What was your first FPS, Sup Forums?
Be honest.
Do you still have it?
What was your first FPS, Sup Forums?
Be honest.
Do you still have it?
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Quake 1 I guess when I was like 4 years old. Too spooky for me back then.
I have never played a shooter before.
Which one should I start with?
Doom shareware like most old fags.
Goldeneye for the 64. Yes.
Ecks VS. Sever II for the GBA.
Maybe Turok? Yes, I do still have it.
Wolfenstein 3D or Spear of Destiny. I don't remember.
It was hot shit back then. Was also my first pirated game, because it was b& here.
Still love it.
grabbed the nearest potato and took a picture
Pretty sure Medal of Honor on PS1 was the first one I played. I don't remember a thing about it.
medal of honor on ps1
Don't have it anymore, don't think we even owned it. It was either my aunt or my mom's friend who owned it.
I played the first doom as a kid on my uncles computer but the first one I had for myself was that shooter in the Die Hard Trilogy
CS 1.5 but I guess it all started with Unreal
obviously doom ya ninnymuggin
Yes, on STEEM of course
>spend childhood with shitty 8088 pc with CGA monochrome
>spanish classics from the 80-90s
>great games
>no more pc, buy megadrive
>go to high school, finally after a year or two parents buy a shiny pentium 133
>doom shareware, blood shareware, quake shareware
Those were the days of pc gaming man
Medal of Honor Underground ps1. Yes i still have the disc
Goldeneye 64
I always thought the AK47 looked like a Duracell battery.
half-life in elementary schools computer lab
Game is shit though.
Goldeneye, obviously
And yes still own original copy
Nah nigga, that was a black colored pencil
Doom, I would install it on library computers with the 5 floppy discs it came on.
Wolf 3d
I also thought that
>always thought it looked like a battery
>still do
>all my friends called it 'the pencil'
Wolfenstein 3D, then Chex Quest, then Quake were my first 3
I didn't play Doom until years later
Alien trilogy, was spooky as fuck for a child
and yes
Speaking of old shooters, let's take a moment to remember the dark days before the "grenade button". On consoles having to awkwardly cycle half a dozen guns until you could throw the damn things.
Wolfenstein 3D shareware
I'm way too old for this shithole
>console shooters
>ever being relevant
sure perfect dark and timesplitters are fun, but more like party game novelty, nothing serious.
I played quite a few shooters in c64, but i guess the first "real" fps was the Doom.
Probably wolf3d... First FPS was the first FPS
I can't recall exactly, but it was probably 1.6 at a friends house.
Why do you have a picture of a whore on a break saved on your computer?
Tell me her name and no one gets hurt pls user
to complement my 2d cupdrinking chan
Marathon 2 for the Mac.
I was a Sony guy during the 6th gen console war and would always shit talk Halo, then I found out it was made by Bungie and gave it a proper chance.
I'm glad I waited on the Xbox until they fixed the controller at least.
Doom 2. On a Mac.
Metroid Prime but thats not really a shooter
This bad boy
Also works for
>games only you played
I think it was Turok 2 or Goldeneye, and I still have them.
Fuck you, sure they would be better on a PC but all 3 timesplitters are classics.
>the best objective based FPSs are nothing more than party game novelty, nothing serious
This but if that doesn't count then it was Goldeneye.
either HL1, unreal, deus ex, or serious sam TFE. it's been too long since i played them for me to remember, they all sort of blend together. never forget flightcastle though.
i've got all the boxes scattered about, feels good having my originals on hand
Don't have it anymore, SNES wasn't even mine when i first played it, still it became one of my top games of that time and my first experience with the genre that eventuallly would become my favorite.
My brother and I used to play grenade-only matches against each other. It was great fun.
doom i think. at least that's the first one that i remember playing.
My first was Doom and yes I did play it on the Super Nintendo.
Goldeneye 64, still got it!
Same, even though we played our first FPS with one of the worst possible control.
My brother of Afroo descent!
>Quake 3 on uncle's PC
>Doom PS1
And Halo 3 is my favourite shooter.
doom and wolfenstein.
>t. born in 90s
picked it up on release day for my 9th birthday present :)
return to castle wolfenstein and no
god i fucking love that game
Doom, but it wasn't mine (i had no PC only a NES) i played on my cousin's PC.
I was like 6yo, we also watched porn later that day
Vietcong: Purple Haze
One of my to 10 games for this year.
Played it at a buddys house as I had a strict mother and wasn't allowed video games. Great fun. Hours spent fighting bots. When I did finally get a playstation 2 it was one of the first games I bought and played it all the time. Still have it and pop it in from time to time if I get stoned enough and am feeling nostalgic. Castle/mansion map with the tram will forever be the GOAT. Shotguns are a little weak
One of my top 10 games to this day*
Duke nukem. It's like doom except fun
I want to call you underagedb&, but 2007 was ten years ago.
HoH:AA had much better graphics in my memories.
stellar track, unreal is actually the most awe-inspiring and timeless game i know -- may well have been my first.every new environment was jaw-dropping. is imply don't know how they did it.
though i think i only got as far as na pali haven and aboard the skaarj control centre there as a kid, even going back years later to restart and finish was a fucking trip. the mothership has to be one of the least disappointing final levels i've ever played through, it's just so otherworldly and alien i love it.
the mercenary ship with the greenhouse is another amazing environment, fuck. have a good pleb track.
Germfag, or Ausfag?
I still have the Nintendo Power poster of this.
Another person for Goldeneye here
Somehow I played all my first platformers on PC and all my first FPS games on consoles
grenadejumping on the invisible ceiling on Q2DM1 all day erryday
I'm german
Just found out that Blood is still b& like so many other old titles.
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2.
Don't have my original copy disk, but i did grab it on steam.
Timesplitters 2
never owned it, played it with my brother
It was fun, didn't know what the fuck was going on, but it was fun.
Floppy disks? No, Disc I bought that has Ultimate DOOM, DOOM 2 and Final DOOM is around my house somewhere.
yep, I'm still looking to import a copy
Alien Trilogy on ps1 was my very first. Then Duke Nukem 3D on PC, Goldeneye 64, Doom 64, and Timesplitters 1.
I liked Alien Trilogy and Timesplitters enough, but weren't that crazy about any of them because they felt pretty repetitive. But, first person always seemed superior to me, I always knew in the future these would become the main games on the market.
Halo: CE was actually the first first person shooter that I was really crazy about. To top it off with the incredibly fun mechanics and enemy design, the story was like a love letter to video games themselves, being that you come across an artifact in space that has successfully, 100% simulated a breathing planet via technology (like video games strive to do).
Seriously? Like you can't even get it on GOG?
Spectre 3d
no wonder so many of you faggots have shit taste
Can you get in trouble if you drive to one of neighbour countries, buy banned vidya there and drive back to Germany?
this, as far as i can remember.
Quake 2, Unreal or Half-life it must have been one of those.
I used to lend games from the public library back then. Pretty cool.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter for N64. I still have a soft spot for it and was beside myself when the PC re-release/remaster came out.
> did you already play the FPS that was released on your birthsday?
DOOM or DOOM 2, I can't remember.
No. We didn't have a computer so I played at the Boys and Girls Club.
pic related
huh i wonder whose health bar that is