The more you progress through the game, the more lived in your player home becomes

>the more you progress through the game, the more lived in your player home becomes

I loved this in Dying Light. Are there other games which do it?

Shit from sidequests and main missions really helped to fill out this room, which when you start was nothing but empty, with a simple mattress on the floor and a sleeping bag.

Never noticed
Why did you even go back?

Taking screenshots of the place.

Rockstar's Bully does it, you collect trophies as you work towards 100%

Bully off the top of my head

I heard the PC port has some issues. That true?

I played the PC version twice to 100% and the only issue I encountered was the FPS cap. You have to get used to that, but everything else ran fine on Win7. I used a mouse+keyboard both times too.



Dishonored 2 does it, kinda.

Guess I'll be downloading Bully then.

What's this?

What do you mean by "kinda"?

mein nigger

>He doesn't know about the 60fps fix

>What's this?

A video game.

The patch breaks some things in the game. This happens in other games that are terribly ported from consoles as well. Prime example is San Andreas. In Dark Souls it was also a problem in a few parts of the game.

Oh I love this trope! It also works with upgrading your headquarters like into the Divison

>Oh I love this trope! It also works with upgrading your headquarters like into the Divison

It has serious issues with Windows 10 and it's pretty much unplayable on it.

I don't give a shit about that. Anyone sane is still using 7.

>It has serious issues with Windows 10 and it's pretty much unplayable on it.
>windows 10

Its a boring game but it fits the trope

Would Neverwinter Nights 2 castle fit this trope?

Vice City did it. The first home in Miami Beach was bonkers after awhile.


Do the other GTA titles do it as wlel?