Apparently this leaked. Does anyone care?
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
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So you can build an orc army?
That's pretty neat.
Oh shit. It would be cool if the nemesis system becomes more fleshed out with different races and classes and traits and stuff. I was kind of hoping they'd move it over to a new IP since then but i'll take what I can get.
The devs seemed really stoked about getting feedback from people so I'm hoping it builds on the mediocre first game
If it
1. Is way, way, way, way harder
2. Has a less empty world with more to do
3. Has more than one actual boss fight
Then I'll be all over it
I'd rather they developed the Nemesis system on a new IP since I don't give a shit about Tolkien.
Suppose it's better than nothing.
Same. The nemesis system was a neat idea but completely underwhelmed by everything else built around it.
oh thats cool, as long as there´s more orc leader killing, epic battles and open world questing i´d buy another shadow of title
fingers crossed for co op or more playable characters + shitloads of end game content when you finish the storymode
Will get crushed this fall while everyone buys up all the other games. The first one did good because it was still early in the gen that there wasn't a flood of games to buy. See most of last years fall sequels being trashed in sales for reference
and its probably for sure real too
do they really make you play as that nigga from the first game?
desu i liked shadow of mordor more than most people because i'm not tired of batman combat yet and i loved the brutality of it all but man, they barely used the LOTR license
>game takes place in mordor but you barely see anything interesting, how about going to barad dur or minas morgul?
>why even take place in mordor, there are so many amazing locations in LOTR: moria, rivendell, minas tirith, osgiliath, edoras
>where were the elephants and the easterlings?
>imagine the game taking place in rivendell or something and you seeing orcs fighting against elves
>why was the story so bad?
the game has so much unused potential but this looks so much like the first one
I just got the GOTY version of Mordor and I love it so far(except for how disjointed the story is), hearing there's gonna be a sequel gets me hype.
Took way too fucking long, the interest is gone.
Shadow of Mordor was pretty enjoyable
>Monolith will never make Condemned 3
>even after that huge sequel bait ending
This is what they were going to announce March 8
>you can play now as a nigger
Not thanks
This. I had a lot of fun running around the first area just killing nemesis. Once I went to the second area, I immediately got bored and uninstalled.
Zero chance this will get a PC release
The first one was published by them and got a PC release day and date
I liked the first one but I feel like the reason for its success is because it came out in a terrible year where barely anything came out.
There are superior open world games coming out in 2017 so this is probably going to get buried
>random nig on the cover for muh inclusion
Manwe never created darkies
Basically all WB games have been released on PC. Only announced game that doesn't have a PC release is injustice 2.
>barindead western AAA combat
In what ways exactly? QTE for instakill counter is now 1.5 sec instead of 2 sec?
Middle Earth: Shadow of War Gold Edition
Gold Edition includes:
• Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion
• Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion
• The Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion
• The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion
• Gold War Chest
• Over $125 in total value
Nemesis Expansions include a new Orc Tribe featuring new enemies, followers, missions, abilities, weapons, Fortress and wilderness updates, and a Mythic Gear Set.
Story Expansions introduce a new campaign, playable character & abilities, side missions, enemies, allies & more.
Experience an epic open-world brought to life by the award-winning Nemesis System. Forge a new Ring of Power, conquer Fortresses in massive battles and dominate Mordor with your personal Orc army in Middle-earth: Shadow of War.
Because selecting an attack animation from a menu is real skill.
lmao, weebs.
Yes. But I hope they can improve the side quests, the open world and the story.
>/polv/ already triggered by a fictional minority
I've thought the reason they aren't releasing injustice 2 on PC was because of the backlash the PC community gave them after the release of Batman Arkham night and mortal Kombat
>b-but weebs!
every time
the way to do it is make enemy attacks telegraphed and add dodge canceling. Basically, make it lean more toward DMC and less toward Batman's Creed
>nig nog on the cover
Fuck yeah.
Hopefully we get bigger battles considering the last game came out on PS3 and XB360
>black guy
>dominate Mordor
it's taking place in Mordor? AGAIN?
I'm not sure if this is a good idea
If you're not a weeb then why are you mad after getting called out? Normal people don't use the word "western" to describe video games.
Nice, first game was neat
gonna buy this fo sho
this game would actually be great if it didn't have bamham combat
I'll wait for it to drop to 10 bucks like I did with the original game
>• Slaughter Tribe Nemesis Expansion
>• Outlaw Tribe Nemesis Expansion
>• The Blade of Galadriel Story Expansion
>• The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion
AND dropped. Jesus Christ why does every AAA studio have to do this shit now? Jus let me buy the full game at release
>Forge a new Ring of Power
AND double-dropped. What the actual fuck
>>where were the elephants and the easterlings?
In the east
I thought the first one was shit and didn't think much of the nemesis system, just thought it was a neat idea but nothing more.
Still gonna keep an eye out for this one, wanna see how much they've improved.
>Press X to use the One Ring
Combat is absolutely terrible in this game, sorry but selecting a skill from a menu in Final Fantasy takes more skill than just pressing F to execute everything
It's WB's jew tactics, don't blame the studio.
Do this
well they should be in mordor then because they would actually make interesting enemies to fight
Co-op would be ideal.
This is what weebs actually believe.
b-but the GOTY edition is a great value, my goy!
>Shadow of War
is this sony exlusive
>Forge a new Ring of Power
that was literally the cliffhanger of the first game, so nothing new
>altering the source material for muh diversity SJW points
>wow why are you so mad it's fiction
There were no black people in Middle Earth except Orks. You don't change the source material to appease bulldyke Tumblr crusaders.
>conquer fortresses in massive battles
3 years is pretty standard for a video game sequel, outside of ones that have multiple studios working on them.
I mean, if you want to defend the Witcher 3-tier combat it's your choice, but know that you're trying to do the impossible.
Weebs, ladies and gents
Has Tolkien ever written more about that area? It was called Rhûn, right?
no it's not retard
Multiplat just like the last one
Where does it say you can play as the black? Pls leave.
I might be mistaken but I think that was actually a prompt in the first game
>selecting a skill from a menu in Final Fantasy takes skill
I'm guessing that's all part of the season pass. Might just be worth waiting another year for the "complete" edition.
Do not buy this trash.
>being a liberal
Hope they have a decent evil route.
Might actually reinstall this to slay some orcs
nice quads
First game had a bunch of skins, so there's that
They wouldn't repeat the same retarded mistake, didn't they fix it in the DLC and you could fight sauron?
who am i kidding, developers are stupid and they'll fuck it up somehow
"Southrons in scarlet, and out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues."
So, there are black people and the Atani were actually called Black Men. Still, I'll be interested to see how they spin his escape from Super ISIS.
It is.
Gold edition is just standard game + season pass
second dlc for the last one implied calebrimbor was kinda evil.
Target says release date is August 22.
That's good because if it released in Fall the game would get slaughtered.
shadow of mordor had a more fun combat system than any game in the witcher series, dark souls and any jrpg
there i said it
I bought the GOTY edition digitally not too long ago after losing my physical copy I bought during the original release.
I feel like the game doesn't have a lot of content.
It has a similar Assassin's Creed overworld, but I feel like it has even less to do.
Even the combat is sloppy, where I would even say AC has a more fluid combo system.
"Killing" an Orc is a bitch since you literally have to cut off there cut with a Finisher which is random when your character decides to use it.
Otherwise if you don't decapitate it, it'll come back stronger and it's annoying when some of them have too many buffs where you have to spam a cheap tactic, which usually ends up in a swarm of weaker enemies ruining your combo to decapitate the leader.
It wasn't til I unlocked all the abilities at the end of the game where you make an army for the final mission I actually got a grasp on how to do everything and by then the game was over.
Once beaten I was so bored of the repetitive gameplay I didn't even touch the DLC stories.
Min story literally felt like nothing and I didn't care for it.
It's kinda fun, but I'd revamp the combat system and add more stuff to do rather than freeing slaves or random online missions where you just have to kill X enemy/enemies.
More unlockables too, it's boring running around in the same suit the entire game and no choice of weapons besides your upgrades and runes.
Well, from the looks of it the setting might be partially in the eastern parts of Arda. There are niggers there.
I like the approach of using stuff that Tolkien never fleshed out, and it was foreshadowed by all the news of the blue wizards going east.
Yeah I personally love Bamham combat in games
> Those of Near Harad were brown-skinned, with black hair and dark eyes, whereas the people of Far Harad had black skin.
There's a new middle earth game?? Is this a sequel to Shadow of Mordor or something?
Feel free to kill yourself anytime.
it's probably more of the same so... buy it with a heavy discount
>Tolkein called black people half-trolls
>modern liberal game devs want to include black people for muh dyvursitee
They'll probably talk like American nigs too instead of sounding like Moors.
I'd like to see an overhaul of a lot of things. Maybe have the ability to swap out equipment and have different weapons.
Armor would add to it and give you more shit to work towards, and could be merged into helping outfit your orc army.
Let me play as the fucking dwarf.
I think he was asking, bro man
Gonna buy the game and season pass now just to fucking piss you off and masturbate to the thought of your tears
this is the new halo
stupid fuck
Let me guess, Talion is going to lose all of his powers at the beginning of the game.
You know what i would like?
A lotr stealth game.
Fuck off faggot. I thought this game was already released and literally nobody had talked about it.
>Only one area, the size of one and half on the first game
>More shit to do in that area. Maybe even just shove tons of orc camp to liberate.
>Actual fucking bossfights that don't rely on the nemesis system
>More variety to nemesis system. Maybe allow the top tier nemesis to get their own areas and tribes and have them dynamically fight other clans or something
>Actually making it a direct sequel instead of exploring other fanfics
I don't give a fuck that the Nemesis system was the only redeeming feature in the game, this is fucking retarded.