Benefits of software only

If Nintendo stopped trying to push their hardware we would
>get closer to E3 graphics for BotW, less strain on programmers. Objectively good
>introduce new groups of people to Nintendo games. Subjectively good
>introduce Nintendo's polish of games to people, raise standards for other companies. Obj.
>not have to worry about shitty build quality (bulky, cheap feeling controllers, poor hardware choices, og 3DS shit). Subj.
>not have to play pretend with console wars. Subj.
>100% focus on games. Obj.
>not have to justify buying sub-par titles like 1, 2-switch because of low quantity of launch titles. Subj.
>less work for 3rd party devs adapting to Nintendo's weak hardware. Obj.
Tell me how this wouldn't be better for everyone. No shills.

Also, people with only one/no console need not reply. This is a thread for people who like videogames.

Not having to worry about hardware might free up some resources for Nintendo to make more games themselves, instead of farming out anything non-Mario/Zelda to 2nd and 3rd parties.

No, I don't want the autist player base of Nintendo coming to xbox/playstation.

you are objectively autistic

Ditto let them stay in their play pen

I wouldn't even mind paying for the Switch if it were a reasonable price.

It's an old-ass tablet priced at $300, it's ridiculous.

Heh, kids without any money are hilarious. My phone alone cost 800$. My PC cost 1500$. I spend 300$ on alcohol every month.

I agree I like Nintendo products they have a flair to them but the hardware is so underpowered and outdated it's laughable.

I'm married and I pay a mortgage. I have expenses of various kinds. Of course I can technically afford to shell out for it, but I've always been brought up to be careful with money.

Everything should merge with pc. They only make separate consoles for money not because it's easier. I hate having to spend an extra 300-400 bucks just to play my favorite nintendo games.

Nintendo has their own wall garden for their software to dominate. Notice how most of their titles stay at full price for like 2 plus years

If you like video games you'd just go buy the console when it has video games you want for it instead of waiting for the biggest company in the industry to die just so you don't have to spend money buying one more console each gen.

It'll be like Sega/Sonic all over again.

Just because you have money means you should spend it like crazy.

>Fight Club picture

f***ing BADASS.

What do you do?

because a PC can play everything better than playstation and xbox.

nintendo is the only true innovator. I'll be buying nintendo hardware until the day I die.

The PC can play Nintendo software better too.

Again this fucking argument, I'm pretty sure you're serious but this is seriously some bait material
>if you're rich you can waste shittons of money on things that are not even worth half the price
I am rich too, I can buy like 50 switches every fucking month and put all of them in your ass, but I'm not going to do that because I'm not retarded like you
>switch for 300$ is shit
>"ahahahahaha you're poor" because he has absolutely no other counterpoint
Kill yourself


>It's a "Hey guys, trust me Nintendo should go software only" thread


Nothing you said has been new, everything has already been said, we're basically going off of scripts at this point, everyone and their dog who are sensible knows this is dumb, this topic always goes nowhere except for OP is an idiot, people will complain about being entitled, OP and other idiots will continue to try and argue the point when it's been beating beyond the point of death a long time ago.

We are stuck in a loop when it comes to this topic. Not ripping into OP for fun, just saying what has happened, what's happening and what will happen. None of this is even a shred of being new other than OP being too young to know better.

Yes it can. The switch uses a woefully underpowered mobile SoC.

Even GPUs that are several years old can effortlessly outperform it.

Are you trolling or something?

Kirigiri is cute

But its 300$.Worth it.
PS4 was 400$ and is a weak ass PC.

I guarantee you the Switch has fatter launch profit margins than the PS4 did.

There's no defending the price of the thing. I think BotW looks fantastic but I'm not going to drop $300 for one game. I'll wait.

>it has not happened yet therefore it won't ever happen and discussing it is dumb
Nice one, redditor

>Benefits of software only
$20-30 cheaper games.

50% of physical games are fees.

>>get closer to E3 graphics for BotW, less strain on programmers. Objectively good
Nintendo's developers would have to relearn architecture and reprogram their tools in order to create games from different platforms. This would cause strain and weaken resources for the actual development of games. Look at how shit their lineup was during the transition to HD, it would be that all over again.

>>introduce new groups of people to Nintendo games. Subjectively good
Debatable. Exclusives promote a shade elitist and keep certain cancerous demographics away from certain games, which is pretty good. Imagine the type of discussion Bayonetta 2 would've had if it was a multiplat game, shit would've been awful.
More importantly, with an expanded audience Nintendo would feel obligated to cater to it, which means more dumbed down and casual games. Exact same thing with what happened with the Wii.

>>introduce Nintendo's polish of games to people, raise standards for other companies. Obj.
Do you really think shitty AAA Western companies like Ubisoft and Take-Two would raise their standards just because Nintendo is on the same platform as them?

>not have to worry about shitty build quality (bulky, cheap feeling controllers, poor hardware choices, og 3DS shit). Subj.
Nintendo's build quality is fine. I'll take their unique systems over pre-built consolized PCs any day of the week.

the switch makes travelling with a console easier.
the hybrid nature of it is what i actually like.

also the time where graphics become less important is coming, maybe in 10 years time a device the size of a switch will have 4k with no problems. in the meantime i may not have the pinnicle of graphics but i will also be wasting less precious energy. subjective.

If I've learned anything from the last 4 console generations

>Nintendo does their own thing, has a breadth of IPs they can use, connections with old industry farts like Konami/Capcom/Namco/Sega due to being around since the early 80s

>Sony tries remaining stagnant hardware wise but tries to push for innovations that may or may not be well-received (Boomerang Controller, Wonderbook, PS4 Pro). Has a slew of their IPs but they're fairly underused outside of their initial console gen or HD remasters.

>Xbox survives off of being a PC in a box hardware-wise but is pretty much solely a Halo machine now that the majority of XBone exclusives are cross-platform with PC now. Proprietor of shit in the industry that no one really likes (Paid online, DLC (Remember the hoopla over Horse Armor?)

>PC does all the multiplats Sony and Xbox gets better plus has its own slew of exclusives, plus a 30+ year backlog of games to experience

There is no reason to be PC+Switch+PS4+Hacked 3DS+Hacked Vita this console gen

>Switch and PS4 give access to the worthwile console exclusives
>3DS gives access to 3DS/DS Library, every Nintendo console pre-N64 + every nintendo handheld, and the variety of Sega/Neo Geo/MS-DOS/Turbografix-16/etc emulators available for the thing via homebrew
>Vita does the same for Vita/PSP/PS1 emulation + Whatever homebrew both the PSP and Vita have
>PC deals with everything else, including flawless GC/Wii emulation and slowly approaching Wii-U and 3DS emulation

Prove me wrong

Can't this same argument be made for making all of the PS exclusives go to the PC?

>not have to play pretend with console wars. Subj.
Nobody gives a shit about console war besides underage faggots.

>100% focus on games. Obj.
They have separate teams for console R&D and games development. This wouldn't change anything besides the layoffs of hundreds of R&D employees.

>not have to justify buying sub-par titles like 1, 2-switch because of low quantity of launch titles. Subj.
See the second point. Nintendo would be making more of this kind of shit with an expanded audience.

>less work for 3rd party devs adapting to Nintendo's weak hardware. Obj.
Western Third Party devs aren't going to develop for the system so who cares. The 3DS was successful with First Party games and Japanese Third Party games, and the latter is already on-board with the Switch. There's no reason the Switch won't replicate that exact same success.


OP is a nigger and has no idea where Nintendo gets the monies from to do their polish routine.

Pro-Tip: 3rd parties make way less monies than first parties from game sales. They obviously also do not make monies on hardware and on other software sales.

Keep dreaming your dream. I hate the Switch. But Nintendo being 3rd party would mean Nintendo == kill.

I guess what would actually going to happen is:
Nintendo == smartphone developer.

too poor for a kids toy? so sad.

>Nintendo's developers would have to relearn architecture and reprogram their tools in order to create games from different platforms. This would cause strain and weaken resources for the actual development of games. Look at how shit their lineup was during the transition to HD, it would be that all over again.

The architecture they're designing BotW for isn't proprietary, it's nvidia's standard mobile SoC.

Nintendo are absolute masters of cost cutting on hardware

You're a braindead drone.

>not being retarded means you're a redditor now

This is academic anyway. Nintendo's already gone third-party.

Mario, Fire Emblem, Pokémon, the Miis, and soon Animal Crossing are now on smartphones, and if the Switch fails commercially, we'll just be seeing more of that.

>less strain on programmers

Yeah because using hardware you helped build is harder than using hardware you know jack shit about

People act like 300$ is a lot at launch for a console. It isn't. A console lasts at least 5-8 years, possibly more.

Great rebuttal faggot.

>hardware you helped build

Again, not OP, but they didn't built the hardware.

It's just as off-the-shelf as the Xbone and PS4.

Is it better to burn out or fade away?

switch was made at the same time as that shitty 12switch

they literaly made the hardware to be what the programers of that game wanted

>A console lasts at least 5-8 years
Yeah in the case of sony not so much with nintendo which drops support the moment the new hardware hits the shelf.

Just give it a generation or two, I'm sure Nintendo will eventually turn into Sega and be able to make games on systems with some actual horsepower.

I mean, fuck, the latest iPhone's A10 processor has more oomph than the Switch ever could.

Yes, and they would have to relearn and reprogram their development tools (which are still proprietary) for multiple different architectures.

Look at this angry poorfag and laugh.

>I mean, fuck, the latest iPhone's A10 processor has more oomph than the Switch ever could.
One of the dumbest fucking arguments I've seen floating around.

I guess you forgot about the Vita.

Technically speaking, Nintendo have barely ever created hardware themselves.

The graphics hardware in NES and SNES were designed by Ricoh. The CPU in both consoles was designed by WDC.

The CPU in the N64 was designed by MIPS. The GPU in the N64 was designed by SGI.

The CPU in the GameCube was designed by IBM, and the GPU was designed by ArtX.

if they stopped pushing hardware we'd have PC and 2 consoles trying to be PC
fuck it I don't care I'm done with the current gen anyway all the companies are shit and I'm moving to /vr/

I tend to get both Sony and Nintendo consoles every gen, Nintendo also charging for online was a kick in the balls, let's hope you can find cheaper subs (no matter how cheap Nintendos online is) during BF like Sony has.

How so? What is your counter point?

>Just give it a generation or two, I'm sure Nintendo will eventually turn into Sega and be able to make games on systems with some actual horsepower.
Nintendo has millions in the bank, they could survive 10 Wii U-style failures. Considering how successful the 3DS was the Switch should keep them profitable quite easily. Also,
>being a graphics whore

>I mean, fuck, the latest iPhone's A10 processor has more oomph than the Switch ever could.
The iPhone costs $800+ and is a fucking phone that can't console games.

>introduce new groups of people to Nintendo games.
This makes zero sense. Nintendo by far has the largest brand-name recognition in this industry and is regarded as -the- video game company. Anyone who even has half a rat's ass invested in this medium knows Nintendo, and even people who don't give a shit still knows about Nintendo. Nintendo has a fucking mascot for the 2020 olympics for christ's sake. If there's one thing they need, people knowing about them is the last thing on the list.

>made the hardware

They put some premade components together with advice from programmers, like every console manufacturer does dude.

They weren't fucking farming SMC silicon and fabbing it themselves, don't be an idiot.

>iPhone's A10
>$700 phone
>$300 gaming console


>but the hardware is so underpowered and outdated it's laughable
That's consoles in general.

when will you stupid fucking niggers understand stopping hardware production would literally cut nintendo's revenue in half but also greatly lower the amount of money they make on software which would have drastic effects on their workforce therefore on their ability to create games? is that really such a difficult concept to grasp?

>spend 300$ on alcohol every month
enjoy liver failure at 35

>Yes, and they would have to relearn and reprogram their development tools (which are still proprietary) for multiple different architectures.

This is an argument for literally everyone going first party proprietary. And because of better APIs it's not as much of a big deal anymore.

Not even that guy but

>TF2 funny faces


Pretty much. Nobody appreciates that Nintendo is the only console manufacturing trying new shit and not just making consolized PCs.

The Xbone might as well not even exist since all its exclusives are also on PC, at least the PS4 has some exclusives to justify a purchase over a PC.

It's not the cost for me it's the fact there's ANOTHER FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING PLASTIC BOX TO BUY TO PLAY A SELECT FEW FUCKING GAMES. Seriously, not all of us are fucking junk collectors, why do I need another fucking goddamn box to play a few games that say, a FUCKING PC could run. I don't hold onto game cases, if I can emulate I emulate, If I can download I download.

Not a graphics whore, I have pre-ordered a Switch and can't wait to get it. That doesn't mean I am underwhelmed with the specs that they chose to use, and wish they would have put something out more on par with the current gen. The system and games will be fun regardless, I was just making a point that if Nintendo keeps putting out failing systems, they will turn into software-only mode to be able to push a profit. No way in hell would they go 10 generations of Wii U style failures, their investors would jump fucking ship. Millions of dollars can only keep a huge company running for so long if they are constantly netting losses. That's just basic common sense.

>when will you stupid fucking niggers understand stopping hardware production would literally cut nintendo's revenue in half but also greatly lower the amount of money they make on software

For some of the faggots here, that's a feature, not a bug.

Sup Forums is pro-consumer.

I'll wind up buying a switch at some point probably, but BotW is literally the only thing that interests me on it at this point.

That new Mario game they showed off looked fucking terrible. Reminded me of Lego Island.

>when Reddit inserts words they perceive to see to start shit
Didn't say it won't happen. The discussion is absolutely dumb though. You're half right and sound like those people who go "Well it doesn't matter if it's been discussed half to death to beyond it, I haven't spoken about it yet so therefore it matters." Shame on you if you have, you know this always ends with 3rd party wanters getting butt blasted all over the thread.

>Sup Forums is pro-consumer.

There's a reason why people avoid PC, they just pirate everything.

I mean compare the switch to current/ last gen hardware even phones and tablet it's really behind.

There are n64 games that to this day can't be emulated properly, let alone better. Not the guy you're replying to by the way.

Consoles used to have hardware more powerful and more technology ahead of PCs

I think the new Mario is going to be huge, since it's not coming out until the end of this year they still have plenty of time to work on it. I'm also excited to see them adhere to the Mario 64/Sunshine style of game rather than the Galaxy series. I doubt they could possibly go wrong with that.

Do you mean it graphically looked terrible or the gameplay etc looked terrible?

Listen sony shitposter, buy the console already if you're so goddamn desperate to play their games.

>I don't hold onto game cases

Opinion discarded

l know, but l can at least understand the console war shitposters who just want nintendo to die

l'll never get that special brand of autists who're convinced third party nintendo would be a better version of current nintendo, it's retarded beyond belief

If Pokemon didnt exist, id have forgotten Nintendo existed

Their last media blowout on video games was E3 2015 and they showed nothing but budgeted schedule-padding shovelware, and their last major release (again bar Pokemon) was SMM back in September 2015

i figured their Switch launch would be more bombastic and not parading around 1 game for a year

>Sup Forums is pro-consumer.
The homogenization of vidya is not pro consumer.

Youre mum

>I think the new Mario is going to be huge, since it's not coming out until the end of this year

This is why I'm going to wait 'til the end of this year to get a Switch. I bought a damn Wii U for Zelda and I'll be damned if I don't play there.

Hardware was less uniform back then. These days Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo hardware "engineers" just literally pick parts to put into a box designed by a graphic designer. Give or take.

>I'm married and I pay a mortgage.
you have nobody to blame but yourself

yeah they're fucking ruining it for us

>horder detected
enjoy your piles of plastic trash, its 2017 for fucks sake I'm on bottom tier broadband and still would rather fucking download

Nintendo would be making less money if they went Third Party, it should never happen.

Not him but
Fuck Sony
Fuck nintendo
I just want the games and don't wanna deal with console bulls hit exclusives

Same I plan to wait for emulation for odyssey, I got the 3ds for Pokemon too, couldn't be bothered getting a wiiu

Yes, I'm your mum. Go do your fucking grammar homework, Timmy, or you won't be allowed to shitpost anymore.

Ahahahah never ever

Fuck off nigger

I'm sorry you don't appreciate physical games anymore, user. Maybe it has something to do with Blizzard and EA being the only companies that puts out physical boxes for PC games these days?

Meanwhile I get to enjoy that new game smell when I rip open a new PS4 game, and I'll get to do that again on Friday when I get my Switch with Zelda and Bomberman

I agree, but I can see why someone would want to own, at least, Nintendo's old consoles.

>implying fucking Zelda and fucking Mario STILL deserve their own dedicated hardware machines in 2017


If Sony stopped trying to push their hardware we would
>get closer to E3 graphics for Horizon, less strain on programmers. Objectively good
>introduce new groups of people to Sony, Naughty Dog and more devs' games. Subjectively good
>introduce Sony's polish of games to people, raise standards for other companies.
>not have to worry about shitty build quality (shit grip, cheap controllers, poor hardware choices, og Vita shit). Subj.
>not have to play pretend with console wars. Subj.
>100% focus on games. Obj.
>not have to justify buying sub-par titles like Uncharted because of low quantity of launch titles. Subj.
>less work for 3rd party devs adapting to Sony's backwards hardware. Obj.
Tell me how this wouldn't be better for everyone. No shills.

Why would you want them on your console then?

Hasn't been true for like 3 generations now. Basically, 20 years or so.

Not 'your' or not even trying to meme by saying 'you're'

>>introduce Sony's polish of games to people, raise standards for other companies.
>100% focus on games. Obj.