With The Switch Almost Here, The Graphical Focus Of Microsoft's Scorpio Already Feels Outdated

>Set for release this summer, Microsoft’s Scorpio is already being touted as a big step up in terms of graphical potency for console gaming. When it was covered by Microsoft back in June of last year, the main emphasis on this new console was the increase in its graphical prowess.
>This is why Nintendo’s focus on the Switch is more about what the console can offer functionally rather than just its graphics. This in turn forces an upper limit on game development expenditure and gives a much-needed fiscal reality check for publishers.
>Compared to the upcoming Switch, the Scorpio only offers a dead end in terms of gaming. Games are about what you do and not just what you see. Considering how fragile console gaming is currently and the shrewd functional focus of the Switch, the Scorpio really feels at odds with the long-term survival of the medium.


Really makes you ponder

I dont see the scorpio selling
At all

Its fucking true though.

I keep saying this and nobody will listen.


I'm buying one :)

This guy is delusional. The Switch is going to be a gimmick console like the previous two, while selling more than the WiiU but nowhere near the Wii.

The console industry will focus on the PS4 pro and the Scorpio.

because portable games run son inferior hardware that limits their gameplay lolz

>Almost nobody in any country has a 4K TV
>Almost no games will run in native 4K on the Scorpio
>XBone has almost no games to begin with
>Muh Graffix as the only selling point, which is invalid to anybody with less than a 4K TV/Monitor

Wow. What a shock. People are going to be more invested in a platform with an emphasis on functionality versus ebin graffix.

MS releases kinect and underpowered console
>Wow shitlords, games are about huge big graphics like ps4!
MS releases huge big graphics
>Wow shitlords, games are about doing wacky things!

Name one way Breath of the Wild seems to be limited by its hardware. I'm not convinced

Its almost like the industry changes on a dime from generation to generation or something

What the fuck do you know you haven't even played it lol


You didn't read a lot of books of a kid, did you?

>What's the difference between Xbox One and Xbox Scorpio?
>Well the Scorpio has better graphics than the Xbox One, and it can display in 4K!
>Wow...what's 4K?
>Y'know, for your 4K TV?
>I don't have a 4K TV

>What's the Nintendo Switch?
>A new gaming console that you can take on the go
>Can it plug into my TV? I don't wanna carry it with me everywhere.
>Yes, it has HDMI
>Can I charge it when I'm on the go? I can tell that the batteries aren't gonna be too impressive.
>Yes, just like any other handheld

This article gave me cancer btw.

>validate my suspicions
doesnt work that way, sweetheart

Switch has literally nogaems. at least xbone has multiplats

>Switch has literally nogaems.
Meanwhile the XBone had a stellar library of equally zero titles right from the getgo. And games keep getting announced for Switch.

I'm a nintendrone, but seeing as this article comes from forbes, it wouldn't surprise me at all to know the author of this article was a shareholder in nintendo. There are some serious problms wiht his arguments, the main one being that we haven't sen how the majority of consumers and devs will react to the switch's focus.


4k isnt the difference, thats the difference between regular bone and bone S.
The difference between scorpio and bone is that scorpio has the graphical horsepower for 4k rendering at hq 4k, not an upscale.
This means you can do 1080 144fps

>Considering how fragile console gaming is currently


>This in turn forces an upper limit on game development expenditure and gives a much-needed fiscal reality check for publishers
What? Better hardware means cheaper games because less optimization.

>This means you can do 1080 144fps
>can do

So for all five of the Scorpio developers who want to make their games super amazingly important in the visual department, the Scorpio is unique. For the majority of lazy third parties who won't give a quarter of a shit, there will be literally zero difference, the Scorpio has literally zero exclusives, and functionality has no traits that its competitors aren't already using whatsoever.

>at least the xbone has multiples

typical nintentoddler, cannot read lul

>Switch is more about what the console can offer functionally

it doesnt even have a web browser.

The big issue with the Scorpio is that it depends directly on people who have 4K TV and wanna invest into a new console.

>has the graphical horsepower for 4k rendering at hq 4k, not an upscale.
It will be checkerboarded user. But yea native 4k still.

At this point Microsoft should just call Scorpio the first of the Ninth Generation of consoles.

He isn't wrong.

sonys existence fucks up both,investing in vr was a good business

I've done 4k 30fps Arkham City full details including nvidia effects on a weaker card.

Arkham city is from the previous gen though.

What for? This gen still lacks of games. Right now the AAA titles want the ps4/xone audience.

>This means you can do 1080 144fps
Which is, again, irrelevant because there are even less people with 144hz TVs than 4k TVs. And nobody is going to buy a fucking monitor for couch gaming.

I'm talking pc max graphics with nvidia special features, its a good benchmark.

>CIV 6
>Halo 5

the list goes on, it's better than the entirety of last gen already!!!

Let's be honest, aside from Nintendo, the consoles are just plug and play gaming PCs. Might as well brand something like the Scorpio as the next generation that is several times more powerful than the last. Though, as the picture points out, it'll do fuck all for a lot of games.

Actually it means you can get inmense graphics at 1080 60

>Switch is portable micro console/handheld
>PS4 Pro can't do native 4K and is only a small improvement from regular PS4
>Suddenly graphics no longer matter and it's only exclusives (Especially progressive SJW ones) and gameplay that matters

Really fires up the ol' neurons.

When i'm talking about the lack of game, i'm talking about the lack of multiplat as well.
>the consoles are just plug and play gaming PCs.
100% agree.

Wow, the thing you can on PC for pretty much the same cost, maybe even lower.

0 chances.
The scorpio is aiming at native 4k.
It will already struggle with current games.

Exactly like I mean, its a console with a decent videocard.

Believe what you want user. I read an article on eurogamer about that, that's all. And considering theres 90% of chance that it will get an rx480 i'm not surprised.

Not to mention that big system sellers for XBOX already run at 60fps, like CoD, Halo or FIFA/NBA/Madden. Not always in 1080p, but in 60fps. What's the fucking point then.

The bone didnt get shit for good games, that doesnt really make me want to go out and buy a scorpio.

>Better hardware means cheaper games because less optimization.
You underestimate just how bad things can be coded.

I mean Wildands went from running at 60fp@1080p on a fucking Titan X to 50-60@1080p on a rx 480 between betas.

What else did you expect from sonyggers? If it isn't included in their plastic box, then they'll denounce it and spew some bullshit it not being important.

Thats why their only arguement is 4K.
Big question is : Will normies will make the difference between semi upscaled 4K like the ps4 pro and native 4k?

I believe it should be aimed at 1080 60 high detail, this would make it a beast console.

but it has nothing on the side you can play switch on the go and ps4 has vr scorpio is just a bit powerful ps4 pro

While I somewhat agree, I think the Switch is
1; To exepensive for what you get
2; To large for a proper handheld
3; Battery is to weak, nobody wants to be forced to charge the machine every 2,5h.

The Switch is a good idea but the execution is poor. This might affect the markets demand when the initial hype has died out.

No, because normies don't care about 60fps (+ you won't be able to crossplay with xone owners).
Rendering >>>>> performances.
Also as a PC gamer i don't really mind 30fps on a TV with a controller and motion blur.

I remember reading something awhile ago about the Scorpio being able to use Oculus rift and the HTC Vive. Not sure how true that is.

>No, because normies don't care about 60fps
t. Someone who doesn't remember the big BF3 vs MW3 controversy in 2011 where MW3's main selling point was 60 FPS.
Normies can tell the difference, they're dumb but they're not that dumb.

Scorpio and regular Xbox one will live in the same eco system, if that is what you were getting at.

i dont care about graphics or what a console can offer functionally. the most important thing is a stable fucking game that can do a reasonable minimum of two things: keep a playable framerate, and do so at at least 1080p (its current year for fuck sake). and while the scorpio is fucking stupid, the switch cant do either of those things.

with 4k and 144hz and VR and 3D and all this crazy shit, 1080p at 60 fps isnt a lot to ask. it REALLY isnt anymore. its been a baseline for pc for well over a decade, and brand fucking new consoles still struggle. its getting sad at this point. im interested in the new zelda too, but i just dont get how people dont even bat an eye at its 900p 30fps lock. I really dont get it.

I'll still prefer my Pro. Thats where I have all of my exclusives and friends playing.

Microsoft is going to lose. Both Sony and Microsoft is chasing after useless gimmicks normalfags don't even give a shit about. Even most PC gamers don't care about 4K beyond using it in emulators because why the hell not.

oh shit you are right

Are you kidding?
I can bet that all the normies' hype about BF3 was because of the frostbite marketing.
Because of the "amazing graphics, cod and its 10 years old engine BTFO", DICE finally got the console audience (while BFBC2 was a better game).
Now again, believe what you want but theres a reason why dev prioritize rendering over performances.

Yea that's why i'm saying theres no chance that it will get 1080p 60fps mode. Maybe for some solo games, with a patch if the dev wanna spend time on this, but that's not the goal.

You do realize that MW3 outsold BF3 on consoles, right?

>Even most PC gamers don't care about 4K beyond using it in emulators because why the hell not.
Microsoft its chasing "the american who got its 4k tv at black friday" audience.

The funny thing is the engine didn't even matter, the issue was the console hardware itself was shit, no magical engine would fix that

only reason BF3 looked better was due to it being 30fps vs 60fps COD

Yea. But it still took a piece of the cod cake.
And we are talking about cod here. At that time every one would buy their game with closed eyes.

Maybe. If Microsoft takes a look over at PC, not everyone is running the same game in 60 fps. The people who have the best advantage are the ones who spent more money on their setup, same can be said about the people who bought the Scorpio. Then again, consoles are a normie product, so Microsoft probably doesn't want to piss people off about the Scorpio having the advantage. It'll be interesting to see what they'll do.

Yea this will be a big test. But not only for microsoft : We will see if the normies still care about gaming and AAA titles, and if they care about rendering.

Switch has Dragon Quest and that's all that fucking matters

whoever wrote that clickbait is a retard, i know Sup Forums is also retarded which why OP posted it, its suppose to be illogical and make you furious

goddamn you guys are so dumb fo'real

fake news

for you

Get off Sup Forums, Trump.

>gimmick console
>widely adopted now used feature in most phones/consoles/gaming platforms and so on
>still just a gimmick

If Microsoft makes Ninja Gaiden 2 backwards compatible with a stable framerate I will pick up a Scorpio no questions asked.

>randomly attacking Trump

What you doin' Rabbi?

The pro and psvr bombed as well. It's almost like these mid gen bumps aren't popular.