Hiroshimoot allowed one meta thread on Sup Forums so let's discuss how we could make it better

Hiroshimoot allowed one meta thread on Sup Forums so let's discuss how we could make it better.

So here's my idea. Ban anything sony related. They are a movie company that makes obsolete hardware and they attract the most cancerous fanbase on all of Sup Forums. Or at least move sony threads to /mlp/.


Sounds good to me.

agree, Sup Forums was always nintendo+pc anyway, and xbox is irrelevant.
Seriously, sony cant keep winning, i want them out of my board

better idea, split Sup Forums into "/vpc/ - PC games" and "/con/ - Video Game Consoles"

mlp deserves better than sony threads

How about /coon/ for PS4 only?

This thread is pointless. My post is not.

instant ban on anything console related. Discussion of the hardware will be sacrificed but its for the greater good.

WTF, I love Sony now!

jesus christ shut the fuck up

We change Sup Forums exclusively to a Sega board. There will be no boards for the discussion of other video games, barring /vr/, and a text board dedicated to Infocom.


I'll get this over with.


you want an entire board dedicated to steam shovelware shilling?
most games are multiplat, only nintendo deserves their dedicated board, just like pokemon

>falseflag thread


Re-read the bingo, it's been updated lad. I cba.

>just came form another thread where a guy brought up Sup Forums when it had nothing to do with anything
Yup, the complaining of Sup Forums is worse than anything Sup Forums supposedly on this board, which is fucking nothing to begin with.

You platform warriors are fucking cancer. I wish there would be different Sup Forums-related boards for Nintendo, Sony, PC and Xbox, respectively.

>mfw I'm thankfully none of these

xbots dont exist, nintenyearolds are dying out along with Nintendo, which means all surviving nintenyearolds must eventually migrate to /vr/ as their games become too old to discuss outside that board.
which again means there is only one console left. instead of keeping Sup Forums the way it is with MUH PKEKS and LMAO SONYGGERS we just split it into a PC board and a console board (essentially just a playstation board)

this is the best idea and you know it

Ah shit didn't notice. If you're changing it I think you should probably change never in relationships/sex experiences to the last decade or so. It's possible to go from not a loser to a pathetic loser ya know.

i voted yes, but then i realised how boring would Sup Forums become without constant sonyggers shitposting, don't make my mistake, sonyggers are terrible but i would miss them. Also separating communities has never led to anything good.

There is only one solution: shut Sup Forums down for a month so all the retards find some other place to shit up, then quietly bring it back online with IDs

Close one

Hmmm. I think I'm going to change it again. The 'normalfag' line doesn't work.

haha im not a loser, thanks user

gb2 reddit


Well, I do like Yakuza...

>prefers soda over coffee or tea

That seems kinda arbitrary.

>listens to metal, rap, rock

This one is just baffling.


I'd prefer Sup Forums as a whole get culled for good.

>grr i dont like thing so it shouldn't exist
I don't like you so if you could kill yourself really quick I'd be pleased

mods should allow one permanent sticky /ptg/ thread, BLACKED and tranny threads would be eliminated on day one since they would return to you know where

the fuck does non-otpinal mean

Oh yeah? Well I don't like you either.
Take that, faggot.