Yes, Xbone is losing their only exclusive

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Daily reminder xbone exclusives are more popular than ps4 ones (although both have much, much less popular exclusives than PC/nintendo stuff)


that game is shit just play ratchet and clank

guess what community don't cry when there exclusive get ported.
really make you think

It was only a matter of time. I guess XBone will only have HALO at the end.

Unlikely, since Microsoft control the publishing rights for the game. A sequel/spinoff however wouldn't be out of the question.

Insomniac originally pitched SO to Sony as a PS4 exclusive, but Sony wouldn't play ball and told them to fuck off, since one of Insomniac's conditions was that they retain the IP, which Sony weren't having a bar of. They then went to Microsoft, who funded the game and let Insomniac retain the IP in exchange for the lifetime publishing rights.

Does the article actually specifically state that, with a source, that its possibly coming to PS4? Or is it just a clickbait title and you're just falseflagging?

>Reggie talks about Zelda BotW while sitting next to a laptop. Could a PC release for the game be incoming?

being xbone exclusive was a big fucking mistake and this game deserves better than this

The dead one?

>lifetime publishing rights

is that solid info, though? seems like a strange clause to have while letting them keep the IP.

Which means that Sunset Overdrive 2 may be a PS5 launch title (or perhaps they are already making one and will release before 2019)

Its unlikely since Microsoft published it but not impossible, would not be surprised if it ever got a PC port though.

Yup, this post is correct.

Given Microsoft's recent history of bungling relationships with third party devs working on gsmes for them I'd not be surprised if SO2 either never happens or is on PS4 with support from Sony.

I hope its the latter. I quite liked the first and if they could make a sequel with physics-based momentum (e.g. going downhill picks up speed) rather than the old system it could be legit great.

what's the point though? end of the day the one who has the publisher rights has control over you basically. there games have been successful on the PS so it was kinda pointless really

>making a sequel on a different console that doesn't have the base game
Its stupid and it would fail tremendously just like how titanfall 2 flopped even harder than titanfall 1 even while being multiplat.

People won't buy SO2 when they've never even touched SO and can't because SO is exclusive.

In case the IP is successful they can sell it off or work on titles related to it on other consoles.




insomniacgames suffers from bad management. They are releasing sub-quality indie stuff to cash in but they are getting more and more arrogant when it comes to their IPs

If you want to use VGChartz how about you update it boi

Uncharted 4 has over 8 million sales despite being released a year later while Halo 5 has only over 4 million sales

sunset overdrive doesn't seem like that type of series though

If they're confident enough in being able to get around the contracts, they could potentially wrangle out of it with some kind of rerelease under a different title, similar to what Team Ninja did with Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Sigma 2.

That's assuming they care enough, though. Plus any kind of new SO game probably wouldn't appear for a good long while, since apparently the vast majority of their studio are working on that PS4 Spidey.

nobody wants to play a bootleg infamous anyways, make another resistance

Who the fuck even wants that shit?

Insomnia should rather work on Spidey or R&C. I'd even take Resistance over this shit since the first one was extremely fun.

>that texture
What is this, a 360 game?

>game is a xbone exclusive
>"reeeeeee what a shit game!"
>game gets ported to piss4

this is one of the greatest free roam games ever made. you can basically move through the whole city without touching the floor once by just air-dashing and grinding and wallriding while you shoot stuff. but ofc it got shat on for being a "le generic open world zombie shooter" until it got a piss4 release. now its the second coming of christ and an addition to the bloodbornestation4. congratulations, now you have 2 worthwile games. bought a PSVR yet and enjoying the "games" on it?

>Sunset Overdrive

Good thing Xboxfags are extinct, or else they'd be pretty mad

Calm down there, Pajeet. The majority of people who've actually played it thought it was good.

Writing-aside. Goddamn, someone was going through a midlife crisis when they came out with most of that garbage.

Insomniac has done better when they stick with Playstation than when they go multiplat, look at how shit Fuse was and Sunset Overdrive while fun didnt manage to sell a lot

Of course they also made bad games with Playstation like Resistance 2 but still more positive than negative

I really hope Insomniac will revive Resistance someday or reboot it, but sadly it seems they dont have any plans for it

This was never a great series.

I actually have the Sunset Overdrive white console, but have never played the game. Is it actually any good?

1 and 3 were very decent, i kinda want to see what can they do with the series now that they are on a roll

So that means rare replay is the best exclusive on the console. To be honest I'm not supprised I'll play Banjo and Killer Instanct for non stop days


I just want Insomniac to go back to making furry platformers with cool guns

This didn't work with Ninja Gaiden or Mass Effect 1. Microsoft published both games. Everyone at the time thought they would be exclusive games.

> vgchartz


We don't want it



>Consolewar bullshitery
Who fucking cares.
>Sunset Overdrive
.....this is a really garbage game, why are you Sony fanboys hyped?

Who cares?
Who wants to buy a 3 year old game?

>its a xbox one only has 1 exclusive thread

Sonydrones: WTF I love sunset overdrive now

never really been an insomniac fan, but this game was baller. sold my xbone but would pick this up again if it got released on ps4 for sure

It was a free game on gold. Not a big loss for them. That game is pretty shit, it's one of the laziest open world sandbox games Ive seen and it's very empty. Only a multiplayer versus mode (Splatoon-like) could redeem it but Insomniac proly doesn't care.

As a sonygger who's going to buy a PS4 soon, I couldn't give less of a fuck about this piece of shit even if I tried my hardest.

This. Missions are extremely repetitive. The only thing it has going for it is the dialogue but it gets extremely tiring after a while.

Good choice. I played it when it was free for a weekend. Game is trash. The art style was cool. Reminded me of jsrf. Was highly dissapointed.

What even is this game? I have never seen any gameplay or even seen anyone talk about it. Is it one of those shit games that get hyped up because they are exclusives?

I couldn't get into Sunset Overdrive. It's not as much fun as was it was touted.

Like horizon

Another question: Where did this shitty trend of bringing up games nobody mentioned come from? It's not an argument, on the contrary, it shows that you don't have any.

Ted Price is a fucking retard and I am glad it bombed. This game on ps4 or at least multiplatform would have sold over a million but they chose microsoft because "muh IP ownership".
Good job man, you almost killed your own Ip, if it is not dead yet.

I don't particularly want it but thanks I guess.

literally who the fuck cares about this shit game?

>implying I want any of Xbox boomy boom gun games

Let's not be a bunch of autistic pricks about it. If it's coming to another platform I'm all for it, I always wanted to try it but there just wasn't enough about the Xbone to ever push me to get one. It's still a game they helped get out the door.

Have fun with an incredibly mediocre game. The art style and average gameplay can only take it so far.

> PS5
> Implying

Please don't meme. The game was shit and people rightfully weren't interested in it

It looks as fun as any Wii U game was though.

>now that it's not exclusive anymore xbox nerds drop the facade and admit it was shit all along
Lmao beautiful. Not gonna play this shit game but I'm glad we got it bros

The fucked up thing is... it sold me on the Xbox one. I needed any excuse to buy one and the first time a positively reviewed game hit metacritic and I was in. That game was sunset overdrive. I literally played it for 4-5 hours before I realized how big of a pile of shit it was once you got past the pretty paint job.

>still buying consoles in 2017

>supporting insomniac

>being happy that a flaming bag of dog shit got put on your doorstep

Sonyggers will take just about anything.

Uncharted sold because of a bundle

Fucking idiots in this thread. Sunset Overdrive is one of the better and more unique games this generation.

I never played it and I look forward to getting it on my ps4

Big talk from the guy who spent years pretending to love his bag of dogshit.

>no one's played it yet but it's shit
Autism at its finest.

halo5 had a bundle too m8

as did gow4

Do not support this game. Reddit incarnate. Entire thing reeks of out of touch suits trying to be cool

>one line of dialog namedrops Reddit
Shut the fuck up, retard.

Best exclusive this gen. Better than any of the Wii U's shit too. I bought a copy for $5 and would probably rebuy it for the PS4 if this is true.

>implying Xbox has a community

Yeah but the bundle didn't affect much because so few people bought the Xbo... FUCK

You mean they actually say the word reddit in the game? I didn't even play it long enough to get to that part. It's tryhard aura turned me off within 3 hours. That's very ironic, though

>I didn't even play it long enough to get to that part.
Doubt you played it at all.

Who even gave a shit about this game?

Still has Halo 5 lol

Xbros are actually the least toxic community on Sup Forums

It was great

yea its more people just playing games and not getting involved in video game politics. Youd think the system with supposed actuall games would keep those people busy but they seem to have plenty of time to shitpost

it's because all of their exclusives are 6 hour movies with no deployability

yeah cuz there are like four them lol

no replayability

Xbots don't shitpost constantly 24/7 365, bicker and bait. So i wouldn't be surprised their off your radar.

That's because there's, like, 5 of them and they know to keep their heads down because even xboners know their console's shit

There is no community on Sup Forums. Xbox is largely filled with married folk who have stable jobs, not weeaboo NEETs.

I just remembered

Just like there are sony exclusives

>talking about exclusives

Let's act like sony doesn't port shit from the vita.

I knew it was shit a mere few hours after forcing myself to justify my purchase.

You're a fucking liar, knock it off. They're just as bad as the sony/nintendo crazies.

not really no

I really don't want a "hey reddit! XD" game like this