I don't give my money to ubisoft

>I don't give my money to ubisoft

>I give my money to ubisoft

>giving money to ubisoft

well I don't play their games. so I don't see why I would be giving my money to them.

>buying ubisoft games

>I give my money to ubisoft




>Not paying for Ubisoft's crap

>I buy video games and video game accessories

>I don't NOT pay for Ubisoft games

>I'm so bored that I wake up just to shitpost.
Go to bed, retard.

>playing Ubisoft games
>talking about Ubisoft games
The only thing worse than an unpaid Ubisoft shill are the pirate kids who always hype up the Ubisoft games and get excited over them, but suddenly make up an excuse to not purchase the game when it comes out. Just grow some taste and play some better games.

>I buy Ubisoft games

>buying games



>i play games
fucking nerds

>giving ubisoft money you made by working

its like im on brit