underrail did it better, new torment seems pretty bad, new bard's tale seems pretty bad too.

>Tides of Numenera gets crowd founded about a year after PoE
>it still isn't out in 2017
>Obsidian meanwhile is already working on PoE2 and only about a year and a half out from launch

This game and its developers are fucking pathetic.

>not Planescape

fuck rpg codex! god fucking damn!

If the recent "renaissance" of this kind of games is anything to go by, the writing will be fucking awful and everything else really mediocre.

LMAO I never thought of this. guess the game was made by libtards unlike us very intelligent redpilled channers xD

Guess I won't be buying this, fucking embarrassing.


I know right?

guess we can assume this game will be terrible since it wasn't made by Sup Forums

I guess he's talking about the stretch goals that got reached by backers, but the devs were too incompetent to implement them.

>trying this hard


I agree. We need representation of all 120 genders.

>doesn't remember all the hecklers during the KS campaign demanding a "gender slider"

i'm in the same boat as you, was hyped but not anymore

>Larian and obsidian already nearly finished with sequels to their successful games
>Numenera still not even released
Really makes your cogs turn huh??

It will have absolutely nothing to do with PST nor will it have the same quality of writing.
PST was sp good because almost everything was written by one dude. Nowafays it's always 5-6 writers who get into struggles and zhen have to find a middleground.


Wasn't Avellone supposed to be working on this or did he get sick of their shit too?

I haven't been keeping up with it since the first screenshots so the only thing I know is it has bad buzz.

I'll wait for reactions after the game is out, but I'll definitely play it if it's at least as good as Tyranny.

It didnt help that Siege of Dragonspear was pretty terrible dogshit.

Anyone else noticed how fucking god awful their website is?

Seems like something a fan whipped up in a weekend, not the official site for the game itself.

when memes destroy your brain

he was a stretchgoal on kickstarter, pretty sure they reached the goal atleast

He's just a guest writer iirc.
And even if he wrote a considerable junk of the story, it's not all his, there's pther parts from a few different writers and that just doesn't mash well together.

Just take the companions of PoE as an example. Literally every companion is dwarved by Durance alone, not even including GM. That's what happens when you have so many writers.

>I really did love Planescape Torment, so I want this to be good.
This is unrelated to Planescape, man. """Spiritual successor"""


Yeah, he was a kickstarter goal. I believe he did some characters.

Why in the living fuck does that "piss people off" just ignore the console port you don't have to fucking play it.
My only complaint is no physical day one edition in NA. I don't want to fucking import it from Uk.
Meanwhile you can get the day one edition for 20% off via amazon for console. Now that's fucking retarded.

>dwarved by Durance


You can't just suddenly produce quality writing out at the drop of a hat. That shit takes drafts and rewrites (else you get PoE with a bunch of edgy fedoras tipping intensely at each other.)

The problem is it doesn't seem like they were putting in the effort to get said quality writing. The character bios sound the same as the Kickstarter Backer written special snowflake NPCs in PoE.

Backing out of stretch goals might fuck THEM in the ass, though. I mean doesn't Kickstarter have some kind of contractual obligation that you have to deliver what you promised on the product page? It's why Kickstarted games will include woefully shallow mechanics for the sake of having them in rather than having them and done well--look at PoE's Stronghold funded by Kickstarter stretch goal.

and nu-men sounds like it uses all the zhir and zur shit. It's like these dipshits are ignorant of how a Girdle of Gender Change was a gag cursed item, they gotta force their virtue signals in there.

>(((Spiritual successor)))

what did they mean by this?

>pretty terrible
i feel like SoD raped my treasured memories of baldur's gate
i just checked it out, does not look good nor professional.

It pisses people off because resources were wasted so the game can be on platforms were almost nobody cares about the game instead of doing something actually useful with said resources, where the majority of the fans profit from.

It's literally "we want the bigger audience over quality".

So it's out way way later than it should be, and in that time Obsidian has already made two better games.

what can I expect from this game? I know nothing about it

because they waste time and money on console version instead of making pc version first and then console version for extra shekels. not to mention console crowd is a bunch of normalfags who consider "meh too much reading" as a legitimate argument. these games are made by autists for autists. inviting normalfags is always a mistake

damn, whoever made this was so fucking salty

As someone who loves PS:T and CRPGs I was never hyped about this game in the first place.

Claiming something was a "Spiritual successor" is a blatant marketing ploy when you're a completely different company with completely different developers and writers to the people who created the original.

It could still be good, but anyone who backed this game because a completely different game made by a completely different studio was great is retarded.

You falsely assume it is zero sum like that.
Got it.
Newsflash user. They spent more on a console port because they will make it back and then some in console sales. So they may not of had the capital to invest in other "features" besides like Any kickstarter they probably had more money than they even need, and adding shit for the sake of adding shit never ends well. Lastly wouldn't be surprised if the port was done by a contracted external company. Probably even taking royalties as the bulk of the payment. Not like porters could just magically be, idk writers or something.

Controller based design forces you down an inferior path. The game will suffer for it.

>So they may not of had the capital to invest in other "features" besides like Any kickstarter they probably had more money than they even need, and adding shit for the sake of adding shit never ends well.
They didn't have enough money to fulfill their kickstarter stretch goals.

Should i play this, Tyranny or PoE?
Sup Forums says all three are shit.
But i imagine this site is just ADHD 15 year olds.

>They spent more on a console port because they will make it back and then some in console sales
jej. it doesnt have big marketing and it has lots of text. normalfags will not buy this, trust me, not to mention for honor, horizon, zelda and mass effect andromeda are basically out. normalfags will skip it, be sure of that, pillars and tyranny still have no console versions.

Holy fucking shit Sup Forums, you seriously become the same as all SJW you hate. Any setting that is not an amish paradise played traditional and by the book instantly gets REEEEEEEE TRIGGERED reaction.

Are you fagots seriously that fucking insecure to not be able to just say fuck it and enjoy the ride for the trainwreck it is?

>adding shit for the sake of adding shit
You indeed sound like some new numale cuck who'd be interested on nu men era.
They literally lied to the backers. It wasn't shit that was supposed to be added just because, it was shit the backers paid for to have added.

But all three are shit user. T(y)ranny and PoE are just grey masses of writing. Good luck not falling asleep

Or it will flop and they will become utterly unable to build good will and brand recognition ever again.

Even the kickstarter crowd won't forgive indefinitely.

>just ignore the console port you don't have to fucking play it.

Yeah, people who disliked Dungeon Siege 3 for playing absolutely nothing like the previous games should have just ignored the console port.

PoE. It actually isn't bad, but the main story is rather weak. White March is fantastic.
Tyranny is pure garbage.

Tyranny > PoE > Nu-Men-Era

Companion Quality:
PoE > Tyranny > Nu-Men-Era

Gameplay Quality:
PoE > Tyranny > Nu-Men-Era

Length/Depth of Content:
PoE > Nu-Men-Era > Tyranny

I already preordred XO version. If it is going to be shit, I can always pirate it on PC. win-win for me.

I'm not retarded enough to pay $45 to
>enjoy the ride for the trainwreck it is
no, xir, I'm not.

Enjoy your genderfluid transgoddess protag.

Money wasn't the issue there.
It's kickstarter what do you expect?
Besides ports have return on investment.
Sure but they can still cover port costs, not that much these days. And again, wouldn't be surprised if it was done by a third party in exchange for console sale royalties
I don't use kickstarter on account of not being a complete fucking retard. I don't care that the obvious happens to muuh backers. I just want a good game. Kickstarter crowd will throw away their money again like they do everytime.
Could be. But that has nothing to do with a port
Yes being on console is the sole reason for that.
I mean i didn't even know da:o had a console port until later. Same as Divinity orignal sin.
They both and quality controls.

>pre-orders games
>interested in Nu-Men-Era
>owns an xbone

What a disgusting excuse for a human being you are.

And I should just take your word for it?

Thanks PoE it is.
I'm not taking advice from someone who uses such shit tier memes or rates games he's never played.

So what exactly do you get out of responding to every single post in the thread and attempting to shill this game?

Just curious as to why I should believe you specifically versus everyone else in the thread. You seem to have a more palpable bias than most.

No, you should play whichever one interests you the most you stupid fuck.

>I'm not taking advice from someone who...
>proceeds to take his advice and play the game he recommended anyways

Kek, enjoy PoE fagboy. It's a fun ride.

I asked why autists cared about a console port, responded to some (you)s
I don't know if the game is good or shit. I haven't played it or even seen a review out yet.
Not everyone not blindly bashing for no reason on this site is a shill. I haven't even said anything fucking possitive about it.

It's a massive SJWfest and they stole like half of the Kickstarter money.

>responding to every single post in the thread
Not him, but all the posts he responded to were directed at him.

Judging from early access it feels pretty cool and interesting desu. Looking forward to the full thing.

I hear that all the time.
Where is an example for this, have you played the beta stuff?

Just remember, don't "talk" to the NPCs with gold plated name plaquets. Those are backer NPCs, and their writing is beyond god aweful.

Not even just the time, more "Oh shit, how much did they change with the controls and inventory to make them console friendly? How much did they reduce the dialogue to stop from having text dumps on a TV?"

Just imagine how good KOTOR or Jade Empire could have been if they weren't console releases too.

Even if this gets good reviews I'll still probably just pirate it.

The way inXile handled the entire crowdfunding campaign just leaves a really vile taste in my mouth.

I don't have a single friend who is hyped for this, and most of my circle is pretty into RPGs.

I took advice from the guy who is capable of articulating himself.
Just so happened to be the same game senpai.
Fuck i hate kickstarter


It's worse than Tyranny when it comes to the pushing a political agenda down your throat front.

>Besides ports have return on investment.

Spoken like an idiotic shill, nobody is going to be playing these types of games on console. It's not free money, XCOM bombed on consoles to the point they didn't even fucking bother porting the second one.

I'm hyped for it. I bought it full price on steam a couple days ago. Planescape Torment is and continues to be my favourite game of all time, and I believe in Fargo and McComb. It's okay to be excited for a game you know, Sup Forums. If it sucks that's my fault. I'll move on.

they did port xcom 2 tho. it has horrible performance and no mod support lmao. its 900p on both console I think too.

>material from a Numenera book
Okay, now show me stuff from the game.

Almost a year later. They didn't shove the port stick up its ass mid-development.

Is this any better than Pillars of Eternity?

>Planescape Torment is and continues to be my favourite game of all time
Irrelevant. Fuck off, idiot.

I wish my parents still paid for my video game expenditures so I could afford to frivolously buy trash in the hopes it might be somewhat palatable as well.

Once you have a job, and its your money your are spending you'll likely be wiser with your investments. Comes with age/time.

If you cant show me anything, then I cant believe you.
I'm pretty sure there will be some SJW stuff in the game, but we cant say yet, its not out.
Unless you got stuff from the EA all you do is guessing.

>if it's sucks that's my fault.
Great. So now I know who to blame.
It better be good fucker.

Meant for
$60 isn't much if you work fulltime kid.
Nice try though.


How retarded can you be. This entire project has used what makes Planescape great as inspiration in every facet of development. Even Obsidian played through Balders Gate and Planescape to inspire PoE.
Perhaps the most retarded post on Sup Forums.

Projecting a little hard there are we?
Getting triggered cos you can't afford £35 is a little stupid user.

It better be fucking good, yeah. But I'm the retard for buying before reviews come out if it does indeed suck dick.

>Protag is literally a trans genderfluid god/goddess
>"Okay, now show me stuff from the game."

Are you trying to be deliberately obtuse right now?

>enjoy the trainwreck
Oh, so that's why Europe is welcome all those immigrants. They know it will ruin their homeland but they are "enjoying the trainwreck".