Who BotW main course with Bomberman side salad here?

Who BotW main course with Bomberman side salad here?

Dessert? Something from the eShop perhaps?

I am. I might also get Snipperclips as a casual wind-down game if I can find someone who wants do the co-op with me.

>paying $60 for a minigame

MK8 main dish with side of Bomberman.

Snippet clips is a launch title?

I was gonna preorder Bomberman but then decided it would be best to instead wait for reviews and player feedback.

So you're going to wait until April for your main fish?

Everything I've read says it is.

i've heard they pushed the release date earlier so it's a launch title now

Racing neo

This bomberman game looks really fucking lazy.

REALLY fucking lazy.

Zelda, Bomberman, Snipperclips, and FAST RMX here.

I don't know, $60 for a side salad is a bit much.

Are they actually charging 50/60 bucks for this bomberman game?

dude 70 dollar flash games lmao
my first console was xbox 360 on launch by the way

Half the switch line-up for the next 6 months is minigames and smartphone game tier trash, sold at full AAA price.

I'm getting Bomberman. I'll probably use it to take advantage of the free multiplayer for now. Haven't played Bomberman in years, and used to love it -- Hoping that's still the case.

I wonder whats actually in the eshop on the release

$50, but with Amazon Prime it's $40.

All the physical launch games and the digital only launch games?

Well yeah, I just dont know what are the digital only launch games on the system, indies or what?

Only ones I know of are Shovel Knight, Snipperclips, I am Setsuna and Little Inferno.

I'll wait until the inevitable price drop there's no way I'm paying $50 for a Bomberman game in 2017 lmao.