Wtf this got delayed again?

Wtf this got delayed again?

Rushed games are shit and delayed games are shit.

I have no feelings towards this.

1st one had also a lot of delays, turned out not decently though.

Not even the title? The title is probably the wittiest thing ever.

Stick of Truth was great though. I'm pretty hype for this game, hopefully they can pull it off again.

Benis level: High

I first saw it coming on steam in march 2013. Then it didn't come up after that. Disappeared for a long ass time and came back up in 2014. It was such a shitty came that only had the south park joke's to support it. The mechanics were bare, story was shit, customization was mediocre for an rpg, the max level was so god damn low that you could be lvl15 in an hour and the game roughly takes 15 hours to fully complete.
And then there are those idiots thinking "hurr durr 15 hours is a lot" who obviously never played a rpg before.

I hope it turns out to be good. Stick of Truth was amazing. I wasn't really expecting it to be as good as it was. Maybe opinions differ, but I enjoyed the game a lot. It was great for south park fans and great as a game.

Stick of Truth was better at being South Park than modern South Park itself.

It's a bummer but in the end it'll be worth it. Especially since it's ubisoft and they chug out pieces of shit on the reg so hopefully Matt and Trey are holding their ground.

That's true and the southpark part was amazing.

It was never rushed. They just wanted to add more content which I'm okay with. The first delay was justified since they wanted to add more content from the most recent seasons.

Stick of Truth was delayed mostly due to THQ flopping, followed by Ubisoft being itself. So much content was cut from Stick of Truth that it's sad to see it just lying in the data unused. 40 friends, two areas, a few quests, a few abilities, a few badges, female elves, and a few other things were datamined.

Oh, and the Mysterion pack and Cartman's Kickass Sai preorder bonuses.

>Stick of Truth that it's sad to see it just lying in the data unused. 40 friends, two areas, a few quests, a few abilities, a few badges, female elves, and a few other things were datamined.
Why do you just have to go around Sup Forums and ruin peoples days by giving them cold hard truth.

stick of truth got delayed to hell and back but it turned out great

this does not worry me

>matt and trey's original idea for the name as "the butthole of time"
>gets rejected
>their new idea is "fractured butthole"

>matt and trey's original idea for the SP movie's name was "all hell breaks loose"
>gets rejected
>their new idea is a penis joke

I wonder why the censors even bother at this point.

I'm just as sad as you, user. I'm just curious what would've happened, content wise, if THQ still made the game?

Same. Not concerned in the least.

I am wary of the season pass though.

Because Trump won.
I guarantee that they're making him the final boss of the game (or Garrison and the Member Berries), and you fart in his face until he turns back to normal or dies
You know, like the first one

originally, they had tons of content about Hillary winning the election...

But now they have to change tons of shit in the storyboard since Garrison won. Hence the delay.

Honestly hope they just ignore season 20 completely. No politics, just good ol' south park.

But I know that won't happen.

They could've just kept it the way it was but frankly I'm not surprised by the delay.

Don't forget that Twilight Princess was delayed....what, twice?

That was pretty much all of South Park. I remember them saying in some behind the scenes stuff that every time anything was rejected they'd pitch something they thought was even worse as a joke and it would somehow get through standards and practices.

15 hours? Try 6.

It's delayed because they expected trump to lose so they have to redo a bunch of shit, it will probably still be good though since stick of truth was delayed a ton and turned out well.

>Stick of Truth
>Developed by Obsidian Entertainment
>Fractured but Whole
>Developed by Ubisoft San Francisco
It's going to be fucking shit. You can't use Stick of Truth as a basis for how good the second game will be because it's developed by a different studio that has brought you great titles such as
>Tetris Ultimate
>Rocksmith 2014
>Just Dance Kids 2014
>The Smurfs 2

>not made by obsidian

into the trash it fucking goes

>uPlay Only
>Supposed to release Q1 2017
>Release in April 2017 to March 2018
>Possibly delayed by an entire fucking year a month before its original release date
The last game to have a delay right when it was supposed to come out was Watchdogs 1, and remember what a fucking buggy unpolished piece of shit that was even after the 6 month delay

I have a family member that works at Ubisoft and who worked on both The Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole.

He said the main reason why The Stick of Truth kept getting delayed was because of Stone and Parkers constant demands to change scenes or add new content. Because a South Park episode takes less than a week to put together they frequently fail to comprehend that putting together a game takes much longer. And the main reason with TSOT was so buggy was because there was so much excess code from dropped or changed content.

Rocksmith is legitimately good, can't speak for the rest of the games.

>March 2018

Are you serious? Wow.

read it was headed by a studio whose past works has been phone game tier trash (except maybe rocksmith).

>And the main reason with TSOT was so buggy was because there was so much excess code from dropped or changed content.

Sure thing bud. I bet that was the reason.

Stick of Truth's gameplay was an unbalanced mess. Obsidian somehow couldn't even rip off something as simple as Paper Mario competently. I don't expect anything good to come out of a ubisoft studio but I'm still fucking glad Obsidian aren't involved.

Matt and Trey's writing was the only reason the last game was any good and I imagine that'll be the same for this one.

yes because of a major rewrite so they can insert le epic drumpf memes

I think the combat in Fractured but Whole will be even worse, but in the sense that each battle requires too much effort which will make the random battles a bigger annoyance

I wanna fuck Taytay.

she's black only

At least try to make it look believable.


>Stick of Truth was great though

but this one is not made by Obsidian

the gameplay from fractured butthole turns me off to no end, not interested in it at all. stick of truth was great though. I'll probably pirate butthole

I imagine a large part of the game was under the assumption Hilary would win.

They gotta rewrite some stuff and insert Trump jokes.

How soon into the game will you climb your first tower?

I'm assuming you haven't played SoT

Nice try shill.

Different developer.