Joycon secure buttons don't do jack shit

>Joycon secure buttons don't do jack shit
Okay this is indefensible

Other urls found in this thread:,3200,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8


but they do user
if it wasn't secure, the tablet itself would have fallen to the ground now :^)

Giantbombs Unprof. friday
Only because it's new
in a few years it might get loose

In Giantbomb's latest Friday segment the man in the picture, Jeff Gertsman, was recalling how he had previously dropped the system on the ground by accident. In the video the blue joy-con slides off easily and when he puts a little bit of pressure on the other it still slides right off.


Anyone have the download link for this episode?

Wtf is that real?

Where to watch unprofessional Friday videos for free

he dropped the thing 5+feet onto concrete prior to that

Why do these look like TV shopping commercial that sells kitchen stuffs nobody use,3200,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8

so what. if that part was broken it wouldn't stay in at all.

Will the top Jeff's PS4 wobble meme?

>in a few years it might get loose
Like your butt, when you get raped by the Nintendomination.

>wouldnt stay in at all
which it kind of didnt. it could be only partially damaged in that regard.

not saying thats definitely the cause and im the biggest critic of nintendo out there, but when i played it at an event i tried to tug them off and it seemed necessary to use the button. any number of factors could cause this disparity of course

don't worry. in a year or two they'll have one with pikachu stickers on it or something and you'll buy another one.

>In the video the blue joy-con slides off easily

No it doesn't. It snaps off when he presses down with his thumbs.

thanks man, they really should upload this stuff after a few weeks on youtube or something to show people what they're missing out on

so basically you don't see he moves the rest of his fingers on purpose because he is a..dunno a faggot or some shit company fanboy?

Thx m8

>fat fuck tries to break stuff on purpose, ends up breaking stuff on purpose


and yet they saw fit to send them a switch and not you. if they had sent you a literal piece of shit you would have praised it.

Wow if I apply pressure and push the things off they come off?


>take it on an airplane
>falls out the window

Who cares? Only the games matter. BotW blows the fuck out of anything made in the past 20 years.

aaaand here comes the defence force.

>give logical argument and expose your faggotry
>d-defense force

God I wish you'd just die already

>call in show
who thought this was a good idea. i guess they aren't actually allowed to play the 2 games it has on stream yet.

I love how much Jeff triggers fanboys.

>this is indefensible

People still defend this. Do you think they won't defend those joycons?

>this thread

This is almost as retarded as the cnet kickstand video

Why would you make such a garbage kick stand at all?

Interesting off topic fact,
Most of the retarded clumsiness in those comercials are meant to emulate disabled people's accidents so those people would see that the product could help them.

never had a problem with my DS

this is almost as bad as the last person that fairly criticized nintendo

but you can see him moving his thumbs to unlock them?

>Can't jab down on the switch full force with my thumbs for no reason.
>Cartridges aren't even edible.


the joycon intermittently losing connection is an issue.

retarded treatment of the kickstand or applying excessive force to the secure-buttons aren't.

Nice exaggeration

>if you force it it'll come loose
Woah, so this is the power of breaking things on purpose!

>and yet they saw fit to send them a switch and not you
oh where do i sign to get free hardware? and what the fuck will i praise something without games i find worth playing? by the fucking menu?
enjoy that celebritie cum in your mouth

The dude is forcing like a fucking retard tho
Not even talking about the second one.
I agree the joycon like the swich are garbage but at least spit on it not like a retard

>literally a children's toy
>isn't child proof
Nintendo should fire some people

>toy aimed at children
>has cartridges small enough to be edible by children


>the retards that gave HZD a perfect score are acting like fucking retards when it comes to a Nintendo product
Really makes you think.

the ds done just fine

Does Girthman enjoy anything?