but is it good?
No nigga just play the PS2 game.
There's no blame
Great job, keep buying this half baked garbage simply because it´s garbage so we can get more shitty games like this
well i already play the dreamcast version
its another dynasty warrior game with a different skin, what do you think?
PS2 is different from dreamcast
much faster and more open levels
probably won't play
>Site literally says "don't believe the first month sales"
>OP post the first week sales.
Are you retard?
>golden age bullshit again
No thanks, retards.
I've seen it enough already.
If you are fresh and underage, and I'm sure you are, fucking Sup Forumsermins, then fine go play that garbage.
I'm old enough to be sick of it. Berserk is not ending on Golden fucking Age.
But it ends on the Eternia Arc you half-baked autist.
Golden Age is the only good arc, so it's no wonder why they keep rehashing it.
I listened to the bombcast and Jason said it was bad because the cutscenes aren't particularly well animated so I guess it's hot trash.
It's another uneducated post about how every musou is just dynasty warriors with different skin
I argued with at least 2 dozen motherfuckers who refused to even acknowledge that musou games suck.
The thing about Musou is that they are games which put a heavy emphasis on gameplay rather than periphery or cinematography.
I am automatically suspicious of people who dislike Musou games.
>heavy emphasis on gameplay
the gameplay is pretty limited for having so much emphasis put on it
it outsold GTAV during a entire day
It's not limited. It's distilled and pure.
>if anyone disagrees with me about a type of genre being good they must like Heavy Rain and telltale games
Fuck off and die you stupid shitposter.
The genre is an example of a complete lack of weight.
Nice doublespeak, faggot. Play one musou and you've played them all.
>which put a heavy emphasis on gameplay
Shame then that the gameplay is so fucking dull.
>I don't like it so it's bad!
I'm not even trying to defend the genre. I'm just saying that I'm suspicious of someone's taste when they say "I dislike Musou games".
>put a heavy emphasis on gameplay
Shame the gameplay is so shit.
The only one of these types of games I've played that was developed by KT that I've played for more than a few hours is AoT, and that's because it actually mixes up that shitty musou gameplay with something new.
Musous are fucking trash.
>I like it so it's good!
I can do this too.
Play one (genre) and you've played them all.
> that I've played for more than a few hours
Well aren't you the expert
It's good because it's thoroughly competent at what it attempts to do. It isn't trying to be anything more than what it is.
I like the games for what they are.
I get that some people can be completely uninterested in them but I'm suspicious of people who actively dislike them.
the game isnt actually bad, the problem is that the difficulty is unbalanced as fuck, easy, normal and hard everything barely tickles you, in berserk everything oneshots you
Every 無双 game is the same fucking thing with a different skin. There is no arguing this. You've played one, you've played them all.
The fuck is wrong with you people?
Not a bad game overall, I got bored too quickly because I've overplayed musous to death.
>Sub-par censored port
>People still buy it
What did Japan mean by this?
I had it on preorder until I saw this.
I refuse to buy it now.
Berserk is a bit weaker in this regard due to the nature of missions (after golden age at least) where it's generally Guts fighting off a bunch of spooky skeletons to get from point A to B or survive the night.
In other Musou games the increased difficulty doesn't come from harder enemies as much as it does focus on your inability to be in two places at once. The difficulty appears when you have a critically injured officer who needs saving and two remote bases are about to fall to the enemy while you're attacking a different point, then you need to make logistical decisions about where you need to be. It's less about any single enemy giving you a hard time.
They didn't show it.
I would have liked it if they showed it.
See Each musou has differences, they're not just reskins like people meme. You can pretend it is so but it isn't. Or do you care to explain how they're the same?
It's not all Golden Age, they nearly everything up to the fight with Ganishka in Vritannis.
I pirated it yesterday
it's not censored, but limbs will only go flying when you enter your fury mode/frenzy mode/rage mode/whatever the fuck it's called mode
in normal gameplay people will fly away from you like any typical musou, which sucks, but people get ripped to pieces like tissue paper in fury mode
also despite the western box art censoring naked caska, she is still naked in the game during the eclipse (she just has tentacles covering her nips and vag, but this is the same in japan)
after playing for a few hours, I can definitely say that I'm glad I didn't buy it, especially for £50 bongbucks, that is LUDICROUSLY expensive for something like this
worth £20-£30 at best
What did you expect, for the game to finish with a stream of Muira playing iDOLM@STER? There really isn't much more content to add from the manga.
Fuck off idiot.
>Fuck off idiot.
Sorry, but that's not an argument. All this shows is the fact that you don't actually have a proper opinion or argument about the subject.
I bought it for full price with little regrets, I came into this as a Musou fan rather than a Berserk fan so all of the story was new and very interesting.
I can see how it would be a steep cost for most folks though.
>framedrops to 40fps even with a gtx980, environment set to low
this game is so damn barebones even for koei standarts
Still haven't found a musou that doesn't bore me after 3 or 4 hours.
Must suck having ADHD.
oh also forgot to say: how fucking lazy can they be to just put in clips from the movies instead of animating their own cutscenes? I thought that even if they cut costs like yakuza does, we'd at least still get fully animated in-game models doing the action mixed with animatics for dialogue cutscenes
instead nope, enjoy watching 30 seconds clips of something you already saw and didn't enjoy
Then the genre isn't for you. I don't like RTS too much and pretty much stick to Warcraft 3 but I'm not crying how the genre is shit.
>It isn't trying to be anything more than what it is.
It isn't trying to be good.
I feel the same way about FPS. I'm not interested but I can accept that Call of Duty is a well made one of them.
It's a Dynasty Warriors
And not even a good one of those
>but I can accept that Call of Duty is a well made one of them.
You would be wrong.
How retarded are you
You just have to look at the fucking cover
Even in the Sup Forumshivemind the earlier CoDs, up to MW2 I guess are great.
Maybe it's Samurai Warriors? Or Maybe it's Pirate Warriors? Maybe it's Warriors Orochi?
After golden age is when Berserk gets bad, though.
Fundamentally, it's fine, in terms of control and stability.
Unless the newer ones have become technically worse than what they were a few years ago.
Musou games are good.
Play something like Hyperdimension Neptunia Action Unleashed to see an example of a bad game. Controls and runs like ass and features the bare minimum of content and story.
>Even in the Sup Forumshivemind the earlier CoDs, up to MW2 I guess are great.
Sup Forums is also wrong, and the fact that you're deferring to a self-described hivemind tells me that you're a fucking moron.
Which explains why you like musous.
Why are you still here?
Fuck off idiot.
Deadset, 無双厨 should be gunned down for sport.
I don't know what you expected, the game to have an original ending? Or for it to be shorter?
>There really isn't much more content to add from the manga.
The entire sea god/boat stuff and Griffith's war say hi.
The only reason why I'm talking about hivemind is because you seem to have the usual "hurrdurr it's shit because X told me so" mentality where you can't explain why it's shit and merely insist that it is.
This game is utter garbage.
>Shitty roster for a musou
>Random filler missions to pad the story
>reused anime cutscenes
>Eclipse Mode is unfair
This game is by far the worst musou I've played in a while. Pirate Warriors 3 is a far better musou
>Controls and runs like ass and features the bare minimum of content and story.
Thanks for describing musou genre.
Where is your argument?
>where you can't explain why it's shit and merely insist that it is.
Or at least provide an example of a better game from the same genre.
>Bare minimum of content and story
Thanks for admitting to never have played musou games.
Musou games don't though.
What games are you comparing it to?
CoD has been shit since 4 since it's the same cookiecutter garbage with low TTK and broken mechanics that attracts dudebros.
I have a special hatred for CoD since it took that stupid "level up" class shit from Battlefield and applied it to every other non-realistic shooter on the market.
Even RO2 is better than modern CoD.
Pretty mediocre. What makes it worst is they didnt even bother making good cutscenes just rehashing the movies and censoring a fuck load of story (I know it was because the rating) pretty retarded.
>tfw Berserk will never ever get to its conclusion
>tfw we will never see Guts getting his revenge on Griffith
I don't trust Steam spy
But I'm not talking about "modern" CoD like I said before
There is fuck all actual content involved in that. Are you fucking 13 and have no experience with how these sorts of series are adapted from page to action? You'd fit most of it in a cutseen.
Christ you Sup Forumsermin are just as stupid as the tertiary fuckwits on Sup Forums.
Having never cared about Berserk until this game I read up a bit afterwards and learned that the anime ends when Guts loses his eye and I lost my shit for five minutes trying to imagine someone who got that as the conclusion to the story.
>It's another uneducated post about how every musou is just dynasty warriors with different skin
>It's another moronic post implying there's actually a difference between any musou ever.
Read the manga and join the club of desperate people who want to see how it all ends.
This is the same game that features about a dozen filler missions where Guts fights bandits for no reason or adapts scenes that have no reason to be a stage in the first place. The material is there. They're just lazy.
By "modern" CoD I mean any CoD past 4.
I don't think they would conclude that, because in the first episode they see Guts doing shit after the Eclipse. I think most would conclude that it was the end of season one, and season two never happened.
>It's another post avoiding any sort of proof or examples
Yeah I don't watch anime much anyway but I might read the books. I just thought that was really funny.
>>It's another uneducated post about how every musou is just dynasty warriors with different skin
Why do you pretend the formula changes between games? It wouldn't be musou if it did.
>Why do you pretend the formula changes between games?
It's like any long running series.
Something like Pokemon or Disgaea.
The core gameplay is what the fans want, the developer doesn't reinvent it.
There's no "We want a wider audience." thing.
They want their own audience.
That doesn't mean the gameplay has never changed, if you play through DW you will notice all kinds of improvements, some good which stuck and some bad which were dropped.
More than that there are several different studios within OF now creating multiple games simultaneously. The different substudios have their own different take on mechanics. The Nintendo crew did some different stuff with Zelda and now Fire Emblem. The Berserk crew made a different kind of game with less heroes but more sub-weapons. Dynasty Warriors 9 is being developed at the same time now and so is Musou All-Stars.
I don't know exactly how many teams they have but they have enough to pump out 4+ games a year.
If Guts gets his hands on a mortal Griffith how would you think he'd do it?
Choke him?
Cut him?
Stab him?
All of the above?
Nothing and forget the grudge?
Ride his cock because the primary source of his rage is that Griffith raped Casca and not him.
>and season two never happened
But it did.
>no mouse support
>TFW even Atelier has better sales
And I feel 2017 might do a good job, I can only hope
Why does Sup Forums still pretend to know what publishers hope to get out of PC sales?
Why are gut's ears pointy?
effortless (You)'s
>5k more sales
Yes it is
I had forgotten about that.
Jesus, they even move in unison.
So, musou fans, to me it seems that the structure sort of comes from Samurai Warriors. Mostly because of the objectives and use of items in your inventory. Also the little dialogue skits remind me of SW. I hope they make a sequel, as I felt like this was a strong foundation. If the sequel is close to the quality of Pirate Warriors 2 or Ken's Rage 2 I'll be happy.
I can't see them doing Berserk 2 instead of New Property Musou.
stop making shitty musous