How did Sony "win" this generation so far when microsoft has the objectively better AAA exclusives?
How did Sony "win" this generation so far when microsoft has the objectively better AAA exclusives?
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most sony games can't be played od pc
also nice cherry picking
kill yourself xdrone. Nintendo Switch won this generation
Because in reality almost every game is multiplat and the few exclusives which do exist that people care about are on PC/nintendo. People will of just bought whatever one their friends had
Haha, i-i sure showed that non-sony fag shill *sniff*
*Pops in a cinematic experience*
Who wastes time doing these images
Paid shills, 50 millions of them
Media is biased towards sony so they get all the positive publicity. It's not rocket science. Xbox is where the games are, PS4 is where the media is.
Killzone SF is 100x better than the garbage that Halo 5 was. People only praise Halo 5 because it's slightly less garbage than Halo 4.
probably with that shitty E3 conference where Microsoft talked about zero games but a whole lot of DRM and television.
I legitimately forgot that Sunset Overdrive existed.
I do wonder why.
I know a handful of people who own PS4s and never play them, instead, they use them as movie/netflix machine.
Its their loss. Leave it to us Xbox owners to be entertained by countless hours spent gaming in such blockbusters as Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 6, GoW 4, Forza 6 and many more amazing games
First Light is better even though Sunset has some interesting weapons.
Jesus Christ. This is pathetic cherry picking and you know it.
>no second son
>no bloodborn
>no driveclub (vanilla one)
>no gravity rush 2
>no uncharted 4
>no ni-oh
>pay gaming websites to advertise your shit
>beat the competition
Sure was hard.
As a Xbox faggot that will buy PS4 later this year, no, MS isn't better in this regard.
I hate Sonnygers but this is some nice cherry picking you got here xdrone
>average totally blank
You didn't even finish the image you lazy shit.
Why is the fanboy crying when the PS4 is never on the bottom?
This is the most deluded post I've seen this year
Read the numbers.
Show em Xbro! Lmao Sony shitters and their cinematic experiences literally lmaoing my butt off.
*continues watching Quantum Break*
he even picked first light instead of second son just because the score is lower
totally unbiased picture
That's what I was referring to.
Also holy shit the text is so poor quality. How do you even fuck up such simple pictures? Don't post pictures again until you've gotten better. Even Sup Forums has standards.
>sony constantly demolishes xbox and Nintendo
>somehow Sony is the one crying
What's microsoft?
It's been so pathetically irrelevant in the past year I forgot.
>*Pops in a cinematic experience*
OP you do realize you have quantum break in the image right?
Could you be any more obvious?
>people still arguing about exclusives
And this is how I know you all have no friends. Normal people buy the platform their friends have.
>pc got 46 good exclusives 2016
kek I wonder what games they're referring to
>"S-Sony paid 55M people to sh-shill their console!! it's not fair bros!!!!"
>posts cherrypicked shit like First Light to make himself feel better
Are all 4 Xbots this desperate ??
Aka PS4 because Xbox has no sales.
80% of them are """"retro themed"""" pixel indie shit
So you're saying playstation users have no friends? Sounds about right. I only know 1 ps4 owner and he's literally some overweight Indian. Everyone else I know owns xbox and are really sociable people.
Tbf the Indian is a nice guy though. Just a super autismo loner.
>has to pick the worst games
wew lad
Maybe it's different in America. In western europe no one has an xbox. I have literally never seen one. People have pcs, playstations and the occasional nintendo console.
I'm saying nobody bought an xbone so there is literally no way your friends have one.
On America almost everyone had a 360. Now it's like a 60/40 split in favor of Xbox one
>30 million xbox one sales
>n-nobody owns one
I bet you think nobody bought the Wii or 360 either and that pc gaming is dying.
>Yakuza 0
>Peronsa 5
>Gundam Breaker 3
>Digimon Cyber : Sleuth
>Uncharted 4
>Ratcher and Clank
Yeah I agree, the console is shit when you ignore the best games.
>xbox exclusive *also on pc*
>Sony doesn't want to advertise its competitors
>Nintendo desperately wants people to think Switch is in the same league as PS4 and Xbone
Kinda weird how it's so discrepant. Is the xbox heavily marketed over there or something?
Yeah both Ps4 and Xbox are marketed pretty heavily here, but Ps4 is known more for its weeb games and Xbox is basically the "CoD and halo" machine. Most of the One's success probably comes from the 360's domination here last gen
Haha, yeah
I've never seen a 360 or xbone irl burgers don't play football either they play eggball
>Now it's like a 60/40 split in favor of Xbox one
PS4 has already outsold xbox in america. It's a shit system here and it's unknown worldwide. I'm thankful for microshills failures. I hope the next system is 100% downloadable and they fail again.
By having better and more games.
el o el
Man, due to all the shitposting about it being a movie I ignored Uncharted 4 but last week I lent a couple games a friend and he lent me the Uncharted game: the game is fucking awesome. Not to mention it's probably the best looking game I've ever played. Makes me wonder what other games I've been ignored because people here shitposted my interest in them away. Not only console stuff but pc games as well.
By the way, are the other Uncharted games as good as 4? I'm tempted to get the collection, it's like 30 euro for 1, 2 and 3.
The best part about seeing so many sonyfriends shill for bloodborne is knowing that when the next decent sony exlusive comes out they will all admit that BB was actually not that good. Just like they did with Uncharted 4, which was THE reason to buy a PS4 and by far the best in its series, until Bloodborne came out and they no longer had to hold it up as amazing and were able to admit that it was worse than 2 and maybe even 3.
Everyone I've ever come into contact with either has a one or both.
It's really not a shit console though. That's just a meme.
They got the normie crowd, same way the Wii won last generation.
Xbox has been very successful in America, UK and Australia. Mainly due to the fact they're English speaking countries and the xbox appeals to the western English speaking demographic.
I only played 3 and 4.
I kinda liked 3 more but it was my first PS3 games so I might be a little biased, but if you liked the core gameplay of the game and not just the graphics you should get the collection, doesn't seem like such a bad deal.
Why do you want no market competition? Are you retarded or just trolling?
Bloodborne came out before Uncharted 4
>"Next decent sony exclusive"
>Gets many games in a few months
>Everyone still agrees that even though they're great games, Bloodborne is still a fantastic game that's hard to top.
Maybe you're just too dumb to recognize shitposts.
Oh no the consolitus is affecting this poor individuals brain. Of course multiplats don't count you colossal mongoloid.
Nintendo literally does not consider sony and microsoft to be competitors. They are concerned far more about strengthening their IPs to a level where they can compete with Disney as a branding/merchandising heavyweight.
>Nintendo literally does not consider sony and microsoft to be competitor
I love this meme
Nintendo doesn't even consider them as competitors?
Woah...Nintendo won...
Comparing the 5 (ony) best/good games xbone has to offer VS the commonly aknowledged as 5 worst games on the PS4 - one of wich is just a DLC.
Why don't you compare your (only) 5 games on xbone to the dozens of other awesome PS4 games there are?
It makes me sad that people do actually believe this.
if you keep posting this eventually your gonna be right.
right user?
>listing the best of shitbox games
>listing the worst of ps4 games
Nice shilling you fucking pajeet cuck
Literally nobody understands your faggot lingo. Go back to Sup Forums.
Because everyone latched onto bloodborne and forgot that other games exist.
> 2017
> still relying on scores by "gaming journalists"
>reviews don't matter when sony gets pwned