Admit it Sup Forums...

Admit it Sup Forums. You wouldn't give a rat's ass about the quality of the story or writing in Bioware games and would praise them to high heavens if they dropped all references to social justice from their games and actually made attractive female characters.

Other urls found in this thread:


But I would stop giving them shit.

If they drop SJW bullshit that means they are at least trying.

You severely overestimate my capacity to forgive bioware

I wouldn't start praising them after the ME3 and DAI shitshows, but i would be more likely to buy their games and find more enjoyment in them.

I just don't want peoples political views forced into my video games.

It would be a good start, but it'll take a few quality releases for me to praise them again.

No. Their continued desire to shoehorn tranny/feminist/SJW bullshit into their games is annoying, but is not the main reason why nu-bioware is shit.

The main reason is because their games are dumbed-down casual trash and the writers are all hacks who can't make decent plots or characters to save their lives.

I don't give a rat's arse about the politics they want to put in their games. I just don't want them to shit on me and call me a nazi if I don't like it or I don't play their games because of it.

That's what most SJW, and their counterparts don't understand. Leave others the fuck alone and let them do and play whatever the fuck they like.

I'm retarded enough to not even notice the sjw in DAI so I don't really care. But I will never forgive bioware for the protheen dlc.

>implying the 10 poor neets on Sup Forums are a target market
Why would they care about the poor people here?
All Sup Forums does is torrent shit, complain about anything successful and spout memes
Why would any gaming company spend time/money/effort for people that don't even buy games?

Having good looking and competently made models would be a good start. Then they can get better writing. THEN make them attractive.

You have to take away things that distract from gameplay first before doing things that add to it.

give her long hair and make them bigger

I didn't read what OP said. Are those titties shopped? They've got to be, right?

What is a good target market? Certainly not trannies and bulldykes who don't play videogames in the first place.

Tough shit then. Most fiction is riddled with political opinions and metaphors. The problem is not that we might agree or not with those views, the problem is that they are written in a way more akin to patronozing pamphletist proselitism, and that demeans the quality of the plot and makes everything worse.

Drop your faggot name first.
But to answer your question, Sup Forums isn't some super special group of angry virgin nerds. Most posters here are completely normal people with normal opinions and most other websites out there would mirror Sup Forums's opinions if it wasn't for retarded nazi moderators and faggots banning everyone who says something that hurts their feelings. By looking at Sup Forums's opinions, you can discern what the majority of the gaming community is really thinking and so by pandering to Sup Forums, you pander to most people who play games.

bioware getting racist in twitter was too much

i just dont wanna play it. there´s shitloads of porn everywhere so if some game got some too, its not a big deal. i´m not gonna reward them for saying fuck whites multiple times and not even firing manweer heir. Same goes for Hollywood, i dont buy their shit anymore

you just pulled that theory out of your ass, fake news

Considering they actually have money (through donation pages), are likely to do groupthink, are likely to congregate with other like minded individuals, and are basically a cult with all the same hobbies?
Yeah they are a better target market

No, the bad writing is often the biggest issue, unattractive characters isn't really a big deal.

Being forced to bed with a man for a very minor dialogue choice I found strange and distasteful

And in general their combat systems are getting worse rather than better

Target the game to whomever the fuck you like, just don't complain about how X group is Y if your game sells like shit because of the demographic it was targeted to.

Their pandering to SJWs gets in the way of having anything close to a decent story/writing so yeah.

I don't think of Bioware at all.

You know I'm right

I enjoyed cisquisition. Me and my gay fag bf are looking forward to passing the controller and playing Andromeda together and laughing at the shitty animations. I really hope they include a height slider so I can make the protag an uber manlet. Like I already know he's a manlet, but it will be too funny watching blue Shrek going full snu snu on him. They're video games, man. You want a story? Read a book.


dont talk to me assfaggot, go back to pretending to be CNN and eating shit

The main problem is that the games are garbage. Instead of using their resources to improve gameplay/animations/deliver a better game, they keep making shit characters to push a political agenda because thats the only thing they consider important.

Same shit with Horizon, everybody praises the characters and story but the few gameplay videos are horrible.

>not an argument: the post
You know I'm right
You people aren't even a blip on the radar.
Why would they care about you jews?
They SHOULD pander to hipsters, they are so loose with their parents money that they may as well be printing it.

I thought about playing Dragon Age Origins again the other day. But the more I thought about it I started remembering the terrible combat with broken stats that don't do anything, how every area was so needlessly huge and tedious to get through, how few of your dialogue choices matter between making your edgelord party members hate you.

I just don't think Bioware makes very good games. Even if the characters were cute or the stories were good I'd ignore them the same way I ignore Compile Heart or Ubisoft's line of (not) Assassin's Creed games.

>gets BTFO
>unable to construct a thought-out post with actual discussion points
>resorts to shitflinging

wew lad

Why cant lefties ever approach their political messages with
>"this might be the pros and cons if this happened"
instead of

someone has the armor high rs picture of her?

I literally couldn't give a shit about how attractive a fucking pixel face is.

I play Mass Effect for the atmosphere, music and space wizardry.

>Admit it Sup Forums. You wouldn't give a rat's ass about the quality of the story or writing in Bioware games and would praise them to high heavens if they increased their quality of writing.
You don't say?

>Being forced to bed with a man for a very minor dialogue choice I found strange and distasteful

This. So much. I remember playing ME3, and being like
>Hey, this guy seems like a nice dude, but it's sad he's so bent out of shape over his pillow-munching husband dying...
>I'll try to cheer him up
>Wait, why am I being fucked up the bunghole?

That guy needs to buy some Tupperware for his spaghetti. Jokes are about delivery.

disregard that I suck cocks
I also consider using the name of a dead namefag from /k/ to shitpost with the epitome of humor, and I'm a self described master trole, get on my level

I like short haired girls though


Bioware literally did nothing wrong
Tell me 3 ways in which their writing affected the gameplay, aka, the only thing that matters.

Havng a fucked up/ inconsistent story makes me unbelievably mad. I'm still mad about the Bioshock Infinite ending. If there's a part of the story that i disagree with enough in the middle of a series I'm playing through, I'll drop the rest of the series.

calling people poor isnt a BTFO, it´s retarded. you´re not a business owner so anything you say about money is derailing and irrelevant so i dont want you here. Get the fuck out or talk games.
Because if you want a fight just talk shit to your local nigger and he´ll stab you in the balls


Me too. OP's pic isn't what the character will actually look like, unfortunately. She's much closer to pic related.

disregard that I suck cocks and I'm also trying really hard to bait you so I can forget about my empty existence

Considering I dumped it after 1 and basically haven't played a Bioware game since, I doubt it. They were beginning their decline long before muh jay dubs were tightening their stranglehold in the industry.

The gameplay is terrible, writing might not affect it but it doenst make it good either ? what's your point ?

>I just don't want them to shit on me and call me a nazi

Who? Bioware? You think Bioware gives even a fraction of a fuck what you think?

No one's stopping you from playing anything, you moron.

You anti-sjw faggots are just as bad as the sjw faggots at this point.

Good gameplay wouldn't hurt.

No, because I don't reward companies for pandering to me through the lowest possible channel you could use, my sexual instincts. You should at least try.

go die pretender
ThisQuiet kid

disregard that I suck cocks

Why are you quoting me to make the same point I was making, just with more bait?

Can you read or are you this easily triggered?

Stop being entitled shitlord

>implying you are me
Quit distracting people from my quality posts
I don't want to risk people getting confused

nobody would do this to me if I wasnt such a dick munching faggot mmmmm dick

disregard that I suck cocks

Damn look at all this cancer




You're asking me whether I can read or i'm and all I'm saying is, "who the fuck is calling you a nazi?" or "Who?". It's pretty simple reading comprehension.

You said that, I assume, Bioware is going to call you personally a nazi if you don't like the politics in their game; I'm telling you, they don't give a fuck about you, kiddo. That's just a fact. No one cares about the dumb opinions in your empty little head.

Can I join in too?

Sure thing fellow nigger lover

I literally posted twice and all these pretenders have spammed out my thread.
You kids need a damn hobby.
Fuck all of you, I'm out
But I left a little surprise for you
*snickers nefariously
*fades away into the shadows

>this fucking thread
Sage. Look what you fucking namecucks do. Go the fuck back to R*ddit if you want a fucking username you special snowflake attentionwhore. This is an anonymous imageboard.


They're not even doing it right. Straight from reddit.

>announcing a sage
nice rule violation kid
This is a hunter thread now
Bow down or get out newfag
>not knowing what hunter posting is in 2017
DId you just get here a day ago?

I've never played a Mass Effect game but i've been reading a bunch these threads to see if they convince me to get Andromeda. I could forgive the goofy animations and kinda bad character designs of part of the cast (The blue chick looks like an old relative of mine) if it didn't somehow seem to possess an aura of SJW condescendence/self-righteous holier than thou bullshit.
The point being, i can tolerate a game having below average looking characters as long as the developers don't seem like they're trying to shove their morals down my throat.

this thread needs to die.
Anyone that posts after me is retarded

I'd like them a lot more, yeah.


Take your trip off attentionwhore faggot


>namefag completely ruins a thread

No surprise there

>Enjoyed Inquisition
>Being a faggot
>Purchasing Andromeda
>Playing on console
>Condoning manletism
>Stale-ass memes
>Misrepresentation fallacy
Did I miss anything? Holy shit you need to go.

>implying there was anything to keep from ruin from the OP


you missed out
>roleplaying and lying about all of the above

Well yeah. That's the whole reason why we hate modern bioware

You must be new to not know what hunter posting is

nobody would care if you didn't play it if you didn't throw a fucking pity party every time you decide you dont like something.

Maybe but they didn't so fuck them.

Boobs are shopped right?

Face and tits are shopped.

Only Shepherd could slay that level of pussy. Fucboi Ryder couldn't even get it from the ogre.

I'm a liberal so I don't particularly care about their social justice whining. And I find a number of their female characters attractive (Morrigan, Isabela the Titty Pirate, etc.)

I hate Bioware because their corporate overlords force them to strip everything out of their games that actually made them meaningful.

In DAO you could actually kill every character in your party if you wanted to. ME brought great moments like Virmire. ME2 for all of its flaws had the great decision making of the Suicide Mission.

They've already announced with MEA that none of your companions can die. And there is only one reason for this: EA wants Bioware to churn out sequels without "wasting resource" on potentially dead companions. The same shit happened in DAI. They've removed almost all deaths. The choice in the Fade is worded and framed in such a way to not actually show or confirm deaths in order for them to pull a switcheroo and bring them back if they need to. Hell, they refuse to even kill villains - you cannot confirm the deaths of either Samson (you "exile" him for some fucking inane reason) or Calpurnia (who disappears off a cliff instead of dying), the fucking VILLAINS, because they might want to bring them back.

EA has forced Bioware to strip out the weight and meaning of your gaming decisions as a fucking cost cutting measure. And that's infuriating.


>Hunter 2-1 Actual

You are a massive faggot.

I agree with all of this.

There is going to be no weight to the narrative knowing that all the characters have plot armor.

I feel the same way. I am done with Bioware.

>western dev will never understand the appeal of big titties
i hate it

actually I'm getting really sick of supermodels in all these games
you will never develop the medium beyond anything but a toy for adolescents, but I guess that's what publishers want, because it sells better that way

You don't even play videogames biocuck

Anyone born with big titties is SEXIST.

Unless you're fat.

Sure, it was a great idea to build a trilogy around the idea of impactful choices, then throwing them out the window when it was time for them to pay off

Really the best OP

>*snickers nefariously
>*fades away into the shadows

After the shit piles that were ME3 and DA:I there's no way I'm paying full price for Andromeda. I don't trust Bioware to make a decent game anymore, they've lost their way.

It'll be mediocre at best, there's no chance they'll make it as good as ME1 or DA:O, the best you can hope for is that they don't make it completely awful.

Who else? I mean you just named ONLY good looking women character they done post Jade Empire.