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Vidya Buyfag Thread
How about getting a girlfriend?
>tfw want to buy figures but know I have good odds of getting a gf soon and would be ashamed to have these on display.
it cant just be anybody coz i´ll get depressed if im dating some cunt i dont even like
They're even more expensive
Too ugly to get one plus i already see two hookers semi regularly for sex stuff
h-h-hotglue pics?
fucking buy fags
Is she a JAV actress, or just a Gravure model?
Because my dick needs more.
>Like thing
>Afraid that the person that likes him doesn't like what he likes
Do you want a gf to hold hands or a wet hole?
My gf doesn't like animu or mango, but she saw my gunpla collection so she gave me another model for my birthday.
Damn look at that ass
Why the fuck would anybody want that?
Don't bother actually posting your collection buddy this is a shitpost thread for people to spam promo shots of a figure that won't release for 11 more months that isn't even videogame related, thread deserves to die.
Anyone else think her ass is a bit too big
my bad.
thanks doc
>Sonic isn't vidya
Gravure, Ai Shinozaki. Very cute
I'm more afraid of putting her off immediately if I have skimpy bikini animu girl figurines around. And I am literally only interested in that kind of figurine so it would (not falsely) indicate that I am a huge pervert
>Anyone else think her ass is a bit too big
pls be in dublin
is this suppose to be attractive
Well, time to try to fap to a clothed woman for the first time in 18 years.
One off handed game doesn't justify her merchandise taking up half a buyfag thread, it's a bunch of fatfaggotry and cow wank.
How do I get one? I'm lonely Sup Forums.
Gravure is kinda awesome when you get into it. The tease is fucking hot IMO
>indicate that I am a huge pervert
Everyone is a huge pervert, men and women. It doesn't matter as long as you behave normally.
lmao yo that ass got this nigga hair erect
You could get one tomorrow if you set your standards low enough. I guess you want one that is somewhat attractive though, so make sure you are at least as attractive as the girl you want. Many ways to do that
I don't know, man. Everyone's a pervert. Hell, she could even like them.
You can't have no standards, that's how you end up in a horrible unhappy marriage and then you pay thousands in alimony for life.
worst meme
It does though
warm cocksock
exactly my point. make yourself better rather than set your standards lower
This is the only figure I own
Not specifically vidya but I'm nowhere near that autistic.
Besides atleast this is tasteful, unlike the ecchi shit you guys buy
Also expensive, I spent half a grand on it.
How do I do that?
If that's what you need to tell yourself to justify it.
>doesn't know Ai
Lose weight if fat, lift, good haircut, good clothes, clean eating, good job, social skills etc. All pretty obvious stuff I guess. Just pick someone you wanna be like (or imagine the girl you want) and become like them.
And you gotta put yourself out there of course. You have to really want something to achieve it. If you convince yourself that 2D is better than 3D and stuff, it means you don't really want a gf and won't make it.
Is it worth the trouble?
>nickelodeon turtles
shit collection
I think I just never even tried to get a gf. How do I try? Where do I go?
Real question, how do you explain owning these to other people that come over? Do you just have other perverted neet friends? Keep them locked up? I got dumped about a year ago from my long time gf and I'm preparing for a lonely life ahead of me so I'll probably be buying shit like this since I have no friends anyway (28 years old)
>tasteful, unlike the ecchi shit you guys buy
>an abusive relationship with a mentally ill woman is somehow more wholesome than a regular ol' half naked anime skank
No the crushing heartbreak is worse than any depression you could ever have an it's not worth it.
How about suicide nigger?
Yeah it can be if it's a good relationship. More for the intimacy and having someone actually listen to your problems (guys don't have it as easy as girls in that regard) and also because improving yourself will make you feel much better even if you are still gf-less. Also the alternative is either die alone or an hero I guess.
I dunno man, depends on how you socialise. You gotta be confident though, really important
i want to know this too
There's no light without darkness, my friend. If you don't take risks in life you end up nowhere. Heartbreak does hurt like nothing else though. It can fucking destroy you, but time will help
>not mutually exclusive, though your selection of girlfriends who'll tolerate your shenanigans shrinks
>normies get out
>one time purchase vs weeks to years of expensive bullshit if your girlfriend sucks
Those lips look juicy.
You don't say anything unless they ask. Then you just say "I like the design".
It's easier once you just accept that you won't, user.
>Figma shit
Man, poorfags are the worst.
How much more fun is fapping to lewd figures than fapping to images? Thinking of getting one for this express purpose.
I would buy the $200 if it actually was the quality worth that price.
I see you copypasting the same shit everyday, does the goverment pay you for convincing young Sup Forumsirgins from not dropping out of the vagina jew scheme?
Did the redpill went to far and now they're so desperate as to start doing this?