If overwatch doesnt do a hero dump of at least 3 new heros soon think im done with this game

If overwatch doesnt do a hero dump of at least 3 new heros soon think im done with this game

there is only so much times you can play the same map with the same heros doing the same moves with the same counter moves

>playing this low skill shit at all

Feel free to. I think the game is more targeted to people who play the sorts of games often. I spent far too many years on TF2 and UT
I'd rather have more maps than heroes.

They will never do it.
Characters are hard to balance and make and their hype is short-term. They make more money if they release them separeted.

Meanwhile in Rainbow Six Siege...


To be fair, the characters in R6 aren't quite as varied as the characters in Overwatch.

>being this retarded

>thinks FPSMOBAs don't have low skill ceilings
>calls others retarded


Some new chinese bootleg overwatch? More pics/links pls

>game has different characters with diverse and unique weapons and abilities
>no currency to buy stat changing items in-game
>no towers
>no lanes
>no minions
>no currency to buy items during a game
>it's a MOBA

I could go for some Rainbow Six Siege but god the hackers in that game kill it for me. fucking ubisoft needs better security

k bye

It's a fucking marketing term, because you have hotkeys on abilities


>it's a MOBA

Yeah, it's an FPS moba, even the chinese know what's up. Does the truth hurt? I hope it does cause I'm laughing at you.

does that mean tf2 is a moba?
you also have hotkeys on abilities

Clearly. It's also the shittiest MOBA I ever played. Only nine champions? What's up with that?

Even the chinese know it's an FPS MOBA you dipshit.

What you're describing is an ASSFAGGOT, not a MOBA. Bloodline Champions is a MOBA, yet it has none of those things.

should be free-to-play