why the fuck the human reaper looked like a fucking spooky skeleton while all the other reapers made in the previous cycles look exactly the same
Why the fuck the human reaper looked like a fucking spooky skeleton while all the other reapers made in the previous...
I think the idea is that is the core of a Reaper, and that inside each Reaper is a thing that looks like the race it was based on. But outside they all look like cuttlefish.
Oh, you don't know?
To made anything great you should put two things there: swords and skeletons.
Works every time.
Whenever you have any question about Bioware post DA:O, the answer is because they're incompetent.
Humanity is such a mary sue that they're the first ever species the Reaper are making one of their own.
they got lazy when making 3, thats it
They all looked the same for the budget reasons.
In the ending shot of ME2 you can see that each is slightly different.
The good news is that Andromeda looks like it's going to have plenty of hilarity fuel
Jesus christ...
that fucking filename
>tfw this pile of shit game will be one of the biggest selling of 2017
What did we do to deserve to be in this timeline?
It wasn't finished
I'm hopeful that it won't.
Biodrones and outright sock puppets will always exist, but the ME3 ending was a massive wake up call for normalfags.
This is from 2
>that strafe move
I assume he means that 3 didn't bother making the various Reapers look different, which ME2 implied they were, and thus makes it look like a one off example of humans again being special snowflakes.
It's a fair point, but doesn't change the fact that the original concept was pants on head retarded anyway.
imagine that goofy looking thing flying around in space
Because ME3 was a hackjob that shit all over everything from the previous games, both large and small details. Look at the reapers shown at the end of ME2. Each one is shown to have a unique look to it. Then ME3 comes along and literally every reaper looks the same, with there only being two types: big ones that look exactly like Sovereign and small ones on the ground, like that beetle looking thing you blow up on rannoch.
This is my favorite scene from Shrek. Although the webm isn't the same when you can't hear the accompanying music.
Prior to ME3 Reapers had no standard form. Basically, the cuttlefish standard was established to save dev time, just BioWare laziness again.
>yfw the gun actually spins by itself, and that's why they hid it at the bottom of the screen
>and they were originally proud of this until it started getting heat
Anyone else feel sorry for the collector general at the very end of the suicide mission? Harbinger releases control and then the collector general looks around confused and sad before being blown up.
Originally all the reapers were different save for Nazara and Harbinger but EA are lazy fucks and just re-used Harbinger for everything.
do they jam a reaper inside those sperm ships?
>ME1 and ME2
>Protheans are those bald tentacled squiddy people as shown in the flashbacks and Prothean art pieces on Ilos and Hock's vault.
>Collectors turning out to be Protheans was actually a plot twist because they were so severely mutated that they no longer looked anything like Protheans
>lol forget all that stuff from before, Protheans actually looked like the Collectors all along, but with blue skin instead of brown skin!
she really is running like she shat herself
I though most companies did green screen for some basic movement animations with real people these days.
It would have been so great to have one of them on your team, instead we get the angry bug guy. So damned disappointing.
Eh, doing simple time-saving tricks like that is no issue. The rest of the scene is dumb and bad looking anyways.
There was a guy a few months ago who claimed Bioware hasn't had the funds to mocap anyone since EA acquired them, so they've had to make do with a mix of relatively ancient stock material, or their own animations.
Could be a load of bullshit, but it would explain why they're so uniquely terrible at animation
>But outside they all look like cuttlefish
Because cuttlefish might as well be called cuddlefish and is one of the cutest lifeforms in the universe. Reapers just want to be hugged.
It wouldn't be an issue in game, though it would probably be brought up a few times for a laugh on Sup Forums, but combining it with how everything else is so terrible makes it utterly staggering that it was released as promotional material.
Because Bioware ripped off D&D and replaced fish with cuttlefish.
you'd think they'd just default back onto old animations if that were the case.
Dark Souls 3 is still using animations from Dark Souls 1 for certain stuff. I think that's due to laziness though.
Have you ever seen an angry cuttlefish?
This seemed so apparent to me, I really liked the first one but then the later versions just seemed lazy. I wish devs and world builders acted like they were building from scratch with every sequel. They normally just coast on whatever they built beforehand, which detracts from the entire experience.
The first game made you feel like the universe was dense and you experienced a faction of it. Then the later ones just made it apparent that that was all they were going to do.
Exactly. Total letdown.
Also, the reason they retconned the protheans is because Bioware is lazy and sucks at animating, and they didn't feel like animating the tentacle people
Cthululu to bug man
Originally it was concepted to look like a human embryo, however after some limited testing the idea of killing it received major backlash from American testers who equated it to abortion and a sin.
>Americans ruin yet another game
This is bug man, come in Cthulu.
Did you get my Valentines day gift, bug man? Over.
That's false. You see all the Reapers awaken at the end of ME2 and they all looked the same.
Nigga what.
why do you spread lies, user?
That proves me right, assholes. They all look like Harbinger.
M8, those differences are clearly superficial.
They're still space cuttlefish, just more personalised ones.
that actually woulda been cool as hell. woulda made it alot more sinister and creepy looking.
You realize BW is canadian and most likely does their focus testing in canada, right?
you must be blind and stupid
Are you idiots blind? one looks like a turtle and on the far left is a giant fucking spider. Even now Biodrones are still dumb as fuck.
Are you?
The arms are at different and some of the domes are more/less angular, but that's it.
Not one of them looks like a different species.
Bioware does enough stupid things without you inventing some.
The fact that they implied each reaper was different in 2 via the terminator baby and then showed a screen of cuttlefish is an example that shows Bioware is full of hacks no matter what they displayed.
Could be true. I'm pretty sure even femshep used maleshep's animations, which is why she looks like a gorilla running. They didn't bother to base her on a real human model until 3 either (and only because her new look was a big advertising push), which is why she had fucked up anatomy in the previous games.
Wow, such diversity.
Starting with Arrival, and honestly, the later half of ME2, they were throwing Reapers around as much as they could to the point where they were no longer imposing and/or scary. Harbinger sounds like a generic bad guy who does nothing but remind you how cool and powerful he is, and how weak and shit-tier you are, there's really nothing as imposing or alien as Sovereign, and oversaturation absolutely takes away the impact or scale
>they're all the same!
>image clearly shows there are differences in design
Kek. Fucking biodrones.
I was fine with Harbinger ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL in ME2. Especially because it's only revealed at the very end. Remember, the whole time you're led to believe that Harbinger is just the Collector General. Only at the end is it revealed that Harbinger was actually a reaper.
But yeah, Arrival and ME3 completely drop the ball when it comes to the Reapers. They were interesting because they were lovecraftian horrors. That sort of enemy benefits from being mysterious and unknown. Having a game where you directly fight against the reapers just cheapens them severely. That's why they were so underwhelming in ME3.
What are the differences, you fucking double nigger? The color of their lights? They're all the same blocky cuttlefish with some minor variations. Definitely nothing as different as the Terminator Reaper.
Are you implying that over the past 300+ million years, the Reapers just encountered different breeds of sentient cuttlefish?
Because that's what the image is, if you are.
>Fucking biodrones
You're doing a poor job fitting in if you think wanting to shit on Bioware accurately is being a drone.
>Definitely nothing as different as the Terminator Reaper.
Because that was incomplete.
Again one of them is a giant fucking spider. If that's suddenly a cuttlefish then all the more power to you.
Highlight what you think is the spider so the thread can laugh at you
It's owned by EA, an American company. And EA still calls the shots. All this SJW cancer and its agenda is being pushed by the USA and your shitty culture.
Then why is Canada far more SJWified than the USA? Don't give me that shit.
>being blind
I'm not supporting your disabilities drone.
>Because that was incomplete.
...so? It would still look nothing like any of the thousands of cuttlefish on the image.
I love it when shitposters win my arguments for me, especially when they do it even better than I can.
You're joking right?
Burger media is riddled with it.
Hollywood, vidya, TV-shows, celebrities. It's forcefully getting shoved down everyone's throat.
>Canada more SJW'd than USA
I'm sure this explains why all your libs are going full retard and proetesting against muh evil trump.
You're a cancer.
You elected Trudeau. We elected Trump. You can't just place all the blame on us.
>Imlying I'm Canadian
Most of the blame is to place on you though.
At least Trudeau isn't a Russian puppet.
I hated how Shepard gets his dick sucked over killing a few reapers when he doesn't do diddly
> joker shoots a reaper
> Shepard is the hero
> shep shoots a baby reaper a bunch
> joker blows the ship up
> Shepard is the hero
> Shepard calls in an air strike
> joker shoots the reaper
> Shepard is a hero
>Thinking that any ME game ever had a fucking sense.
ME1 made sense in a Star Trek kinda way
*thumbs up*
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. It's been hilarious watching him crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes.
I just want to make it clear that I don't think this excuses any of Bioware's laziness or bad style, but it's pretty obvious to everyone that the reaper itself sits in the brainpan of the cuttlefish spaceship-armor judging by the size. The killblow dealt to Sovereign is also in the same place as where the "brain" would be and in one of the concept arts we can see the human reaper inside the cuttlefish at the right position. It makes sense that each reaper "brain" would actually be the racial reaper I guess.
in 2 and 3 the ship A.I. is doing all the work
It's terrible in Ontario
Send help pls
It's not a spider you triple nigger, it's flying in a horizontal position
Why does this disturb me so?
he can finally rest in peace,leave the poor man be
The eyes look soulless as fuck, and Peebee's facial expression is weird
I forgot about that, poor little critter
Why would the Reapers choose to appear as humans, who are still relatively minor in the galactic scene? Practically any other race seems like a better choice. Turians and Asari have a wider presence. Geth or Quarian make sense by way of the reaper's goal of stopping AI proliferation. Krogans are both more intimidating and have already been treated as a danger to the galaxy.
The only excuse they have for choosing to make a human reaper is the one asshole human they met that keeps bothering them.
>The human reaper would get around space by walking
>ctrl + f
>1 result
what's there to discuss
Retcon. Reapers at the end of ME2 looked different from each others, albeit similar
In 1 they were able to damage Sovereign due to Shepard beating the Saren Avatar.
is that really a retcon? there was only one reaper in 1.
They're the most populous.
On this subject, why do they need to make human slushies to produce a giant space robot?
they do, it's just that they do it in a small room with the devs themselves, not professionals.
That's actually not true at all. The other races have been colonizing worlds for thousands of years and have far greater populations than humanity.
what the actual FUCK
>What did we do to deserve to be in this timeline
Praised ME2 despite being absolute horse shit
the giant robot skeleton shoot at weakspots boss was when the series ultimately jumped the shark for me.