My dad (49) buyed a PS4 a week ago. He has no experience with video games...

>My dad (49) buyed a PS4 a week ago. He has no experience with video games, except for some games I showed him (mostly indie games & GTA V)
>He got Unravel & N.E.R.O as his first games (I think it's a okay start)
>Any games he should buy? (for starters, story driven, no complicated controls or timing based gameplay)

pic unrelated

Walking Dead season 1?



Until Dawn if he likes scary movies.
Race the Sun
Dragon Quest Builders if he wants a challenge?

walking dead series is a nice choice, i agree


old people are worthless

Why are you recommending a girly anime game to a 50 year old man, retard?


>story driven, no complicated controls or timing based gameplay

Are these his standards or yours?

Don't think someone who's 49 will like stories in video games. Show him world of tanks.

If he likes slashers movies you should buy him Until Dawn, the game is basically an interactive movie but also a great homage (or rip off depending on your cynicism) of 80's slasher movies.

Also for some reason my dad enjoys racing games far more than he should, maybe yours would also like it, there are several to go by and with different appeal, arcade racers, sim racers, etc etc.

buyed huh

Uncharted Collection
Resident Evil 4
Dead Rising 1 or Dead Rising 2 Off the Record if that would be too hard for him
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Heavy Rain

Do you not understand how greentexting is supposed to work?

Atelier Sophie
Nights of Azure
Megadimension Neptunia VII

Say goodbye to your irregular verbs, anglos. This is how people are going speak simple English within two decades.

My dad is a huge original weeaboo, he may enjoy all of those.

Hitman Go or Lara Croft Go
Metal Slug 3

Because of immigrants? Or because of dumb?

sound double plus good to me desu senpai

>Are ya winnin' dad

Stardew Valley

When ur dads gits gud, get him something like Last of US or Project CARS if he is into cars.

dead or alive extreme 3

>Buying a shitty computer.

You can't make this up.

Immigrants of course. They will shape the language in the future, UK is dying and mohammed is the most common name for kids below 5, take that as you will.

Honestly for 49 yo PC is much better choice.
FTL, Darkest Dungeon, X-Com, Civ 6

Take care of your dad user. Mine died a few years ago and I still miss him.

Because most people speaking English nowadays are not native speakers. They don't have to immigrate anywhere to use English the way they like it.

Did you have a cool dad user?

>implying there won't be a purge

I knew I did sth wrong
>I have final exam in english next week

Sup Forums please, Europe is lost stop fighting already and accept that the normalfags don't give a shit about their own race and culture, we are a lost cause.

>be 14
>dad shows interest in vidya for first time due to the Wii meme
>asks me to show how to play
>first opportunity to get comfy and play vidya with dad
>be an idiot and show him re4
>too hard and confusing for him and he never wants to play games again



>Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Seconding this. My uncle and grandpa fucking love this game.

I....I should go call my parents. It's been a while

While it's true that many irregular will cease being used, partly due to immigration, verbs with high frequency of use will most likely be passed on.

'Buy' is something that is used quite frequently, so its irregular form 'bought' should be safe for a while.

If it was my dad, I probably would've let him borrow my PC and/or buy him a Nintendo console. Get him some popular PC game let him play on mouse, or buy him Mario or zelda. Very easy to play and get into, and harmless.

You're >greentexting wrong as well.

maybe I don't
sorry I'm a newfag

300$ PC with core i3 can play all relevant PC games on integrated graphics, including Overwatch.
It's only X-Com 2 which will be problem.

I'll do, sorry for ur loss

He wasn't perfect, but he did everything in his power so I could have a better life than he did.

then teach me master

Don't post at all until you've learned it by observing others.

my culture is video games, internet shit and music
those things won't die that fast

All the traditional shit like christmas is stupid and I couldn't care less about it

>story driven, no complicated controls or timing based gameplay

With those criteria you just want interactive movie games. Probably should just stick with watching actual movies, since video game stories are mediocre at best.

You are the fucking problem of this continent, I blame the jews! Go vote for the green party or some other lefty cuckold party.

But what if other ppl are doing it wrong like me?

As far as I understand it: You greentext in story time posts

e.g: >be me ...

I don't vote for vegan fags

(Action)Adventures, stuff like TellTaleGames does, visual novels, exploration games, puzzle platformers

there are a lot of genres

Xcom maybe, my dad usually plays citysims or strategy games. But pc is obviously a better place for that.

Last of us remastered?

As a kid, bought and brought caused me some trouble so I can see how these might end up becoming buyed and bringed. It's how foreigners with lesser English skills write them from what I've seen.

Normally I don't do these mistakes. But idk somehow it happened