Zelda BotW will be the best game of the ye-

>Zelda BotW will be the best game of the ye-

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Nips have already said that 4 > 5 = 3 and 5, it's linear as fuck and it lacks depth/replayability compared to previous games.

Probably going to be a 7/8.

That was game of the year LAST YEAR though

For nips and these 2 people here that can speak moon

4 was hot garbage compared to 3 though

Nips have shit taste*

>4 > 3
Nips have shit taste, but that's nothing surprising.

Mass Effect Andromeda will be the best game.

With the Make Andromeda Great Again mod

>thinks a niche weeb game will derail a zelda title

jesus man, i love persona as much as the next person but even im not this deluded.

>linear as fuck and no replayability/depth

Do the randomly generated hallways in P3/P4 give it less linearity and more replayability or what?

Persona 5 will have a higher Metacritic score than BotW.
Screencap this.

>Zelda BotW will be the best game of the ye-

Justine and Caroline >>>>> Nanako, so 4 can't be the better game

It will easily be GOTY, probably my favorite since Bloodborne, but I'm nearly hypeless thanks to fucking spoilers.

>4 > anything else in the series
Starting the thread with some solid bait there.

Nips have shitty taste, Ive played 5 and its much better than 4 especially when it comes to dungeons and gameplay the thing is a Nocturnefags wet dream especially considering the last midboss of Kamoshita Palace is Slime Mara while regular Mara shows up again at the last dungeon

However depending on boss quality in Zelda there's a chance BOTW will be GOTY but as of now P5 is GOTY.

I wouldn't be so sure since you're comparing anti-weeb bias VS pro-Nintendo bias.
It will certainly deserve it more than open world shit, I just wouldn't trust reviewers that much.

>tfw I haven't been spoiled at all aside from some vague shit with Igor
Well im out

>superior to anything at all

Bruh, you either know about Igor or you don't.
Good on you if you don't though, that's easily what I regret the most, it seems like such a good fucking twist to go through blind. It'll probably still be great to see how it actually happens, but fuck, knowing the truth just sucks out the hype I had.

I've played P3 FES 6 hours and still play it right now, is P4 that bad?

I heard that the gameplay and dungeons are better than P3, and honestly Tartarus is shit

There's some good gameplay and small quality of life improvements, but overall that's not either games' strong point.
Dungeons are still randomly generated with shitty enemies, they just look visually different in P4.
What people dislike about P4 is the tone, story, and characters, which are vastly different from 3. You'll just have to see what you prefer, but personally I found 4 a huge downgrade (with the exception of a couple characters). The story especially was just ass.

The last game got a 93 on metacritic. There's no anti-weeb bias when it comes to Persona, normalfag reviewers love it.

we all know zelda will be praised by "critics" because of nostalgia even though it's a 8/10
still gonna pirate it for my wii u

4's combat is more or less 3's.

3 has much better atmosphere, story, and soundtrack. Some characters are eh, but still better than 4.


>is P4 that bad
It's P3, except without all the shitty parts.

Good to know, though P4 was distinctly more normalfag-ish than the rest of the series.
Well, let's just hope it gets the praise it deserves in the west.

Maybe you should deleye this

>implying anyone will give a shit about delayedsona 5 once based BOTW comes out

BOTW comes out before P5, so the latter will be overshadowing the former, dumb frogposter.

Yeah no only dumb weebs with shit taste gives a shit about delayedsona 5

>falls for open world meme trash
>claims other have shit taste
Nintentoddlers are a parody of themselves.

Nice "gameplay" you have there
>all the gameplay is you walking up to platform/object and pressing circle to perform an action with very little movement

>literally doesn't know what the game is, yet still criticizes it
Frogposters being braindead retards is not a meme after all.

Yea no one cares about your shitty dating sim

I doubt either will personally be GOTY for me. P5 looks way better than P4 and P3 though.

>trusting Japanese taste


> P3 is better than P4

Maybe. But the reason P4 is so popular is due to the fun high school story.

P5 tries to be dark. The ''''fun'''' moments arent really happy go lucky gun like P4.

So P4 fans really dont like this tone, just like they dont like P3

>Everyone taking this as truth

Jesus christ

>other opinion than mine is wrong and false haha


>linear is bad
You're not the brightest, are you?

Yes it is especially when it's filled with
cut scenes you can just watch the whole thing on youtube

No one will play this niche, weeb trash

>it's linear as fuck

What? Doesn't even make sense in relation to these games.

>linear is bad
Rachet and clank is a good example of good linear game

But persona 5 isnt tho