CotSK was the last good Dark Souls content

CotSK was the last good Dark Souls content
Prove me wrong

But thats a boss in Crown of the Old Iron King

H-here I go.

Stop going with the hivemind

DS2 DLC is almost as good as The Old Hunters.

Iron King > Ivory King > malarial diarrhea > Sunken King

>Prove me wrong
Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 exist

>All fromSoft DLC are go-

>CotSK was the last good Dark Souls content
At least you realize that CotIronK and CotIvoryK were trash

I used to hate DaSII, but after the DLC and playing it with a friend it is now unironically one of my favorites.
Best replayability outta the whole series

It's a shame DaSIII wasn't as replayable, because i liked the combat over 2, but the PvP, areas, and such are just garbage.

If there was one thing DaS3 shoulda kept from 2, it was the bonfire ascetics, because fuck i hate that i have to start a whole other NG+, wading through the shitty areas, just to refight my favorite boss solo

Bloodborne is god tier. The Old Hunters is elder god tier.

CotSk and DS1 are the only things that even come close.

Level design is good, too bad theres
impossible to stagger mobs everywhere except iron king dlc which changes that to somewhat staggerable mobs but adds the giant dudes with 4k health that punish you for correctly dodging their attacks by leaking damaging lava, which ruins it

But Ashes of Ariandel WAS good

Yes, Sunken King was really good.
>that fucking pyramid
It was basically a Zelda dungeon.
And those enemies whose tombs you had to destroy, so good.

Didn't care for Iron/Ivory though.

DS2 is unironically my favorite in the series. Very replayable, lots of memorable areas. 1 is still the best and a masterpiece but 2 will always be my favorite. 3 had good things going for it but was kinda boring.

I agree.
1 has higher highs, 2 is the most consistent, 3 has the best bosses and blandest areas.

I loved the Ivory King bossfight, but fucking getting to there.

>best boss fight in the game
>onyx blade
>friede's scythe
>milwood bow
Yeah go fuck yourself with your shit opinion, senpai

Totally agree. 3 does boss fights the best, plus obviously looks the best and has the best mechanics. But it's just so BLAND. Honestly the only area that was really memorable for me was Undead Settlement. But the prior two games have so many memorable areas.

>DS1: Firelink, Burg, Darkroot, Anor Londo, Sen's, Frameratetown
>DS2: Majula, Shrine of Amana, Dragon Eyrie/Shrine, Aldia Keep, Heide's Tower, Brightstone Cove, Doors of Pharros, Shulva, Eleum Loyce, Brume Tower
So many memorable places

>Shrine of Amana

I loved that fight.


And then you get

>oh you two one cat was annoying
>here's two

haven't played the third
at first it's cool but two games in it's just the same fucking thing over and over
it's like zero variety, takes way too much time to basically get nowhere

that's why I didnt even bother finishing the snow field, after the party brawl in the lava pit I called it quits because of the double dicks trying to gouge out my eyes.

I don't know how you managed not to find Irithil or the whole of Lothric memorable.


I don't understand everyone's appeal to this place. Shit is pretty boring both to play and to look at

Lothric was eh, to me. It was a place that could have been much better, with the last staircase up to the brothers being the most visually appealing part of it all.

The kiln was great to look at from afar and the boss arena was beautiful, but the hill up to the boss was kind of a letdown

I did forget Irythill. But the fact that I forgot it means it must not be that memorable, eh? Lothric was a fun level with great design but artistically was incredibly boring and not memorable.

>no npc
>no story
>just a map
>forgettable boss
as good as Old Hunter my ass, Ariandel is more memorable than all of DS2 DLC eventhough its short and having fishing hamlet V2

AotA > AoA > Crowns

Ariandel was "short" but filled with detail and good items and areas.

>b-but i did it in 30 minutes skipping everything and playing with my 175 character while s-summoning 3 other phantoms to help me b-beat it!!!

Ariandel is a good 3-5 hour long dlc.

Nice meme, I love it.