Hating a game not because its contents, but because you hate the people making it

>Hating a game not because its contents, but because you hate the people making it.

I hope you don't do that, user.

Other urls found in this thread:


No, fuck you.

It is entirely within my prerogative to not buy Mass Effect Andromeda because Manveer Heir is a racist cunt.

You can't fool me into buying another of your games by posting Revy, Todd.

No one but Tumblr fanatics do this.
Hello Tumblr.

But DMC:Devil May Cry as just as horrible as the people who made it though.

Really ?

Since OP is a massive faggot, this is now a Black Lagoon thread.

It is called opinion, it you cant deal with it then fuck off


Spending money on a product is directly giving money to the creators. Be the change you want to see in the world and refuse to financially support cancerous people.

People don't see movies for the same reason. For example, I didn't see Ghostbusters 2016 because the people making it were unfunny pieces of shit that loved the smell of their own farts.

Depends on whether or not the people I hate are fundamentally able to make a good game. Generally speaking, if I hate a game dev, it's because they constantly shit the bed, which often translates into terrible games.

sometimes, the sour attitude of the creator affects the contents of the game. example
>asshat too busy with twatter drama, game ends up shit and have tons of pandering to nutjobs
>creator too full of himself. He shits on any criticism and it turns his game to shit, like him
>crazy people pushing their crazy agendas

>Hating a policy because you hate the person who made it

I hope you don't do this

> love trump hate

If the same people keep shitting out shit game after shit game, then yeah, I have every reason to hate these people.

It's not a hard concept to understand, OP.

I admit I do this with Ubisoft.
On the other side, I buy every Bethesda game.

As great as Black Lagoon is (new season never) that belongs in Sup Forums unless they ever decide to make a GTA/Yakuza type game involving Revy and Rock hijinks.

>Going to Sup Forums without being part of the Trump train

I hope you don't do that user.

The chinese hacker girl who get her ass kicked in by Benny's girlfriend is pretty hot when they fixed her image

In that case, it's both.
I'm completely okay with this.


GG has not made a single good game, why should I not hate horizon?

I usually hate the people that make a game because of the content of their games

I don't mindlessly hate a game but seeing a game made by a shit dev is a huge red flag.

Wait, I live in the MD/DC area, and have never heard of that word. What is he on about?

That's funny, last time i checked tumblr was full of racist fanatics and special snowflakes with a million genders. I assume the "tumblr" you are referring to to call him is something else? Or are you just stupid?

And it's entirely my prerogative to not buy Andromeda because of the horrid choreography, character designs, and high chance of QUALITY Bioware writing without giving a flying fuck about what Heir might have or have not said on Twitter.




I only buy EA's shit second hand.

I can't really think of anything they make I care for anyway, however I don't want to help fund EA's cancerous corporate behaviour.

The latter usually causes the former anyway OP.
Mass Effect Andromeda is one such example already posted, instead of hiring talented leaders they hired people who can pander the hardest on Twitter, leading to shit content.
Gearbox did the same thing, notice how the quality of writing in the Borderlands sequel correlates directly with the fact that Anthony Burch was hired as lead writer after the first game.


I think in EA/Bioware's case this is perfectly justified, also after Mass Effect 3 and the awful Dragon Age sequels you should all know better by now.

The game gets hated either what difference does it make why?

I missed out on Mass Effect when it was cool. Glad I did. Those fuckers seem venomous.

Well if it's a business I refuse to support but I like the game maybe just rent/borrow from friend/torrent etc. Because literally supporting a studio just because they made something with no thought to the consequences is what got us in this mess in gaming in the first place.

I wouldn't buy Horizon: Zero Dawn because Aloy is voiced by Ashly Burch, the sister of Anthony Burch. Any money she makes she might give to her failing brother and help him stay alive for longer than I want him to.

Why are western devs a bunch of cuckholds? What happened to just making good games?

Basically this. It's basic trickle down effect. Just like trickle down economics, if you don't play a bigger political role in your purchasing then the only thing that's gonna trickle down is the terrible shit that turns games to shit.

Everyone is too caught up in being "politically active" these days. Feels like everybody wants it to be the 60's again.

>bioware is racist towards whites
>give them money / reward them for being racist
i dont see that happening OP. andromeda is a cuck game

Many Western devs think they are pushing boundaries for videogames by sticking their political beliefs in them

If you wanted an EA thread why didn't you just say so?

>racism is bad when OTHER people do it
>when I do it it's not racism it's common sense

Sup Forums and tumblr, united in hypocrisy.

>Having to eat shit to know that it tastes bad.

I hope you don't do that, user.

>Racism against white people isn't racism
>Racism of any amount is acceptable so long as you aren't white
if any of you think this, please fucking lobotomize yourself.

>supporting people who hate you
>supporting people who you hate
>hahaha but the food is good so who cares....

Yeah, nah.
I like having a spine.
Retarded as fuck, subtle shit-thread about fag effect no doubt.

Gas-lighting shills.

But racism IS acceptable when you are white, right? Surely you must disagree or you're just a buttmad stormfaggot who just can't bear to think that HE might be hated for something he didn't do.

Your greentext made me think of this episode.

I wont "hate" a game for that reason, but i wont buy, play or talk about that game.


people don't realized you vote with your wallet. buy games with Seasons passes, Online passes, Day one DLC ect. Guess what you get? More fucking bullshit.

You shouldn't even think of buying mass effect anyway.

Go to bed Phil

Why not. If I buy it my money goes to some knob that I actively don't like.

GTA: Roanapur Nights when?

My mother has killed me... my father is eating me... my brothers and sisters sit under the table...

If it's Bioware, Ninja Theory, or Gearbox it's going to be shit

Battleborn was fun though

it's just a reskinned Borderlands

Borderlands was fun too.

1 was okay
2 was a mess
never touched TPS or Tales from the Borderlands

>revy will never fart nigger and doggy cum out of her asshole and into your mouth while she makes fun of your tiny white cock

>buying games

>game company consistantly makes shitty games
>stop buying games from that company
motivates the myelin

>new season never

But why?

I prefer Revy's English voice

me too. High five!

it's purely coincidental that the people i hate make games that i hate

Don't ever touch TPS either.
You're doing yourself a favor.

Will Revy and Rock ever get past their insecurities and fuck?


If they ever came out with a new fucking season, they sure as shit better. The last one just sort of peters out. Not an ending at all. Pissed me off something fierce.

I bet one of the VA's was caught doing drugs

Blame the author for going on hiatuses ever other month causing the manga to slowly chug along. A new season can't be made if the is no source material to adapt.

>giving money to cancer

feel like i can't batch black lagoon because it would pain me too much that revy isn't real

Black Lagoon was a great show.

Fuck. That shit sounds awful

Well, if you need your fix right now, you can read the current arc in the manga right now. It's really good so far.

It's ok, because people I hate tend to make shit games.

There are exceptions, but they are very very few.

fuck off /leftypol/
you are not welcome here

i hate the game because of its contents, and asshole nigger tier creators.

The Witness & Braid were made by a retard. Fuck Blow.

I hate ubisoft but I like Rainbow Six Siege. I hate Gearbox and I hate Battleborn. I like Blizzard and hate Overwatch. Sue me.

Black Lagoon's dub was pretty top tier, all things considered. One of the few that really stands out compared to the Jap dub

Pussy pedastalizing faggot