It's been 7 years...
It's been 7 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
Cancerous newfag
It was cancer then and it's cancer now.
>implying you even know what he's talking about you dirty fucking frog poster
>7 years
what the fuck man
Song for user and his waifu
>It's been 7 years...
When did we stop having harmony days?
Who's MOOT?
I swear I will always remember this song even on my deathbed
solid bait, 2/5
>7 year
where has time gone
Around 2013. Even Moot stopped giving a shit back then.
I thought maybe after what Hiro did for Halloween, he might do it for Harmony day, but whatever...
Whats this shit?
Jesus fucking christ, really? Seven years?
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Why is this even a thing
It's so bizarre that it actually has been 7 years. I still remember that day, waking up after some shitty high school party I went to that I didn't enjoy at all with a very very bad hangover, getting on Sup Forums and everything being all gay and pink and shit. I ended up playing that game for so long that when I stopped it was nighttime and my hangover was gone. Fuck, time flies.
>They brought it back at least once, maybe twice
I wish it was still a thing and fucking with the site/boards in general. Everything is so serious now and people are just angry all the time. What happened to people's ability to have fun?
I've been here since 2005, I swear
>tfw we will never have a more loving time in Sup Forums history
It was just harmony
>Japan Time was 10 years ago
The refresh button isn't working
Remember this?
>Be chilean
>mfw I could barely enjoy a little bit of harmony because of the quake making my PC fall off the desk.
Sorry m8 Im in a train and got no laptop with me.
>you'll never relive the days when moot switched the boards, so that going to Sup Forums and you'll end up in Sup Forums instead
>you'll never relive the time when Sup Forums and other boards got spammed with PUNI PUNI and GIRUGAMESH
>you'll never relive the time whenever Sup Forums is down, every Sup Forumstards go to Sup Forums and /o/
Holy shit. That was back when i only had my shit laptop. I remember the look my girlfriend gave me the first time i to Sup Forums that day and the music started blaring out of my shitty little speakers.
>What happened to people's ability to have fun?
Thats what ruined this board you fucking faggot.
The constant
>le funay regurgitated shitpost
garbage for the past decade has been detrimental to this place.
>le nigger slaps your ass wut do
>putting ur codiment in the fridge
>lul loss comic XD
>I srsly hope u guys dun do this
>that'll be 9.11 plus tip :^^^^)))))
>whatever stupid fucking retarded shit lanced jack, quentin, toxic Jester, etc has said
It's marginally funny the first time, but you dick-riding faggots are too fucking stupid to make your own OC, so you spam the same garbage without context. The punchline was no longer the funny part of the joke, just referencing the joke was good enough apparently.
You stupid fucks love to bitch about reddit, but then you turn around and beat the dead horse the exact same way.
I'm honestly surprised pepe and wojack didn't go the way of the rage comic considering it's the most normie fucking garbage maymay available right now.
>7 fucking years ago
>The day we revved up those friers and pushed a thread across every board
>Waking up and seeing Sup Forums like this.
Great times, how I miss them.
immediately remove yourself from the gene pool you waste of air