Who else is hyped to see the entirety of Sup Forums eat crow after the Switch dominates the console market?
Who else is hyped to see the entirety of Sup Forums eat crow after the Switch dominates the console market?
not like it took you only two decades to get one decent game lmao
I own dozens of great Nintendo games.
name one
so you bought a switch
but bought zelda for wii u
But Sup Forums is literally shock full of nintendo fanboys shilling for free?
this, you've made a terrible mistake
>Metroid Prime: Federation Force
I see that down there.
Who else is entirely hyped to see the day when mods enforce the fanboy rule once again and ban shitty console war threads?
Everyone will buy it for zelda, Nintendo will drop the ball as always.
It will end up collecting dust.
$500 zelda machine.
Whichever closed platform wins, we lose. The only real way a consumer can win if an open *nix platform for customizable hardware wins. All locked boxes are never locked for the benefit of the consumer.
>Make fake pre-orders just so you have a reason to post on Sup Forums
epic, simply epic
Just like the WiiU eh?
Better by 20 of them and sell them outta your van!
That is indeed a very good market strategy if you don't lose any money by selling a console. Nintendo is the Panini of gaming. Shit out as much as you can and move on.
Go home Stallman.
No, I wanted the Wii U version of Zelda, I think it will be better because it was designed for that console and will have 2 screens.
Kek nintentoddlers really are little kids who don't even know how to buy shit. This just screams that mom and dad bought it and don't realise the difference.
You can't make this shit up.
>not even sold out in many countries
Not really domination.
I came
You arent going to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild on release.
Good luck
Honestly I did the same because the dumbass who rang me up put the Wii U version instead.
Went back a couple days later when I noticed and the manager swapped me out for the right one, but still, how incompetent do you have to be to do such a thing?
I kinda wanna sell like 55 games I don't need anymore to GameStop and I'm still concerned, that it wouldn't be enough for a switch.
>Wii U gets released
>Nintendo promises it will have gaems
>They never deliver
>Every single title released no matter how shitty or minor is praised as the best game in human history (See: Wonderful 101, Squids, Xenoblade etc)
>Wii U life cycle ends with maybe 1 or 2 good games on the entire platform depending on your tastes
>Switch gets announced
>Cycle beginning to repeat itself already
I work at a retail store. We've had a total for 9 preorders in a city with population of ~500,000
even normies know its doa.
hacked my DS and tried it. was not a fan.
my preorder total is like $500 since the only one i could nab was an expensive bundle. im gonna see if i can cancel half the games once i get the switch. Most of the games in the bundle don't come out yet anyway.
Meh, check their trade in prices online, wouldn't recommend selling your games quite yet, wait for the user reviews to come out first.
fake statistics bro
can't dominate when nobody can get one.
>fake news
as expected of sonyggers
LOL it really is epic cringe ahaha
I'm sure they lie to their shareholders
Nintendrones really are children
i´m sick of these fake news. gonna just hide any thread stating BTFO without actually BTFO:ing anyone from now on
Yes I am. Cemu nigger, I just finished playing twilight Princess HD. The first half that is. God what a trash game.
I see he didn't reply to your post. I guess he can't name one. Ha.
eat crow? Are you fucking 90?
>after the Switch dominates the console market
I'm deep in the Nintendo camp, but I'm not seeing it happen.
Would love to be proven wrong. The thing is: That's not going to happen.
You can't dominate a market that already has a majority share. People will still buy a PS4 before they consider a Switch.
The Wii U version doesn't use the gamepad because they wanted the versions to be identical.
success maybe but domination is hard imo