>He just picks the party members he likes rather than focusing on balanced composition

That's why you introduce an inactive party check, sometime in the campaign. Have the main party separated from the roster via an event, and then have the player proceed with the rest of the team.

>he cares about balanced composition
>in one if the easiest genres in video games

>in a single player grind to win genre

>pick party members based on their personality
>use cheats to edit their classes and stats to make a balanced group
>play on max difficulty while enjoying the story
The only way to play single player RPGs.

>easy RPG
>tryhard makes it even easier by planning out the most OP team possible
>meanwhile my all-cute-girls team is doing fine and I'm actually having fun, and the game lasts longer

You're not playing an online game with screeching autists berating you for your choices, play with the party you like.

Yup, that's absolutely me. Harem parties all the way through.

FF7: Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie

P4: Yu/Chie/Naoto/Yukiko

PQ: Yu/Minato/Chie/Naoto/Yukiko

BG2: MC/Minsc/Jaheria/Viconia/Aerie/Imoen

PS:T: Nameless One/Morte/Anna/Grace

CT: Chrono/Marle/Ayla/Lucca

>Force pointless grinding

How about no.

>game that isn't an RPG
>everyone thinks it is because there's stats, leveling up, classes and loot or the devs are retarded enough to label it as RPG
Erry time

>Party member is really good in fights
>Don't like their personality and would rather see other party members have some dialogue

>Coolest party members are also the strongest

>minmaxing in one of the most casual genres

Literally nothing wrong with this

>he just uses the first people he came acrossed

>not learning to make things work with a flat tier

>Severley punishes you for not obeying the Holy Trinity
>Forces you to bring the faggot healer and tank who are lawfully good and chastises your every move

Nah fuck that, if the game is bad enough to force characters then I'm sliding the difficulty straight to story mode

>not handicapping yourself in a casual single player game game

Shake my fucking head famalamadingdong

>you´re stuck with few dudes and cant swap them for any cute girls you meet

Dragon Age Origins was suffering

>not soloing it as an Arcane Warrior

The Dragon Age holy trinity was 3 mages.

This game says otherwise.

Huh? Why?

>Play as Human Noble so you can marry the Princess and rule at the end
>Bring Morrigan so you can romance her
>Bring Hardened Leliana so you can romance her, Morrigan and then still marry the Princess
>Bring Alistair since he was a bro

Was there another party member slot? Bring Wynne in that case since Magic was OP.

Shame about the rest of the series.

If you're not playing EO, 7th Dragon or similar games, that's hardly a problem.

>Min Maxing on your first blind playthrough

Yeah my female dwarf commonor sure had all those choices

Not that guy's fault you're a faggot

>Bring Alistair since he was a bro
No he is not a bro, he's a whiny bitch that complains about being king and you are forced to take him along because he's the only tank.

>tfw we will never get a last remnant sequel
>instead they used all that new cooked up tech to make a shitty game about a twig with pink hair




The main reason The Last Remnant didn't sell was because it didn't release on PS3. I would have bought it on ps3 but I was forced to pirate it on PC instead

>he's the only tank
Why would you say that? Why lie about something so inconsequential, which everyone who actually played the game knows is wrong?

>leave party members dead so I get more exp also can finish battles with less input

Before the DLC he was the only tank unless you happened to be a tank as well. Which became mandatory on later playthroughs so you didn't have to have him in the party.

>He just picks the party members he likes rather than focusing on balanced composition
>he doesn't just use the party members he enjoys

>Paula holding all my good stuff
>Stuck without her in the Department Store
How about no

>pirating the definitive version

I'm going to take a nap and dream about you brutally dying at the bottom of an ocean made of sharp lego pieces.

>you're stuck with a team full of 'cute' girls and can't use any of the badass old men you come across

Sten and Oghren you fucking retard. Even if you auto-level them like the braindead moron you are, they can still tank

Oh look a hypocritical consolefag who bitches about pc pirates and then pirates anyway. Kill yourself retard.

I fucking hate this game
it teaches you to be a little bitch and run from fights
if you choose not to you'll have to spend 10 hours endlessly repeating the same fight until you get lucky for 50 turns in a row

fuck this game

>paying for something that is available free without consequence
Yeah nah, I enjoyed the fuck out of the game but I wouldn't pay for a game on my PC, I'd buy it if they released it on ps4 now though.

Calm down user i know your pain. I feel the same.

We must find a way to life on and maybe someday a miracle will happen.

>Being so autistic that you don't just use whichever characters you like most in an RPG

You can fuck right off OP, I will always use Crono, Glenn and Magus to beat Lavos

>being so autistic that you don't like the most combat-efficient characters most
frogposters, everyone

>not Crono, Frog and Robo

Wew lad, I never complained about piracy, I play on my PC about 50/50. I'm not going to pay for things that are free, that's just silly. Saves me money for upgrades and shit.


>not crono, robo & marle

>easiest genres in video games
Go play Wizardry.

>using what I like instead of forcing myself to minmax in an easy RPG
I have bad news for you, user

>RPG you've last beaten
>your party
Terra, Sabin, Strago and Relm

Only fags use Magus. Seriously.

for this thing I had to make a suicide squad whose only job was to initiate the fight and get mercilessly raped by the initial attack and then set up flanks with the other two and prayed to fucking jesus for hours on end they didn't get one shot

I loved TLR.
It still wrenches my gut seeing what happened.

We got treated like lab rats for an experimental engine that eventually gave birth to the lighting games.
It isn't fair.

We deserved better than this.

>sten is not a tank
>logain is not a tank
>ogrhen is not a tank
Neck yourself

Only fags don't like Magus, now what?

>Character you like is complete useless
>Character you hate is the best

>Picking a guy already beaten by Lavos
>A sad blue skin elf
>A frog that hates the blue skin elf

Meanwhile Ayla and Lucca & Robo are all just ya know being USEFUL over in the corner.

>why would I hire a prostitute when I can just rape someone?


Can confirm that I'm an actual fag and I dislike Magus because hes shit
>favorite character sucks in the base game
>in the remake they are OP as fuck

Are you going to list the dog too?

>just freakin explodes everything

>he didn't level sten & oghren as DPS
>didn't tank himself, letting sten & oghren shit out damage while wynne heals

>game has ways of turning male party members into cute girls

Yeah I do

Barret and Cid.

Fuck everyone else.

>Playing a RPG
>You can't even pick your party member because there is so few of them you are stuck with the same team for 80% of the game.

That doesn't really sound like autism though


this is the worst part of any rpg. Forced to play with your unlevrled cucks sucks dick

>Game has tons of party members
>you end up using the same party throughout the whole game

Thanks Chrono Cross

>wanting everyones playthrough to be similar
Might aswell watch Let's Plays.

>22 party members
>Only 4 are good

I don't think you know what autism is, but your post is a big clue.

>never use kimahri for obvious reasons
>his story battle comes up
>takes forever but impossible to lose because it scales to kimahri's level
>gain 300 levels at the end of the fight

And harass the Let's Player to play like you want or else

>check streamer playing something for a little bit
>tell him how he's playing is horribly inefficient
>complains about me trying to backseat game & bans me
literally what the fuck

That's different the Let's Player is a little bitch and hates being "wrong"

Neptunia(except the original) is easy enough even if you don't grind so I never was forced to get rid of her, but it surely became a bit more tough to keep her alive in boss fights.

There isn't a girl I strongly dislike though, except maybe Peashy and she happens to be pretty strong

Sounds like a well designed game

>often well balanced
>have a longtime connection to the story
>have the most time develop to their skills and characters
I don't see the problem here.

>not using RNG to decide which party members to bring
Never looked back since I went down this path

>game has tons of party members
>always forced to bring the same 3 guys for story missions

I do the exact same thing. I get too comfortable with the starting cast

What was the last RPG you played where balanced composition actually mattered?

>Having something to prove
>On a single-player RPG
The sad thing about autism is, it prevents you from having fun.
The sadder thing is, autists also want to destroy the fun of others. If they could, they would intrude in other single player sessions and make sure, people play the game like autists think it is meant to be played.

There is simply no gauge large enough to measure your level of patheticness.

I unintentionally split my FF8 party by gender.

Ended up having no healers in the male party.

>playing pokemon without pokemon that you don't like

I do this. Too sad to leave them.

>focus is on the characters, their dialogue and personalities
>during moral dillemas your teammates voice their opinions
>your autistic ass proceeds to pick your party solely based on their combat abilities, even when the game is designed to allow ant party composition to progress

I do the latter until I can gear up my favorite party memebers into deities.

Truly, this is how games are meant to be played.

>tfw you ignore the battle system the devs worked hard to balance and power grind to become god instead
feels good

hello redit

if a rpg don't make other party members viable and forces you to use the same strategy. it suffers from poor design choices. At least in action rpgs you can make characters viable

>members not used in combat still win exp and level up

>xp is split between party members
>when xp can't be split exactly some get less
>the ones in the last places are always a bit behind everyone else

neptunia games are shit

>Bring Alistar
I think you mean Loghain, you fucking faggot

>min maxing instead of fucking ROLEPLAYING

>Game has a mechanic encouraging using all team members at some point