>STILL no good MMO
Wake me up from this nightmare
Sup Forums is retarded dont listen to anything they tell you you have been warned
nice try user
I know and I'm desperate. I really want to try something that's not FF14 or WoW. I really NEED to keep myself busy for a long time.
The days of good MMOs are over user, casuals killed them. Now we have themeparks like FFXIV.
Persona 5
iktf cutie
lets come to a decision together in this thread once and for all
Will give them a try. Ty.
10 years ago.
nice cuck server
no wonder only 200 people are online kek
Don't remind me. I miss it.
mmo is garbage so i guess you right
>Sup Forums says "don't listen to Sup Forums"
20 years ago.
>he thinks MMOs are getting better
You were born too late by the sounds of it, user.
Should've been playing MMOs 10-15 years ago if you wanted good ones.
TERA shit endgame
Wildstar lol ded
LOTRO lol ded
B&S shit endgame
Wasn't that game killed by p2w?
It's dead hours right now, peak times can get near 1000.
Then I'm confusing it with a similar looking one.
my highschool has more people than that
Nexus is still subscription based, although it's free-play until max level.
There are cosmetic microtransactions, sure.
Come say hi, you won't find a friendlier community on the internet. Community is what makes games stick.
I actually just started Tera and I'm liking it ok so far. Only like level 20.
But is it just me or is the game dead as fuck? I'm assuming that everyone is just doing end game stuff at this point because I barely see other people when I'm playing even in cities. I'm on Ascension Valley if that matters.
You must be 18 to use this website.
>Wildstar lol ded
im 19
Wait.. should I play wildstar?
Can't stop playing since it went free to play. I played years and years ago and cam back to it again and am right non the verge of resubbing again.
There's nothing out there quite like it still running. It's from the oldschool. No hand holding, player driven, proper mmo.
they had to consolidate everything into one server and pretty much combine factions
low level dungeons are pretty much dead, 1 hour+ queues
theres still a small community for end game but even then it'll be hard to do some content
Woah, hold up, Eve is f2p now? How much is behind paywall?
>wow punishes you for wanting to play alts by gating shit through artifacts
shit man I just wanna have fun playing dungeons and having multiple characters
You'll have to read up on it all but alpha clones are free to play. Omega you either have to sub or pay for game tim via plex which you can get on the ingame market.
You can go a long way on an alpha clone though. I've been on it the last 3 months like that.
FFXIV is fun. Got into Balmung for free, found myself a nice and comfy FC that helps me out with dungeons and quests, they have social events often which is fun and the
Majority of f2p is in skill restrictions. Basically being limited to player race ships, frigates, half training speed, and caps out at about 5 million skillpoints. Currently, the most preferred career of alpha clones seems to be exploration and f1 monkeys.
Is it really that fuckin dead?
Shame, I was always interested in trying it but I hate that empty feeling when it comes to MMOs.
MMOs were never good
Guess I was having fake fun.
glad you realize that now retard
Hoping the days of RvR return with Camelot Unchained but i can already imagine alot of people cry about "but what about muh raids?"