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I've never repaired a console myself, if any of mine became inoperable I've used the warranty to get it fixed.

>For example, both the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360 have "signature failures" that affected huge numbers of devices: The "Yellow Line of Death" and the "Red Ring of Death," respectively. Sony charged $200 for a refurbished device. Microsoft replaced many Red Ring of Death Xbox 360 devices free of charge, which is laudable. However, the actual fix for the problem was both cheap and easily done by independent companies or even consumers. What was a massive ordeal for customers and the company could have potentially been much easier if independent repair had been supported.

>The video game industry has been a particularly notable enemy of fair repair; both Sony and Microsoft put tamper-proof stickers above the screws on their consoles that note that the warranty is "void if removed." These stickers are illegal under the 1975 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, a federal law that forbids blanket voiding of warranties based on aftermarket repair. These practices haven't been challenged because litigation is expensive and arduous for any one consumer to undertake.

Sounds like you guys need a class action lawsuit.

Pretty much this.
Have everyone who owns an xbox or ps3 band together to get 12 dollars each.

under both of xbox's and playstation's terms of service, you cant form or file for a class action lawsuit

nothing new in the US

Aren't most companies doing this? I heard the automotive companies are trying to do the same, they basically want you to repair your car directly with them instead of choosing where to get it repaired.

why does this industry have to be SO FUCKING FULL OF KIKES

Is there anything the lust for money doesn't ruin?

What is going on here?
Is the retard "joeson koebler" in pic related baiting for clicks or what?
Is this a thing?

it is debatable if that is enforceable, and ownership of hardware can't be construed as acceptance of those terms.

Us law>tos


It's like these guys think this'll do anything.


TOS isnt binding
eg several EU countries ruled in favor of chip modding


Would be thrown out of court. No Terms of Service or contract in the US can override basic rights.

But this is a good thing. It means less bullshit government regulations telling private businesses what they can and can't do. They shouldn't be forced to provide a service like repairing consoles against their will for no pay. That's slavery.

Instead of using force, the free market will fix it. If a console breaks, people won't buy that console and buy a different one. The company responsible for the broken consoles will either correct their mistake or go out of business.

everyones got their preferences but i recently built a PC and if anything happens to it at least I can repair it.

its really gay you can't fix your own consoles. it would at least create jobs for people who like to tinker with hardware and make things easier on companies and consumers.

but noooo gotta make it impossible to do anything to anything because that would mean they don't have a shitty service they can overcharge for and then complete half ass.

pretty sure you can't surrender your rights

Pretty sure we got rid of class action lawsuits in favor of arbitration. It's ok though because the people who mediate will be fair and impartial.

I stopped buying consoles after I had to send my Xbox360 to be repaired four times.

Lol same but only three times with the 360. I got weak and bought a Ps4 last week though.

PS: Red Redemption is overrated as fuck.

free market only works to an extent. no government regulations or consumer protection means companies will show absolutely no restraint to fuck people over.

Binding arbitration has very much been upheld all over the US, except in states that have aggressive pro-consumer legislation. Or anti-corporate, depending on your perspective.

>"Warranty void if opened" stickers are illegal

What? I've never heard of this

Hundreds of companies put it on their electronics, why has there never been a lawsuit about it?

I got mine repaired 3 times and went through 2 refurbished units.
That's when I decided that I was done with MS consoles.
Granted, the only current gen console I have is a WiiU.

yes you can. it is called a "contract"

>voiding muh warranty
>doing shit

If you're looking to repair something yourself or get someone else to do it, you probably don't give a shit about your warranty.

What are they even lobbying for? Console inspection day?

>had this old ass second-hand dreamcast(came with a lot of goodies for dirt cheap) that kept on breaking every few months
>mfw dad just fixes that shit be it laser or something else

I feel bad for not going engineer like he did to continue the legacy. Best i can do is replace the wire's fork.

>These practices haven't been challenged because litigation is expensive and arduous for any one consumer to undertake.

>They shouldn't be forced to provide a service like repairing consoles against their will for no pay.
They don't have to, this is about them voiding warranties for people who go to third party repair sites, so they're actively fucking over the free market, and you're defending it.

pretty sure that kind of contract can be overturned in court

If they fuck people over, they'll lose business.
I know,
but it's ok.

The trick is that litigation is expensive and the time-of-purchase terms of purchase prohibit class action lawsuits in favor of binding arbitration. It's a clever, fully legal catch-22.

no it fucking can't you retard

>under both of xbox's and playstation's terms of service, you cant form or file for a class action lawsuit
These clauses are only designed to dupe people who haven't completed law school.

There are some rights you can't surrender, even voluntarily

>have consumerbase that bought 60 million units and number keeps rising
>have a monopoly
>don't have to do shit
Once monopolies are established, consumers lose everything.

it can because you can't surrender your rights

ToS are so full of jewish tricks it's ridiculous.

Certain rights can't be cleanly given away. You can't give someone the right to full-on kill you, for instance; at most, you can only give indemnity for certain reasons.

At the state level, it is even more murky. A lot of rights always apply in California.

In the EU, there is a broad swath of consumer protection laws and rights that cannot be nullified.

>Tfw engineer
>My 31 year old jobless brother's console breaks
>He is thinking where to take it to fix
>"I can fix it if you want you know, for free"
Fucking shits think I took a degree as useless as his I swear to god


and they still do it and many are still in business. like the scandal over VW and some other car factories not long ago. all of them are still in business and making money. even if companies go bankrupt the people who run them rarely do and can open a new one. you think everything is way simpler than it actually is.

There was a brief fad where ToS included "rights to your eternal soul" clauses but only a few of them were ever talked about.

America is a nothing but a sad fucking joke by this point.

Laws are for peasants

Classic lolbertarian, twisting everything as an attack to the poor companies by the evil state.

If anything this would be better for the free market, allowing repair shops to legitimize their business and allow the consumers to choose freely, and not be limited to the OEM.

It is an official policy of the government of Japan, and thus the banks, to ensure that the larger employers will always be in business. Even if they're not actively producing anything.

>allowing repair shops to legitimize their business and allow the consumers to choose freely, and not be limited to the OEM.

liberal broken window fallacy bullshit

What are they gonna do outside of not publish internal documents?

>pretty sure you can't surrender your rights
That sounds like bullshit

Oh boy I can already here the fanboys mounting up a defense of this.
It happened here on Sup Forums when Valve was being sued in the EU for trying to supersede consumer protection law there.
You had a bunch of anons upset, how could they do this to Valve, they're attacking Valve, Valve should shut down and stop selling to those ungrateful Europeans, they have no right to enforce their laws on an American company and other ridiculous shit.
God, I hate Valve fanboys/shills, they are the worst of them all, the recent paid mods bullshit just reinforced it.


The clever bit is that some of these pieces of legislation require the same access for software repair. It's a neat trick to force companies to build in backdoors.

The market has never been free.
Fucking grow up.

read the article and find out

Why do people still cry for muh free market when the 19th and early 20th centuries proved for an immutable fact that the free market doesn't work, and gives rise to monolithic singular entities that control entire industries and drive living and working conditions into the ground for all those in its employ, with zero means for those workers or the consumers to debase them?

The video game industry is a meme that lasted too long.

I fix my car all the time and the warranty won't expire for any of my fixes

which shows that lobbyism is fucked up and should be prevented but probably never will.

When the government uses taxes to build roads, that's money you could have used to buy a surfboard!


>There are some rights you can't surrender, even voluntarily

where you agree to settle disputes is not one of those.

Good idea. People who would be directly affected by legislation shouldn't be allowed to consult lawmakers about what to do.

Congress is smart enough to do the right thing by themselves.

Yes, but that's another matter. An agreement to withhold from filing a suit against somebody is held to a particularly high standard of what constitutes an "agreement".

>Congress is smart enough to do the right thing by themselves.
oh man if I didn't follow the reply chain my blood would boil

In a libertarian society, corporations couldn't do anything to stop consumers from repairing stuff themselves, so this wouldn't be a problem.

oh, so it's okay for a few people to tell/pay the congress to favor them instead of the general public because the general public definitely isn't affected by the legislation, right? makes sense!

Doesn't mean much coming from a stranger but you picked a good degree, user.

It means the people lobby and so can rich people too.

So yea, removing lobby stops your rich people from lobbying but you also hurt all the poor people from lobbying aswell

yes they could. libertarian societies still use coercive force on contracts

ah yes, thank god we have all those poor people lobbies to act as counter balance, like

Which would be a net positive if we're in the situation where corporate lobbying that adversely affects citizenry is larger than citizen lobbying that leads to results.

We already have Right to Repair in Massachusetts which guarantees our right to repair our own vehicles without ruining our warranties or getting sued by a dealership. Also the manufacturer must make the documents and schematics publicly available so repairs can be done.

Its unfair to be forced to go to an OEM for repairs and strictly anti-freedom

Contracts like what we're speaking of wouldn't be enforced by the state.

last i heard lobbying refers to the industry influencing the government to make ridiculous laws to favor them. the trade contract between the EU and US for example have some shit about disputs between the governments and the companies be settled by independent courts which are not bound to the law of the countries. the general public "lobbies" by voting...

Senators and Congressman are elected directly remember, piss off the populace and you won't get elected. so yea the poor lobbying is a great asset to them

>last i heard lobbying refers to the industry influencing the government to make ridiculous laws to favor them. the trade contract between the EU and US for example have some shit about disputs between the governments and the companies be settled by independent courts which are not bound to the law of the countries. the general public "lobbies" by voting...
Thats the negative effect of lobbying. Its still lobbying no matter who does it and no matter how much money is involved

Mom and Pop shops still lobby the same albeit without nearly as much influence

Congressmen are required by law (at least in NY) to reveal their donators names and how much they've received

spoilers[] real law > ToS. Yes even in the US of Anticonsumer

what is special about the contracts we're speaking of that makes them magically unenforceable in a libertarian society?

>forgetting about gerrymandering

97% of Congress got re-elected in 2016, despite everyone fucking hating them.

It's like magic.

which law do binding arbitration clauses violate?

Its a retarded virtually anarchistic dichotomy.

Somehow there is no government laws or anything but theres a NAP that everyone is forced to agree to

If "everyone hated them" then they wouldn't have gotten reelected even under gerrymandered districts

Who is the "Video game industry"?
Sony for sure, microsoft?

Nintendo doesn't even care.

>B-but a console is more cheap than a PC!

what is the big deal here? just wait until the guarantee runs out and if it breaks repair it yourself

You realize gerrymandering doesn't guarantee elections. Those people still voted in favor regardless

What about monopolies?

I remember the right to repair bill spectacularly failing in New York. If you mention how good repairing is for the environment liberals are all for it. But when liberals learn that Apple doesn't want you to repair they hate it.

libertarianism is not the same as anarchism.

The big deal is you're not allowed to repair your own device without risk of getting fucked for it.

It means for trivial things or simple repairs you're forced to go to the OEM and get fucked for it.

libertarianism has tons of anarchistic philosophies to it. Particularly the one without government intervention or power over a people's rights

God damn you are fucking dumb. Look into this period of American history called "The Gilded Age."

>Its still lobbying no matter who does it and no matter how much money is involved
not that i know of.
last i heard "mom and pop" aren't organizations.

it doesn't have to be through money. it can be through exchanging favors. politicians like to go into business to act as consultants for large companies which means that they use their friends and acquaintances they made throughout their political career to influence politics for that company.

>last i heard "mom and pop" aren't organizations.
Whats the difference between a mom and pop company sending money or influence to a politician vs a large corporation sending money?

Virtually nothing

Then we could all get Battleborn and play together on our fixed consoles!

i'm sorry but i can't take you serious anymore. i hope you're baiting me.

>libertarianism has tons of anarchistic philosophies to it. Particularly the one without government intervention or power over a people's rights

it also has a principle that the central way in which force is used is to enforce contracts between private actors. it is one of the defining characteristics of libertarianism and one of the ways in which it differs significantly from anarchism.

Can't even mod your GPU without voiding your warranty these days.