DigitalFoundry said Horizon is the best looking open world game ever

DigitalFoundry said Horizon is the best looking open world game ever.

Why should I trust Sup Forums over DF?

I'm getting a Switch + BotW and I'm telling you: Horizon IS the best looking open world game to date, although Witcher 3 is not off by much.

I'm not interested in a PS4 but I am not retarded and shit on such an awesome looking game because of fanboyism.

My bro is getting Horizon and I'm getting Botw and we're both like pic related when we talk about our personal GOTY prospects.

Jesus christ what a faggot you are.

The video was actually really impressive, I had only watched Sup Forums webms prior.

Moving clouds should be in every game.

That's great if you buy games because they look nice. I buy games because they are fun.

It looks great but the draw distance is embarrassing.

Because who the fuck is Digital Foundary

doesn't seem like there's much interactivity between the player and the world in horizon. all the graphics don't mean shit if it just sits there.

How about you trust your own eyes you dumb faggot?
There's a whole entire stream up and countless webms Sup Forums regularly posts.
All the evidence is out there to make your own conclusions instead of simply listening to paid content.

I think you should trust your own judgments through observation over glorified opinions (reviews) on the internet.

Try thinking for yourself you peon.

>stop having fun, Sup Forums is console wars only

>can't even climb those mountains

Funny thing is that Sup Forums never shat on the graphics at first because they were certain that the game will be downgraded like tw3

At least it has destruction.

digital foundry are literal shills for sony

Yeah then DF is obviously right.

Why are you Sup Forums retards denying it then?

>best looking
In 5 years that won´t count for shit, and then what are left with?

>trusting Sup Forums
>trusting reviews
You should know by now that both are irrelevant, make up your own mind.

This was the most 9gag post I've read here in a while.

I didn't deny shit, I said to trust your own eyes instead of just someone's word.
Also don't fall for the bullshot/photo mode, it is not representative of the actual game's graphics.

I will accept Sup Forums hating Horizon if they end up realizing Digital Foundry is a bunch of memelords who fabricate results

Denying what?

If you want to believe some random website great. But you're a moron.

>user is able to admit the strengths of another game
>expresses excitement with his bro over the game
>reaction image that fits this site

either you're saying Sup Forums is 9gag or you're just a sour shitposter

I don't think anyone was ever debating over open world games. The competition is like Skyrim and The Withcer 3, so yeah.

>best looking open world


>90% of the webm is a wall

>shills for sony
which is why they point performance issues in sony games right?
like how tw3 couldn't go over 20fps or bloodborne had frame pacing issues

no but because they said something positive that means they're shills

call me when you clear that wall of fog 30 feet in front of you

the game looks great but as long as draw distance is an issue i cant call it the "best looking"

It could be 100% photoreal and that wouldn't change the fact it's a tired open-world Ubisoft-a-thon.

ok have this shit you can buy over Gravrush2 or nier

>if you fall large depths you die
wow shit game 0/10

you'd have a point if you said "it has bugs" and pointed out how she didn't die instantly, but trying to say a game isn't open world because it has nogo areas is stupid
guess TW3, TES or literally any GTA isn't open world either

Digital Foundry have been big Sony shills for a while, now.

>because they said something negative that means they aren't shills

I have a PS4, but I'm just going to play zelda instead. I'm on a tight budget right now.

>Why should I trust Sup Forums over DF?
Sup Forums doesn't get money when you buy the game.

>stop being optimistic and be a fat cynic like me!

that's generally how shilling works user

if they're telling you sony games have bad performance then they're most likely not getting paid by sony

Ah, yes. Last gen they were shills for Microsoft, now it's for Sony.

You realize all open world games have shit draw distance?

It's the best looking open world game.

>large depths
do you have crystal bones or something user?

yes i too love turok

oh wow a bug in a video game

im so shocked

This is exactly the sort of game Sup Forums would be all over if it was either Japanese or not an exclusive.

>Stop being happy about things and be a depressed faggot like me

>fall at least 3 stories
>lolfaggot what do you have crystal bones or something pussy lol i could survive that
ok m8

>oh wow a bad video game

THIS is the draw distance Sup Forums is crying about?
I expected MGSV levels of pop in from all the shitposting


Is the webm shitty or is does the game stutter that much?

>if a game has bugs it's bad
guess literally every game ever made is bad then

wow what a shit medium just bin it already

Has Sup Forums ever been so wrong about a game?

webm but i'm sure shitposters will try and say otherwise

>mgsV has pop in
>Horizon solves it with pop out

ALso the fog isnt always there


You are a faggot and pic you chose just reinforces it even more.

No it's bad because it has game-breaking bugs on top of vad core gameplay and what looks to be a shitty, predictable story.

>what looks to be
ah yes please tell me more about how bad games you have never played are

The witcher 3 on pc looks better faggot

>white male detected
stay assblasted fuckboy

>3 stories
>in less than 1 second

>aside from some minor issues game is FANTASTIC must play

>nioh looks fast and challenging
>nier automata looks interesting and mysterius
>gravity rush 2 looks colorful and fun
>horizon looks like trash and ("progressive")

>ugly mc
>sjw trash story
>shit gameplay
>20 enemies

>you're only allowed to have positive opinions on a game before release!

oh boy another big fucking boring empty world where nothing interesting ever happens and the simplest of missions are padded out to shit as it takes you 10 minutes to run from point A to point B where nothing happens inbetween


>guess literally every game ever made is bad then


I'm getting sick of this shit

Bloodborne is running worse on my Pro than my regular PS4. Its fucking gay.

Final Fantasy XV

>upgrate to pro $400 dollars
>4k sony tv other $400
and then they say pc is the expensive platform

How can you live with yourself ?

But is it fun?

That's fucking stupid. Even MGSV looks much better than Horizon.

Battlefront looks amazing too.
Doesn't mean its not trash.
Graphics only make good games better, they can't make bad games good.


I didn't realise she had the tech to make a 3 story fall go by so fast!

Boy what a future.

best LOOKING open game? easily
Best open world? HAHAH fuck no , is so shit that people that played zelda think they gave Horizon a score too high. Also Horizon is Ubisoft tier.


Oh you're one of those snowflake faggots who can't stand women in their games, kek.

and how being surprised by new things when you get near them is a bad thing?
if you can see everything from far way it makes the game boring and predictable.

>Nioh comes along to be an absolutely amazing game, up there with BB in terms of worthwhile exclusives
>People are still clinging to Horizon even though the game is buggy, the animations are shit, and the gameplay as a whole looks incredibly unsatisfying

I don't get it, PS4 got a great game. Why lie to yourselves to pretend to have another?

lmao you know you dont have to buy a sony tv to play with sony console
Are you totally brain dead ?

>ubisoft tier
you better calm the fuck down bro

welp its that time again

it is ubisoft tier mate

Let's not be rash lad. At least this had obvious care and an apt development cycle

I legitimately though this game was made by Ubisoft until I saw this chain.
I'm not even joking. I thought it was a new open wolrd IP made by Ubisoft.

It probably is the best looking OPEN WORLD game*

*on console

But so what? The problem with open world games isn't their graphics

it might be a good looking game but that doesnt mean its a good game

>best looking open world game ever.
>no game in the future will ever look better, graphical fidelity has been mastered.

No they didn't.
They didn't even say it was the best looking now, they said it looked great (it does) and is one of the prettiest games they've ever seen (not implying it's the prettiest game eve,r but rather that they've ever seen, allowing for future games to be prettier)
Regardless though, it's a shitty game. It's stunning visually, I'm going to personally it's got the best colour grading and lighting (bar shadows) of any game I've seen yet - but it's just another typical open world game with a super let down ending.

Don't buy - just wait, guaranteed this will be a psplus title.

So is Zero Dawn another one of those games where the focus on graphical fidelity makes everything else feel like luke-warm shit. Everything else I've been seeing about the game has not impressed me. Bad AI, awful HUD, generic "collectathon" open world shit, terrible animations in both cutscene and gameplay, and finally the robo dinos not actually being the focus because it seems you fight a LOT of humans.

It makes me a little upset that people say this game is "Monster Hunter" inspired.

>the best looking open world game ever
Was their previous best looking game ever Silent Hill 2?

Has Sup Forums really ever complained about the graphics on this game (aside from the fog)?

I thought most of the complaints were around the story, animations, voice acting, and gameplay

This is the game in a nutshell.

It'll be on PSPlus this year.

The only competition is like, Homefront Revolution which does infact look better on a technical level

The graphics looks like shit in tons of places.

I am not buying this game at any point, but boy oh fucking boy is it hilarious to see the damage control shitposting coming from its positive reception.

It is one of the better looking games, but in a "we put nothing in the field and focused on the grass" kind of way.
Think FFXV